Astrology Dictionary C Page 4


Astrology Dictionary C Page 4

Climacterical Periods

The term Climacterical Periods originated from the texts of ancient Greek Philosophy, Medicine and Astrology. The word climacteric is a translation of the Latin climactericus and represents certain turning point periods in a person's life as they age. The first climacterical period begins at the age of 7 and then again at 14, 21, 49, 56 and 63. With the progression of each of these life age stages we are assumed to 'evolve' our thought processes to higher levels of awareness. This concept written about by Ptolemy has medical associations and also inspired Shakespeare's interest for his work the Seven Ages of Man.

Coalescent Chart

Coalescent Chart is the name for an astrological relationship analysis technique developed by Lawrence Grinnell. This 20th century charting method is based on harmonics assigned to planets and works like a composite chart. Using a pair of natal maps the relative positions of celestial bodies, the Moon's Nodes and the Midheaven are compared. Coalescent Chart's are useful for showing transit sensitivity that can reveal the dynamics between 2 individuals. The harmonic is worked out by calculating the shortest arcs in both birth charts and dividing the angles into 360. Then the position of a planet is multiplied by the harmonic figure to begin assessing compatibility.


Combust is the term used in Astrology to illustrate planets that are hidden by the Sun and so unable to display their full influence. So combustion is said to occur in these conditions and is regarded as being a malefic 'burnt' astrological position. A Combust planet, in Horary Astrology in particular, is seen as most unfortunate as it's invisibility usually fully negates its influential significance. Ephemerides are available on a daily basis indicating the combustion start and end of different planets obscured by the Sun. They measure from a set place on Earth the direct and retrograde motions to monitor the periods a planet will be considered Combust.


A Composite chart is an astrological view of the combination of 2 people's natal configurations to assess their compatibility. It is constructed using the planetary midpoints found within the two birth charts and presents insights into the relationship. The construction of Composite charts is a modern branch of Astrology concentrating on this specific area of life. As they focus on the personality and destiny mapped in both nativity charts of individuals, they reveal areas of similarity. This mixture of astrologically derived information, especially concerning emotions and destinys, can be analyzed as one to evaluate the potential of a harmonious partnership.


Aspects in Astrology charts are highlights of the moments in time where planets form an angular relationship with one another. In a natal chart, along with signs, houses and planets, they express personality traits and possible courses of destiny. The Conjunct aspect occurs when 2 or more planets are within 8 degrees of each other and it is considered the most influential of all the major aspects. It has great importance and significance in birth charts as when 2 planets are this close to each other their astrological effect is thought to be amplified. A Conjunct angle illustrates an energizing nurturing strength within the area it is formed in. Conjunct's often emphasize a person's hidden inner strengths and energies.


Groups of Fixed Stars are known as Constellations and in ancient times they were believed to represent symbolic images in the sky. As our Earth is at a tilt the positions of these collections of celestial bodies move in relation to it. Twelve sets of Constellations lie along the Sun's path and these are named the Zodiac Constellation referred to in many old and new forms of Astrology. Constellations are usually easily identified as their formation tends to take the shape of many mythical beings. Many Constellations were observed some 5,000 years ago in Mesopotamia the place where it is thought the concept of Astrology originally emerged.


A Contra-Antiscion in Astrology is a zodiac sign or point on a natal chart that is equal in it's distance from another. So the 12 astrological signs have Contra-Antiscion, these placements are Aries and Pisces, Taurus and Aquarius, Gemini and Capricorn, Libra and Virgo, Scorpio and Leo and Sagittarius and Cancer. A celestial body is said to be in Contra-Antiscion to another when it has taken the same ascent duration to rise over the horizon. Astrologers calculate precise Contra-Antiscion points by deducting 30 degrees from the degree of the first point. It is considered by some Astrologists to be a powerful influence with similar effect to a square or opposition aspect.

Next astrological definitions of Astrology Dictionary for letter C:

Converse, Coordinates, Copernican System, Co-ruler, Cosmic, Cosmobiology, Cosmos

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