Astrology Dictionary J Page 1


Astrology Dictionary J Page 1

Jaimini Astrology

Jaimini is an Indian form of Astrology that uses zodiac signs and their order as a guide rather than houses to cast aspects. Cardinal signs aspect Fixed signs and vice versa except for adjacent signs and the Mutable signs aspect one another. It uses indicators within the signs called padas to interpret certain important areas of life like marriage. Jaimini Astrology uses the occupation of planets within a sign and takes into account the power of the planet that rules that sign. Planetary rulership is dictated by age using trine houses, the signs and the position of the Lords. Durations of rulerships are determined by the distances between the sign and it's Lord.


Edward Johndro was a 19th Century Canadian astrologer and mathematician who along with his colleague Charles Jayne discovered the Vertex. In Astronomy this is known as the Prime Circle and in Astrology it refers to the path of the Sun or the points on the wheel of the zodiac. He is also responsible for attaching astrological influence to different latitudes. Johndro wrote several astrological books including the Earth in the Heavens introducing Locational Astrology. This has allowed Astrology analysis and predictive timing of events to be forecast without the need for an accurate time of birth.


Joys are the name for the areas in the zodiac where planets are harmoniously situated and appear to 'rejoice' by having a beneficial influence. Astrologist William Lilly devised the phrase 'Joys' to planetary positions that were regarded as 'comfortable' in signs and houses. Saturn rejoices in the 1st and 8th houses and has joy in Aquarius, Jupiter revels in the 2nd and 9th houses and has joy in Sagittarius. Mars rejoices in the 3rd and 10th houses and has joy in Scorpio, the Sun delights in the 4th and 11th houses and has joy in Leo. Venus rejoices in the 5th and 12th houses with its joy being in Taurus. Mercury glories in the 6th house with joy in Virgo and the Moon rejoices in the 7th house and has joy in Cancer.

Judicial Astrology

In the middle ages natural astrology was used and generally accepted for the assisting, diagnosing and treating of medical patients. It was also utilized for weather forecasting. Judicial Astrology is the name given to all other kinds of astrological predictions and has many different names. These include Mundane, Horary, Natal and Electional. Mundane involves predicting world events and Natal deals with the charting of personal birth analysis. Electional Astrology provides judgment of suitable timing and Horary seeks specific answers to questions based on moments in time. All these Astrology variations are classed as 'Judicial' as opposed to the ancient primitive versions.

Julian Calendar

The Julian Calendar is a calendar commissioned by Julius Caesar to fill the need for a more accurate system of time calculation. He assigned Sosigenes of Alexandria the task of creating a simple and precise method to calm confusion about days, months and years that had developed in the Roman Empire. The calendar calculated that 1 year had a length of 365 and a quarter days and every fourth year would be a leap year to accommodate the extra days. It began use around 45 BC and was named the Julian Calendar after Caesar. For Astrology at this time it meant the months were no longer decided by the visible stages of the Moon. They now had a more fixed dating system that now regarded a month as 30 or 31 days aside from February's 28 and 29 in a leap year.

Julian Day

Julian Day or JD as it is prefixed should not be mixed up with the Julian Calendar as they are different things. The Julian Day or Date is worked out by Joseph Scaliger's system for calculating whole numbers to identify differences in calendar dates. He devised a method based on the 7,980 year cycle in place that was associated with the current solar, lunar and tax cycles at the time. In Astrology the Julian Day helps with referencing, converting and computing the time periods between 2 dates in history by means of straightforward subtraction. Each individual JD day is in consecutive order so the calculation of dates over long periods of time can be quickly arrived at without endless calculations.


Juno is one of the few asteroid influences noted significant in Astrology, others are Pallas, Vesta, Astraea, Chiron and Ceres. It has the designation 3 Juno as it was the third asteroid discovered and recorded as a Minor planet in the astronomy cataloging system in 1804. Juno was named after Jupiter's wife and sister as she was regarded as Queen of the Gods and renown for her vitality. In Greek mythology Juno was believed, along with Janus and his passage of time and motion, to play a role in governing the birth of each new Moon. For astrological interpretation Juno can reveal lots about soul mate relationships, marriage, jealousy issues and anything connected with affairs of the heart.

Next astrological definitions of Astrology Dictionary for letter J:

Jupiter, Jyotish

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