Birthday Horoscope December 15th

Birthday Horoscope December 15th


If your Birthday is December 15th and your Zodiac Sign is Sagittarius

Birthday Horoscope for those who were born on December 15th under the Zodiac sign Sagittarius



December 15th Persona Profile

People born specifically on the 15th of December are conjectured to be creative, imaginative and fun loving with the typical Sagittarius philosophical outlook on life. The ruling astrological planet for this particular day is Venus making you usually rather intellectual, curious, very diplomatic and great at compromising. If you have this birthday your highly sociable and charming temperament tends to place much value on friendship and putting others at ease. Ambitious and hard working you will ordinarily possess an exploring mind and a fondness of all types of travel. You have a slightly restless spirit guiding you to be occasionally a tad nosy, fault finding and impulsive but your thoughts and actions are likely to be straightforward and sincere. Individuals with a December the fifteenth birthday are fairly confident with sound judgment and lots of optimism, naturally looking for the best in others. You are helpful, compassionate and caring with a responsible attitude and high principles but sometimes a little bossy too.



December 15th Work and Finances

Care, social or support work in a local community is an enjoyable and popular job choice to a person born on the fifteenth of December. Your ample levels of helpfulness and compassion are ideal attributes for these type of professions. In addition to your kind sympathetic nature your wonderful imagination and artistic talents seem to filter through into any occupation you choose. Your natural good luck concerning the acquiring of money and resources usually helps you keep financial matters stable. A touch of impulsiveness and a keen eye for a bargain can prove profitable, suggesting self employment at some time in your life is a big possibility.



December 15th Personal Relationships

For a Sagittarius, the person born on the fifteenth day of December is typically someone who likes to live life to the fullest and really appreciates luxuries and comforts. Seductive and flirty on the surface you tend to be much more emotional and sensitive than you initially portray and often quicker to commit to a long term relationship than most other zodiac Archers. You will however insist on intense loyalty and fair play in return for your empathy, love and devotion. You seek a loving companion as your soul mate and although you like partying you are just as happy to cuddle up together in your private love nest. You will try your best to keep a relationship argument free as you are rather adept at assessing and understanding your partner's thoughts, wishes and feelings. In spite of this you are inclined to be sometimes too trusting and easily hurt. Becoming a parent can help you learn lots about yourself.



December 15th Health

Poor food options and being quite overly optimistic can often impact upon the usual healthiness experienced by those born on December 15th. Your sanguine disposition and attitude may keep your spirits up but it can also cause you to push yourself too hard as well as once in a while neglect basic healthcare. The right healthful diet ideally with a limit on sugar and fats is especially important if you wish to run at a healthy optimum performance and feel and look good. People born on this day should discover that partaking in moderate regular exercise, preferably outdoors, such as jogging or playing tennis is highly beneficial to overall vitality.



December 15th Strengths and Weaknesses

Your main strengths of character are admirably exhibited in your cheerful affability and thoughtful sincerity helping you form a balanced perspective on life. Your shrewdness, confidence and principled sense of responsibility are additional fortes that assist you to normally stay focused and on track. The personality weaknesses for those born on December 15th relate to your anticipated pronenesses for nosiness, bossiness and criticism. An encounter with negative vibes, anger or upset are the common triggers for your less favorable traits. In these circumstances your behavioral responses can become unrealistic, interfering or controlling.



December 15th Dreams and Goals

Being born on the 15th of December means you are likely to have the ability to mentally visualize goals as motivation for their completion. You will rarely be discouraged by a setback to your plans and are commonly quick to resume your efforts to achieve a very meaningful ambition. Dreams can frequently grant you added inspiration as their predicted themes allow you to focus intently on desired aspirations. Visualizing the things you most desire while dreaming is often an effective method of inspiring you to push to accomplish them.



December 15th Birthday Luck and Significance

As you were born on the fifteenth day of the month the one and five in your birth date total a Root number of Six. This numerical reference to your birthday has the keyword 'Social' identifying your kindness, passion for companionship and enjoyment of interesting company. In Tarot the 15th mystic card in the Major Arcana depicting the Devil is associated with your birthday. This highlights the tight control you aim to retain on your energies and actions plus your skill at overcoming restrictions. The luckiest gemstone for December the fifteenth birthdays is Turquoise, wear it for its imagined potential to protect and calm your body and mind.



December 15th Horoscope Summation

The probabilities of all Sagittarian personalities are thought to be influenced astrologically by the dominance of the planet Jupiter. The actual day you were born on, the fifteenth of December is ruled over by Venus's powerful influence creating your probable uniqueness from others born around the same time. Your plentiful intellect, curiosity and diplomacy aid you to find the most favorable paths. Your preference to compromise helps you avert disagreements while your touch of restlessness keeps you active and hopeful for the future. A concluding thought for people born on December the 15th is that you should be able to make better progress if you avoid being too pushy or overconfident.

December Birthday Horoscope

Comments: Birthday Horoscope December 15th

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Susan 2016-11-06 03:38:29
Yep am a December born too and yesss DAT
Caty 2023-11-29 06:29:23
It's absolutely fascinating, isn't it? To think astrology could have such a precision in capturing the essence of who we are, especially for those of us sharing this December 15th birthday. This profile paints a picture so familiar it's as if it's been drawn from my own life's canvas. The creativity, the imagination, and that inherent love for fun, blended with a philosophical outlook—that's me. Venus seems to sprinkle a bit of its charm on my intellect, curiosity, and the knack for diplomacy that I find so useful in life. Sociability, valuing friendship, that relentless work ethic, and the wanderlust that keeps me dreaming of distant horizons—you've outlined it all. And while, sure, I have my nosy moments and can get a little caught up in the details, my intentions remain earnest. You've got me pegged with the optimism and confidence, and even though I might steer towards being a touch authoritative sometimes, at heart, it's all about caring and upholding my ideals. Reading this, it's indeed amazing, and I can't help but marvel at the threads of commonality that somehow unite us December 15 folks. It's a small revelation, and I'm here for it!
Connie 2016-10-06 06:45:14
This describes me pretty much to a tee when
I was younger..
Now i'm considered to be an empathy
I can deeply feel others sorrow and pain,
"human and animals"..

I'm more of a loner now, I have a couple
of close friends, whereas, years ago I had
so many..
I love my inner peace, and I think that's
why I enjoy being a loner. There's no more
drama in my life...

I'm also good at reading people..It's hard to fool me..
I was told that it's a special Sagittarius gift...
daniella 2019-11-12 18:46:01
Yes, I consider myself an very popular loner, people probably think I keep a stable of friends around and entertain regularly when on the contrary I love entertaining OUTSIDE of my home. When I go home I love love love the peace of not being bother by anyone and turning off my nature to entertain and make everyone feel good for the quiet uninterrupted to myself time and I love my to myself time immeasurably!
Jessica 2016-05-25 00:41:18
It's so unreal how this works,,,, how all of us dec 15 babies can ALL be so much the same. This explains me in ways or words I've not considered using before to explain me to someone. It's amazing.
lil adele 2016-04-04 08:27:57
hmmmm....all of this is direct GO SAGGITARIANS
Victoria 2016-02-06 14:15:59
Wow..pegged dead on. Always optimist and always moving. Yep that's me
Samara 2016-02-04 00:02:39
I AM becoming a very young parent. I know this will teach me a lot about my self. The devil though?? Yikes!
David Southard 2015-12-28 19:45:11
Add me on fb look for pink hair and the fat chubby face
Masiayia 2015-12-24 21:03:17
That is me I am really shy and a little bit nosy to and nice to any one
Damian 2015-12-10 08:01:06
I'm an aries . Looking for a Sagittarius woman
Gaby 2015-08-21 21:07:55
I'm really shy, and I don't exactly like to get involved in things.. But eh XD
Karen Wong 2015-07-15 17:26:10
Thats true,Iam full of ideas about Agriculture.I love to learn diff.Languages coz I believe this make you communicate well and thus learning frm others.Now I Know why Iam nature lover.Thank you for this wonderful messages,Ive read.Thank you to the question is,Do I have luck to try becoming an Financial advisor?I love to do research.Now Iam interested about.Electronics,Biochemistry and Solar Energy.I dnt Know why I have these Vision.When Im dreaming It become true.Sometimes even when Im awake.I feel like I have to need Mentor to help me realize what Energy I have.
Jeani_Bae 2015-07-12 15:59:46
OhhMahhGahh! This is ME They Know Me Soo Well Lol

sebas 2015-06-22 18:41:31
Absolutely perfect. Thats me totally, commitment in relationships, i like partying but to a certain extent, and also appreciate luxury...omg...
dhaval 2015-05-28 04:10:29
Thats typically meeee !! Unbelievable but true , we are weirdos with strong principles and a strong mindset , I agree with few people here we arent too social directly , but once given a chance and time we can easily be the centre of conversation
Erica 2015-04-21 13:14:59
i am just like this ... wierd but so cool !!!
Jodyann innerarity 2015-02-27 09:32:27
Wow! That explains a lot abut me..that's really me no kidding!
Person 2015-01-09 00:02:33
I can't comprehend on how much this is me, well, except for the devil part
Chris Yeoti 2015-01-07 14:36:50
Wow,can't believe this is all true about me.
Awesome to see.
Yeoti 2015-01-07 12:27:52
I can't believe that this thing said it all about me.
Mela 2014-12-31 22:25:00
For the most part I was reading this article like wow. How do they know me, lol
Luke 2014-12-29 08:04:20
For the most part it's true, but I'm more of a wallflower in a social setting. I like to observe. If involved in the convo I'll speak.
meranda 2014-12-17 09:43:14
Wow I am lyk OMG tht is so me
Daisygirl43 2014-12-15 11:11:22
Really impressed. This is spot on.
sid 2014-12-08 18:38:45
Woww most of things are actually true. am impressed

Cat 2014-10-31 15:56:41
Read my life without even knowing me. Wow. First spot on acurite horiscope ive seen yet. Thanks!

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