Birthday Horoscope January 10th

Birthday Horoscope January 10th


If your Birthday is January 10th and your Zodiac Sign is Capricorn

Birthday Horoscope for those who were born on January 10th under the Zodiac sign Capricorn



January 10th Persona Profile

People born specifically on the 10th of January have an innovative practical approach to life and are very good at solving problems. Like a typical Capricorn Goat you are strong willed, a little too serious natured but reliable and enthusiastic. Astrologically the Sun is the celestial body that rules this particular day and gives you an adventurous edge to your personality. If you have this birthday you are inclined to be a private person but one that is willing to take more risks than any other Capricorns. Individuals with a January the tenth birthday usually possess an entrepreneurial spirit and like to keep busy. You have a cheerful and friendly nature but prefer one or two close friends rather than many. Although you are quite sociable you also appreciate moments alone to gather your thoughts. You can also be extremely uncompromising are sometimes a bit blunt when expressing your views and opinions.



January 10th Work and Finances

The pursuit of a satisfying career to a person born on the tenth of January is important as they tend to find most jobs boring. You have good leadership skills and can deal well with high degrees of pressure and multi tasking. Your unconventional but effective approach to getting things done is a result of your ability to think and act simultaneously. Finances are usually easy for you to manage although you do have to restrain yourself from overspending occasionally. With a love of luxurious things and the latest trends and gadgets most of you just cannot seem to resist snapping up a bargain.



January 10th Personal Relationships

Emotionally you are typical of your zodiac sign and are rather reserved when it comes to the idea of love and romance. The person born on the tenth day of January is excellent at hiding their feelings but they long to be appreciated and feel loved. So they generally discover a way of attracting attention without having to open up, especially at the beginning of a relationship. You usually have a high sex drive and will search for a partner that shares your enthusiasm and energy in this area. A suitable mate will also need to share your probable love of the great outdoors and all things natural. You will have few insecurities within a long term soul mate partnership aside from sometimes being overly protective. Once settled in a personal relationship you are less restless and more open with your emotions.



January 10th Health

Health wise those born on January 10th are most often quite robust and rarely seem to fall ill but they can suffer from stress. This is because you tend to be sometimes overly realistic about things and possibly not open enough about how you really feel. People born on this day are likely to be frequently tense due to high expectations of themselves and others. This can lead to little niggling complaints like slight posture problems, indigestion or tension headaches. Learning how to unwind effectively and on a regular basis is advised to prevent tenseness building and causing any issues.



January 10th Strengths and Weaknesses

Your main strengths of character are in your acute realism, and your calm but authoritative and determined manner. These set of positive characteristics will help you find happiness, security and success in life and they far outweigh any of your negative traits. The main Weakness in the personalities of those born on January 10th is the emotional armor you always insist on wearing in an attempt to avoid getting hurt. This guarded stance and your tendencies to sometimes be a touch insensitive, or display jealousy, are just tiny imperfections in an otherwise lovely personality.



January 10th Dreams and Goals

Being born on the 10th of January means that your dreams and goals are not usually concentrated in one area. Your main wishes are for equal contentment in all parts of your life so whatever you do will be in the hope of fulfilling this desire. A solid committed relationship is at the heart of any aspirations you may have for the future. Without the security of warmth and love from another person you see your other life aims as not so significant. Despite this, you do not abandon your plans you simply leave them simmering in the background until the time and circumstances feel right to proceed.



January 10th Birthday Luck and Significance

As you were born on the tenth day of the month your date of birth digits of 1 and zero add up to 1, so your birthday has a Root number of One. This number has the keyword 'Drive' identifying your heightened motivation to progress in life. The Tarot card associated with your birthday is the 10th card in the Major Arcana the Wheel of Fortune. This can signify your will to control your own destiny and easily change negatives into positives. A Ruby is the lucky gemstone for January the tenth birthdays and it is thought that its power generates personal prosperity and well being.



January 10th Horoscope Summation

As a Capricorn your characteristics are believed to be mainly formed by the astrological influences of the planet Saturn. The actual day you were born, the tenth of January, is cosmically influenced by the Sun. These 2 celestial bodies and their favorable positions make the special uniqueness of the traits of people born on January the 10th. You appear to have a good balance of your priorities and a mature attitude and these qualities will allow you to aim high and achieve lots. Being more sensitive to the needs of others will help you understand them better. In conclusion you should consider being a bit more observant, tune into your perception and open up your heart more often to those you love and respect.

January Birthday Horoscope

Comments: Birthday Horoscope January 10th

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Juliet 2018-02-25 12:00:28
Waoo,wonderful this is so real it explained well almost all my characters, kudos to you guyz I love this
Ramat 2017-04-26 10:40:21
Waoh,exactly what am going through. So it's destined to be.May Allah make it easy.
Thanks so much
Sue 2017-01-26 08:31:16
This is soo very acurate. I'm in love with a guy born this same date and he is exactly like this
iesaach 2016-12-31 14:58:14
Soooo accurate wow everything is right!
Nceba 2016-09-14 09:19:57
For the first time in my entire life to read something that explains my life the way it is........I'm so fascinated........Thank you very much.........
vicki 2016-05-28 06:54:05
I expected the future to be explained not how I nam I know me and how I am so this is nothing new to me
Undesirable 2016-04-04 12:52:42
One thing is true. 99% of person born on 10 January will be lonely in heart and in life because of their boring nature which cant be changed.
Success in life will be delayed and they will have no one to celebrate their success with.
sk 2016-09-02 19:06:54
that's so sad. i hope that's not how my life is.
Julianna Klingon UofA 2016-07-11 16:33:11
I agree that when hundreds of people kick the clown's face for big money and then hide behind their religious reputations, they are doing the work of good Christians.
leeann 2016-02-27 18:06:04
Everything is true except January birthstone is garnet not ruby.
dep 2016-01-11 07:47:31
Shar 2016-01-10 09:33:41
This post hits home on the man I've fallen in love with!! Happy birthday my love!!
Sheshe 2016-01-10 00:26:46
It's very accurate. I found this one paragraph hit home the hardest right now, I've been trying to understand why I am so unproductive lately and why I keep procrastinating my needs and dreams, being alone so long now, I lost my motivation and desire. I'm a better person to myself when there is someone to share myself with. Anyway here's that paragraph I'm talking about....

" A solid committed relationship is at the heart of any aspirations you may have for the future. Without the security of warmth and love from another person you see your other life aims as not so significant. Despite this, you do not abandon your plans you simply leave them simmering in the background until the time and circumstances feel right to proceed. "
1/10 birthday horoscope 2015-10-17 15:39:36
That's my mother's birthday horoscope. I'm sure it is all accurate to her.
catherine 2015-11-10 23:02:01
i was also born on the 10th day of january and everything said is 100percent true

Wewe 2015-07-02 10:56:59
I have been reading a lot of Horoscope about my day....but this one portrays my true picture...thank you
Scarab 2015-06-22 18:16:13
Very accurate! Just need to find love again my husband passed away suddenly 3 years ago so your comments regarding the emotional walls and desiring partnership hit home.
gaurav 2015-09-09 20:08:50
May be u would like to have a coffe
thomas g 2015-06-10 12:16:22
this describes me to a t i wish i knew this information when i was much younger maybe i could have saved my marriage
gavin byrne 2015-06-09 10:58:34
Too true. Me in nut shell !! 🙂
Katalizt 2015-03-29 12:27:05
I've been having problems with myself till today i found this, i now understand WHO i am. Indeed everything on here is true about me because i was born on 10 Jan. This is amazing but it's what i just needed for this day. Thanks very much. God bless you!!!!
aditya 2015-03-27 21:23:29
Most accurate horoscope,i have found.
supreb job.THANKS a lot
ale 2015-02-09 07:29:00
Very true. I accidentally found this site ,I want to purchase some jewelry and was checking around. But it is honestly confusing so many sites ,so many different answers. In any case this one seemed the most accurate.
Randolph 2015-02-01 05:41:43
I learnt stuff about me I didn't notice n stuff I already knew..... But this is true, very true...... every word.. n my goal is Entrepreneur in 2different fields of work n the relationship thing (y) 🙂
Bob 2015-01-14 04:43:33
Seems close. I'm a mental health counselor. Not too much money but I guide people and am grateful to do so.
Chicagocode 2015-01-11 01:30:33
Truly accurate!! Happy Birthday to us 🙂
Val 2015-01-10 17:08:21
For the most part this describes me perfectly!! Happy birthday to me and to you all too
Cat 2015-01-10 16:51:46
Pretty much nailed it .. 60 today .. doesn't seem possible.

Domark Ybanez Paquibot 2015-01-10 15:24:00
True and correct . Its my 44th Birthday today. God bless us all
Marianne 2015-01-10 12:46:09
another amazing year for us. We live a charmed life, don't we? Happy Birthday to my fellow January 10th'ers
Franc 2015-01-08 23:23:49
67 years of a January 10th birthday can't be wrong. The only other thing I can add is a high degree of good fortune for the entire month of January. Go for it.
Catherine Nau 2014-12-12 17:36:59
I can't believe how did they know me?? :P
shay 2014-11-17 11:43:35
I'm glad to see that many of us have the same bday.Jan 10,rule! This whole article feels like it read my mind.
Khelle Radebe 2014-11-06 14:56:17
Wow! This is so true...
Excellent and on point...

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