Birthday Horoscope March 14th

Birthday Horoscope March 14th


If your Birthday is March 14th and your Zodiac Sign is Pisces

Birthday Horoscope for those who were born on March 14th under the Zodiac sign Pisces



March 14th Persona Profile

People born specifically on the 14th of March are assumed to be intelligent with a strong creative insight and plenty of Piscean selflessness. This particular day's ruling astrological planet is Mercury making you a visionary dreamer who is both innovative and imaginative with effective communication skills. If you have this birthday your quirky wit, humanitarian values and clever ideas help you make friends easily. Your artistic but logical temperament is not at all presumptuous and will analyze, scrutinize and question everything you see or hear. You prefer to form your own opinions of things and generally stick to them but are still able to appreciate the views of others. Individuals with a March the fourteenth birthday can be a little idealistic and distance themselves a bit too much emotionally. Your sincerity is sometimes shaded by a slight lack of self confidence causing you to appear more reserved and secretive than you really are.



March 14th Work and Finances

Work of most types will be suitable to a person born on the fourteenth of March as long as it is rewarding and varied. Your vivid imagination, inventive nature and keen helpfulness are the usual attributes that you find useful when applying for the ideal job. Communicating is one of your strong points and something you enjoy so any career involving relaying information is also a good choice. You are not usually particularly good with finances, nevertheless managing your budget is a thing you take seriously. Consequently you are unlikely to be tempted by gambling or other risky financial ventures.



March 14th Personal Relationships

For a Pisces, the person born on the fourteenth day of March is untypically not too overemotional concerning love and romance. Unlike other fish you do not seem to smother a partner with demands for emotional reassurances but you do tend to fall in love easily and deeply. You are still however starry-eyed about the idea of a destined soul mate and you absolutely adore being romanced and pampered. A personal relationship must have a deep loyal friendship as its core and provide lots of mental stimulation and affinity to keep you interested. In the physical side of a relationship you can be described as passionate and adventurous while also being very considerate. You need to feel loved and appreciated and although you may find commitment difficult when you do commit it will be completely and with an intense devotion.



March 14th Health

Minor health problems experienced by those born on March 14th are occasionally a result of inadequate attention to bodily requirements. You are often more concerned about your mental well being and happiness rather than eating sensibly and listening to your body. As you mature, as a rule you will learn that healthiness is promoted by balance and that too much concern in one area can lead to imbalances in others. People born on this day can be especially sensitive to the intoxication of alcohol and should avoid it. Exercise could be fun as well as beneficial and will help you keep in trim.



March 14th Strengths and Weaknesses

The main strengths in your character are to be found in your accepting, flexible and affectionate mannerisms. Additional positive traits include your high level of intelligence and your insightful and modest, unassuming outlook. These qualities and your communicative spirit help you be a warm and openminded individual with unbiased judgment. Personality weaknesses that may be apparent for those born on March 14th revolve around your tendencies to be indecisive, self doubting and noncommittal. These negative traits are revealed more when you are overly tired so getting enough sleep is an essential.



March 14th Dreams and Goals

Being born on the 14th of March makes you aesthetically inclined so your dreams are likely to be filled with fanciful scenes. Although you are quite naturally intuitive you do not often associate your dream contents with reality aside from the inspired concepts they may give you. You are fairly ambitious but not ordinarily for monetary success, you seek to be recognized for one of your brain waves or doing something caring and meaningful to make a difference. You like setting goals as you feel they are useful motivating stepping stones that guide you in the direction of self achievement.



March 14th Birthday Luck and Significance

As you were born on the fourteenth of the month the one and the four in your birth date add up to a Root number of Five. This numerical reference to your birthday has the keyword 'Inquiry' and it accentuates your analytical inquisitiveness. The Tarot card most associated with your birthday is the 14th in the Major Arcana, Temperance. This symbolizes the fine control you have on your emotions and your resourcefulness. The gemstone attracting the best luck for March the fourteenth birthdays is thought to be a Diamond. Besides luckiness it is imagined to enhance fortitude and belief in oneself.



March 14th Horoscope Summation

The cosmic influence of the planet Neptune is believed to be the strongest force astrologically on Piscean personalities. The actual day you were born on, the fourteenth of March is ruled over by the celestial body Mercury. Thw merging of these 2 planetary influences create your individuality and differences from other Pisces men and women. Your unselfish kindness and originative mind are possibly your finest characteristics helping you stand out as an empathic and creatively openminded. Your loyal friendliness, logic and flexibility are supplementary fortes that can let you interact well with others. If you can overcome your touch of insecurity and try to tackle your indecisiveness you should begin to feel happier and more confident. A concluding thought for people born on March the 14th is that getting to know yourself better could assist you in acquiring life desires.

March Birthday Horoscope

Comments: Birthday Horoscope March 14th

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Sakehara 2018-04-11 07:26:18
Its so creepy how it's accurate LMAO thanks for this it really made my day, well the day is almost over bc it's like 11:21, but hey the day is not over yet!
Theophilus 2018-03-01 11:59:45
Am proud to be born on March 14.
navjot 2017-06-26 10:09:52
Feeling proud to be born on 14 march
Vimala Darshani 2016-08-02 07:33:11
Happy to be unique and shine with success.
Mukesh Saxena 2017-01-30 14:25:07
Hi you and me share same birtday can we start chit chat ping me
Mukesh Saxena faridabad i have satan sign black sign as my profile search on facebook and yeah its not a cheesy pick p line
kingsley 2016-07-12 08:13:41
M also thankful to God for being born on dis day............but what do they mean by sexual magnetism
D das 2016-06-05 10:57:12
-5 to b born on 14/3
jayve atkinson 2016-04-03 22:01:06
March 14 is typically a good day to B born..both determine fiery n innovative ppl are born on this very thankful mom..
sandra 2016-03-13 09:21:48
I enjoyed this site..also love my sign..3/14/62 piscean
Hasan Ali 2016-03-07 02:30:39
Feeling Special after seeing this.
And for all peoples who born 14 march are feel proud if they know that The Great Albert Einstein was also born on 14 march.
Stacey 2016-04-14 15:21:43
He is my hero, I'd be proud too... I'm a Scorpio
khushbu agrawal 2016-03-04 23:11:46
I am a lucky girl bcoz I born on 14 the March.....that day is Einstein's birthday date......l feel very happy.......but serious feelings. For some personals reasons.......
ermiyas 2016-01-10 05:34:59
I always feel I'm being watched. Any one feel like that
ermiyas 2016-01-10 05:34:16
I always feel I'm being watched. Any one feel like that

Brittney 2015-10-24 15:35:31
I'm born on this day and this is some what true about me. Good to know! I'm proud I am a pisces!
Tsatsu 2015-10-11 13:35:17
+1 so amazed that really me bein discribe above...God bless my birthday fellas
Allison 2015-09-26 06:22:32
Tha is me and my two other triplet sisters birthday and follow me on Instagram @allison_hege09
Jake 2016-03-08 15:21:59
I tried to follow but it said does not exist lol
Noam 2015-09-04 17:10:05
i love this write up, so true, love you all my birthday mates. Pisceans forever.
Stormy 2016-01-13 12:17:38
Pisces IS up there forever! The star formation!
Danielle 2015-08-14 04:05:01
How convenient is it to be different from all other Pisces ? Pisces is the most misunderstood sign to begin with .. Let's celebrate being the very weird Pisces we are
leticia 2015-07-26 11:25:05
wow this is me .....very proud to be born on dis day .... thnx mum
Kayode 2015-09-01 19:35:42
I'm really glad to be born on March... Being special, is one of the most good things a person would ever dream of. I think i'm special now?:->
Jeremiah 2015-07-03 04:40:14
March 14 Pisceans, we are special people be proud......
sean 2015-06-30 15:42:24
3/14/80 I all ways would think I was a little different from others lol Nice to no im not along
Daisy 2015-08-18 19:40:07
OMG we are Twins lol i was born on the 14/03/1980 too I Love You!!

Sunshine 2015-10-03 10:14:12
Awwww I was also born on 3/14/80!!! March fourteen is also Albert Einstein's birthday!!!!
Bay Area 2021-04-16 17:40:25
ha, only 6 years after you posted this.. wonder how many ppl know we share our day w/good ol' Einstein??? Also, not too many famous ppl born on our day, but we got Einstein.. doesn't get any better 🙂
Sara 2015-12-27 00:19:59
I am another 3/14/80 Piscean!
Kevin 2016-03-20 22:30:05
Me too 3/14/80 Piscean!
Soulmate perhaps? I can dream like no other🙂
Prachi 2015-05-16 12:55:19
This is almost me...............That's Great
Rohit 2015-05-09 08:30:54
This is so verrrrry meeeeeee.
Amal 2015-04-11 13:42:02
btw this is pretty cool though iam not sure abt the alcohol part 🙂
Gideon beldridge 2015-03-23 06:11:43
has any of you been having any kind of dreams of aliens taking over or even seeing or being followed buy something in the sky?
J 2015-07-19 12:08:34
Many times recently! Always being followed and had first 'dream' encounter on my drive-way. What are your dream experiences?
akshay 2015-05-13 04:59:02
What did you saw any movie that night
Like war of the worlds
Koi mi. Gaya typr

Mighty 2015-03-18 14:42:36
This is so so correct am impressed
Hillary 2015-03-16 07:42:26
This is really marvelous! Amidst all that i have read, this have given me 95% accuracy of whom i am. Am proud to be born on 14th March.
linda 2015-03-14 22:09:51
Happy PI day to all my fellow 3.1415 birthday people.
Valkyrie 2015-03-14 00:33:04
Happy Birthday to all fellow 14th March people! ^_^
gaurav 2015-03-13 21:57:57
Thanks a lot........
Now I think looking inside self is the the key......
Darshil 2015-03-13 19:55:51
Amongst the various sites I've been through, this one gives the absolute description of me!! Happy that u have such an accurate report! Happy b'day to all people on 14 March
Meenakshi 2015-03-14 05:07:47
I realized how accurately you described me

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