Birthday Horoscope March 1st

Birthday Horoscope March 1st


If your Birthday is March 1st and your Zodiac Sign is Pisces

Birthday Horoscope for those who were born on March 1st under the Zodiac sign Pisces



March 1st Persona Profile

People born specifically on the 1st of March are believed to be ambitious, hardworking and creative with more confidence than the average Piscean fish. The planet that rules this particular day astrologically is the Sun giving you lots of energy and motivation and a love of challenges. If you have this birthday your artistic nature has a competitive edge and a fantastic imagination. Although you can be a bit of a dreamer it does not stop you from being focused and realizing that it takes more than ability to achieve in life. You are visionary, enterprising and naturally instinctive with your timing making you skillful at planning ahead. Individuals with a March the first birthday have a charming loving and responsive spirit with a humanitarian approach. Sympathetic and caring you will usually give a helping hand to anyone in need of assistance. Your high ideals and sense of purpose help you keep looking positively forward.



March 1st Work and Finances

Work choice is important to a person born on the first of March as it must generally provide a feeling of self worth and satisfaction. Regardless of the type of occupation you choose your arty flair creeps into everything that you attempt to do. A perfect job for you is probably one that allows you to express your creativity for a worthwhile cause. Your respect for money makes you a careful spender and someone who will also tend to always have a little something put away for a rainy day. When your personal finances are plentiful you can be extremely generous and thoughtful with them.



March 1st Personal Relationships

For a Pisces, you are typically sweet and compliant but within romantic involvements you can also be bossy and headstrong. You are sometimes very reliant on friends for emotional support and find it easy to offer it back whenever you are needed. Even with supportive friendships you will seek the security of a long term relationship. You are ordinarily mild mannered, sensitive and kindhearted but can also be lively, sociable and fun loving. In new personal relationships you can act rashly and be unpredictably impulsive as you get to know someone. In more permanent, committed partnerships you are incredibly affectionate and will take the emotive union seriously. Your kind heart is happiest when joined with another who can satisfy your desire for a friend and lover rolled into one. You can be rather demanding emotionally but seem to give just as much as you receive.



March 1st Health

Health issues experienced by those born on March 1st are likely to be connected to diet deficiencies as you adore snacking. Preparing food from scratch is something you rarely do with any great enthusiasm as you find it a laborious task. Your keenness on quick snacks could occasionally cause excess weight gain, skin problems or lethargy. Despite this habit to neglect your dietary needs you try to make up for it with an active lifestyle. Keeping yourself fit is often found to be a pleasure and not a hindrance. You enjoy all kinds of physical activity especially team sports or outdoor pursuits.



March 1st Strengths and Weaknesses

Your main character fortes are noticed in your artistical inclinations, confident determination to succeed and high levels of kindness. These qualities and your capability to prepare in advance for things assist you to accomplish many good things in life. Other positives are that you are resourceful and usually have an aptitude for solving technical problems. Recognizable personality weaknesses for those born on March 1st are your tendencies to be hesitant and indecisive every now and then. In addition to this you can become self absorbed and unrealistic if particularly stressed.



March 1st Dreams and Goals

Being born on the 1st of March means that you are destined to be gifted with psychic senses and lots of practicality. You are unlikely to be boastful about your extrasensory perception but you do like to incorporate some spiritualist views into your opinions. Your insightful commonsense stance enters both your dreaming and goal making. It directs you to have visionary imaginative dreams yet still set yourself realistic and practical goals. Your aspirations are simple and normally for the benefit of others not just you alone. You mainly wish for a harmonious home atmosphere with the perfect soul mate.



March 1st Birthday Luck and Significance

As you were born on the first day of the month your date of birth has a special Root number of One. This numerical birthday reference has the keyword 'Drive' and it emphasizes your purposeful will and real hunger for achievement. The Magician is the 1st Tarot card in the Major Arcana deck and it is closely associated with your birthday. It symbolizes your gift of diplomacy and understanding as well as your heightened intuitiveness. The luckiest gemstone designated to March the first birthdays is the Ruby. It should be worn to promote healthiness and courage besides its luck inducing properties.



March 1st Horoscope Summation

The Piscean personality is thought to be primarily determined astrologically by the planet Neptune's influence. The actual day you were born on, the first of March is governed by the influence of the Sun. The combined predominant authority of these 2 planetary bodies decide your differentness to all others assigned this zodiac sign. Your conscientious energetic presence gets you noticed just as much as your versatile talents and gets you a reputation for being very thorough. Your intuitively based anticipation and helpfulness are lovely useful traits that accumulate you many lifelong friends. If you take care not to let stress build and eat a little more healthily your progress may be easier. A final advisory thought for people born on March the 1st is to consider letting go of things you cannot change in the past for the prospect of a bright and happier future.

March Birthday Horoscope

Comments: Birthday Horoscope March 1st

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stardust 2019-05-04 16:03:20
I have a colleague, she's pisces and her birthday is 1. March.

She is very ambitious and good at IT and programming, technical field generally. Thinks high of herself, sometimes too much, that her self-image is simply not true. Also competitive and seems to get jealous , if someone else gets praised for good work she tries to pick on these people.
A lot in the text here is true.

She takes favours, but doesn't help you if you ask for help, acts like you harass her but comes back in a heartbeat if she wants something from you. Said herself, she will end alone and starts and cuts relationships how she pleases. Not loyal, fancies other men publicly when she's still in a relationship.

Jumps after a short time to new love interest.
Can be nice and fun to talk to, but cunning I think always searching for opportunities in things and people to push her own success.

If you had nice experiences wirh these folks, may be true. I think you have to watch out for some of them born that day.
Tara 2016-08-03 02:50:25
I disagree with the comment of Mr Marc most girls born on 1st March are very kind , loyal and romantic , that girl is different unfortunately . Anyway good luck you can try another sweet piscean girl born on 1sr March x
Popeil 2016-03-05 11:22:57
Absolutely, totally, perfectly me to a "T" -
Happy Birthday Pisces People! Go with the flow...
Gloria 2016-03-01 21:34:54
My beloved father not only choose my "blessed" name, but also built my poise and iron will by constantly reminding me, every Birthday, that I was the "Queen of March" because I was born on the 1st!
jasmine 2016-02-28 11:45:47
Hey mr marc just because u dated one and she wasnt dia for u doesnt mean we are all like that.
dhipaak 2015-09-21 15:25:51
nice 😍 well said about me my number 8977920730
AnikaBee 2015-09-08 01:49:00
Well yeah that basically sums up my March 1 life ! But the part with the whole confidence thing , im not too sure about that ://
Menna 2015-08-20 14:37:09
here for justin<3 it's totally him
violet best 2015-06-06 22:05:50
So good got to be true,peace out god bless you all x
shiv 2015-05-07 10:41:32
happy birthday friends 🙂
pat 2015-04-06 12:10:57
I am 81 and its all so true thank you
Annkay 2015-04-01 03:33:37
These people are selfish and very slick if something is not benefitting them or going their way they are not interesting
Livy 2016-07-30 17:48:47
Ya' know not all people who are born on this birthday are the same...
marc 2015-06-13 23:18:13
Very true, i was engaged to one. Bad decision on my part, she was selfish with her time and love. Listen go strangers before me and ended up living with another man two months after we broke up. Warning sign should be on march 1st birthdays. They will not support you, they will. Betray you, beware.

Selvamoorthy 2015-03-05 03:20:21
The European and English astrological sign for me is Pisces. Whereas Indian astrology specify as Aries. Pls clarify which is applicable and reliable for me since my birth date is 1st March 1963
bells 2015-03-02 04:32:36
I just met a guy who's birthday is today and this pretty much describes him. Happy birthday
swmaosar mosahary 2015-02-28 19:19:15
im jst lucky and am proud to born on 1st march
B.C.Daniel 2015-02-23 10:31:35
Largely through. Hey Birthday mates,
find ur way to Nigeria & get a sweet free Bday
gift. I am B.C.Daniel,
MD, Expansions Group
Bilal Baloch 2015-01-31 07:21:40
describes me well...yet life is still puzzling...Amor
Wingmaker 2015-01-27 01:06:01
Be light and love my brothers and sisters
rozzieh 2015-01-05 23:30:44
omg so freaky yet so true...we rock
Tae 2014-11-27 21:11:36
Wow, this was so true reading relationships ... I'm very emotionally demanding yet I always seem to give just as much as I receive
Yogesh Kapoor 2014-11-18 09:32:08
It's true ... i am agree with it.
karishma 2014-12-05 10:16:19
I agree with it I am also born on first march 1997 if u know what day was it so can u say me plz I want to know
Elizabeth 2014-10-28 00:53:24
This describes especially spot on in health
alia 2014-10-25 09:20:17
I'm am born on 1st of march what ever was written here was truth I fell that I have these habits.bye
Balayogi 2014-10-04 17:08:56
Really its true, I am enjoying this behaviour.

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