Birthday Horoscope November 1st

Birthday Horoscope November 1st


If your Birthday is November 1st and your Zodiac Sign is Scorpio

Birthday Horoscope for those who were born on November 1st under the Zodiac sign Scorpio



November 1st Persona Profile

People born specifically on the 1st of November are believed to be very energetic and intense with a restless spirit and an inclination to be more gregarious than most Scorpio's. The ruling astrological planet for this particular day is our Sun giving you a cheery outlook and making you confident and persistent in your approach. If you have this birthday a real zest for life makes you determined, courageous and fairly ambitious with objective opinions. You are usually shrewd and outgoing, charming and proud but you can also be moodily demanding, critical and bossy at times too. Your sensitive emotions feel deeply and are likely to be greatly affected by a disappointment yet able to soon bounce back. Individuals with a November the first birthday are quite open, straightforward and naturally honest as well as insightful towards others but not always in relation to themselves. You tend to plan ahead in all you do and are inclined to see any obstacles you encounter as challenges that you can usually easily overcome.



November 1st Work and Finances

The shrewdness and high standards typical to a person born on the first of November usually help them choose a stimulating and personally rewarding occupation. You seem to need a lot of satisfaction and a feeling of playing an important role in society from your chosen profession. Your touch of restlessness and likelihood to have varied interests means it is highly likely that you will follow more than one of your preferred career routes. You are ordinarily excellent with financial management allowing you the opportunity to usually save a little whenever you can for the security you strongly seek for your future or any urgent unanticipated expenses.



November 1st Personal Relationships

For a Scorpio, the person born on the first day of November is typically someone who will demand but also genuinely display lots of affection in a relationship. You are attentive and romantic, loving and passionate with a tendency to seek a serious lifelong soul mate, ideally with shared interests and ambitions. Your emotional intuitiveness emphasizes your warmth, openness and honesty making you generally immensely loyal and dependable. Your proclivity for strong likes and dislikes can make you a tad difficult to live with sometimes, but only devious betrayal is likely to make you consider breaking a committed loving bond. Although extremely appreciative of respect yourself, you may be jealous, secretive or resentful if things are not going well in a love partnership. Between the sheets your lusty libido is always ready for fun so you need a lover with the same degree of enthusiasm to be able to keep up with you.



November 1st Health

The expected healthiness usually experienced by those born on November 1st is a consequence of your likelihood to have a sensible attitude regarding the care of your body and mind. Your preferences for a mainly natural diet and moderate exercise tends to help you stay as healthy as possible. You appear to simply take life as it comes and not worry about things unnecessarily further helping your overall good health state. People born on this day often believe strongly in traditional remedies for illness so they could be cautious of new medical treatments. You could also be a bit accident prone especially if you allow yourself to become overtired.



November 1st Strengths and Weaknesses

Your main strengths of character are readily seen within your directness, high energy levels and fondness of the company of others. Along with your other positive traits of cheeriness, confidence and an expansive mind these fortes accentuate your impassioned shrewdness and objectivity. The personality weaknesses for those born on November 1st are connected to your typified propensities of occasional attention seeking or criticizing. When feeling particularly negative or following an emotional upset you can be prone to act in a destructive or chaotic manner. Additional weak characteristics include once in a while proclivities for bossiness and moods.



November 1st Dreams and Goals

Being born on the 1st of November graces you with virtually unlimited eagerness and dedication to becoming successful in all areas of life. Despite this vehement driven positivity and a preference for adopting a steady well planned pace you are as a rule quite unpresuming of success. A popular goal especially in later years is to aim to discover some of the deeper meanings of our existence and purpose in a spiritual sense. If dreams are not linked to ambitious yearnings or personal happiness they could be related to the overcoming of any anxieties.



November 1st Birthday Luck and Significance

As you were born on the first day of the month your birth date awards you an equivalent Root number of One. This numerical reference to your birthday has the keyword 'Drive' indicating your wholehearted, motivated and persistent will to succeed. In a Major Arcana Tarot deck the 1st mystical card illustrating the Magician is associated with your birthday. This represents your thirst for knowledge, numerous talents, endless patience and adept timing. The luckiest gem for November the first birthdays is imagined to be a Ruby. Wear this precious red stone for its potentials to attract wealth and stability in addition to detracting negativity.



November 1st Horoscope Summation

The basic favorable and unfavorable qualities bestowed upon all Scorpio personalities are thought to be astrologically conjectured by the planet Pluto's power. The actual day you were born on, the first of November is governed by the influence of the Sun modifying some of your predicted idiosyncrasies. Your determination and dignified self esteem present you as incredibly forthright, capable and purposeful. Your astute lively charm and sensitivity give prominence to your admirable receptivity and gregariousness. A few finishing thoughts for people born on November the 1st offer some sound advice. This is to utilize your common sense, get to know yourself better, always look forward and avoid pondering the past.

November Birthday Horoscope

Comments: Birthday Horoscope November 1st

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Rajib 2017-05-31 05:18:44
I am suffering a lot at this moment regarding my job. My last was gone and recently I am not ensure a good one in spite of have good qualities. My friends and relatives and close persons are avoiding me. I think I am passing very very unfavorable time. What can I do? I was born in 1 November.
Rijan 2017-06-04 08:55:16
Can you write down your email so I can contact you?
milan 2016-09-05 11:25:49
I am from india. I am astonished that being born on November 1 I have my zodiac sign as pisces and the characters of Pisces suit my personality is this possible?
Michelle 2016-05-11 15:14:46
Are November 1st scorpions considered Leo's and Scorpio or how does it work, very confused.. Since the sun is out birth date ruler????
Jessica 2016-07-12 13:45:30
You only have one sign. That's it. Leos are born late July and early August.
Hijab 2016-04-06 11:53:25
Yeah !! its true i've met two people of this date and they are as same as you told
San 2016-01-02 03:12:07
I guess this describes me to a great extent only problem is I am not that confident and I have so many insecurities regarding my appearance
Ruby 2016-06-03 16:56:16
I'm the exact same way, you're not alone
Ulsa 2015-12-05 05:55:01
it's amazing...
it's true cause if we read it carefully,we will find these traits in a Scorpio born on 1st November...... ..
I like it............ 🙂
Tom 2015-11-02 12:55:36
Happy b-day fellow 1st Scorps......I am a 46 yr male Scorpio.I am so tempted to hook up w a female Scorpio, because I desire the same compassion & sex drive that I deliver.Have slways heard not to get involved w same sign.....any suggestion or comments??? Also have a 6 yr old don & he means the world to me.Always & loyaly there for my son!
magpiefly 2015-09-22 17:53:59
yep, this is right on the money. 😉
Annet Desire 2015-09-18 08:43:39
Ok. allis true but what is the way forward most especially with love affairs? At 30 yrs am tired because i cant stand any.
Annet 2015-09-17 13:56:53
SO true but advice on the perfect partners its a big problem....its had to have a lasting relationship
Am Nelo 2015-09-09 18:59:16
Am very proud to be among d 1 Nov. Baby.
raksha 2015-08-23 23:09:44
M confused i dnt knw weather it is me or not m feeling it tough to recognise my ounself ...suggestions are welcome

Jonny5 2015-06-05 21:49:24
Much of that is true but as a Scorpio
Man I've had trouble seeking a good love match I always want what I can't have and always end up with 3 month flings or complete psychos any tips fellow 1st Scorps?
Amy 2015-11-06 20:26:34
Find someone born on 19 november.!Damn sure u gonna stay happy for ur whole life the way u want! ;) gud luck searching soul mate 🙂
Dsm 2015-12-19 23:10:44
I'm Nov1st as well, i actually just met someone last month a couple days before her birthday Nov. 19th and for reason i feel extremely connected to her, your comment just confirmed everything. Thank you soo much Amy!
Weboth 2016-07-09 02:02:41
I think dsm is busy loving her so won't reply really :p
Amy 2016-01-08 12:14:59
YOu are welcome 'Dsm' 🙂 .. If U dont mind u can plz share here in comment box how is going about your relation with her...and have things gone to next level? Plz i (We) would love to know 🙂
hayden 2015-09-22 10:08:39
Water rises to its own level, in other words we attract those we are emotionally equal to. sometimes their broken pieces and our broken pieces seem like a good match for awhile, only to find out we bring out the sharp fragments within one another. work on some self help and get outside perspective on your relationships, often times our closest friends can see damaged goods before we can.
Stephanie 2015-07-10 05:47:35
Try a cancer woman very typical want what u can't have
Mandy 2015-07-08 21:38:49
Go for a Taurus - My husband is a Scorpio born on November 1st and we make a good match. I'm a Taurus born on May 15 and the complementary aspects of our opposite personalities work well together when we remember to compromise. 😃
sanemadman 2015-06-13 05:32:43
find someone different but with their own things to compliment you, that make you a better person..
Jrosexox 2015-06-12 17:58:43
I feel the exact same way 🙁 I feel so unlucky finding a good man, they always end up being the same type pf person.
Samuel Asiedu 2015-05-27 02:26:35
my son was born on 1st november and now 6months going to be a watchdog on everything here on him
Your Friendly Dictator 2015-05-20 20:49:10
This is so damn true of me, I'm a male. I feel like I belong now! If you guys and girls like dark humor, watch Metalocalypse on Adult Swim. It's so damn dark but histaricle. So is Robot Chicken but that got old fast. Oh I almost forgot, ARCHER (adult cartoon comedy) is the treasure trove of dark humor on Netflix I believe it has 7 seasons, 6 of which for now areon their. Netflix sucks major balls for taking off good shows.
Garth 2015-03-15 03:48:05
True by me also. I feel bad for the other 365 if counting leap year to
MissBoss 2015-03-11 10:02:27
Thanks for this reading , This is exactly me 😄 ,1st of Novembers , we go for gold!

Many talents!!!!
ulsa 2015-12-04 14:46:35
it's true..(i think)........ 😝 😝 :
Linda Antonio 2015-08-18 18:00:31
Message from MissBoss
Thanks for this reading , This is exactly me ,1st of Novembers , we go for gold!

Many talents!!!!

I can't believe how true all of this is of myself. How neat, but strange also!
thekingofscorpios 2015-02-20 06:50:03
This is a good site, I think they pulled their info from the secret language of birthdays by Gary Golschneider. This November 1st is so damn true for me. Also random question, Idk why but dark humor attracts me, am I the only Nov 1st that feels this way?
ScorpionLord 2015-05-01 13:03:44
No, you're not the only one who's attracted to Dark Humor. I too am attracted to dark humor and it's really something cuz most of the people don't get it. Hail Scorpions!!!
Nwokorie stephen 2015-02-03 06:12:02
I was born on 1st of november. Your correct. Thanks
Yuvaraj 2014-12-29 14:00:28
Its just like someone wrote auto biography of mine. Each n Every word is so damm perfect and match's me.
Muzza 2014-12-07 19:33:57
I agree with you all.... Everything mentioned above is exactly correct.... It's as if I wrote it myself !! I feel a bit sorry for all the people born on one of the other 364 days :-)
Jamaica 2014-11-22 23:30:09
mystysid 2014-11-16 22:55:32
Weird but mostly true
Been There 2014-11-04 00:20:44
Most of this is true for me! Great reading and or understanding, great work! It truly takes a lot of classless, devious or backstabbing nastiness for a November 1st baby to straight out throw a friendship or relationship to the black hole of eternal oblivion, but rarely when it happens their world is a brighter, happier & most beautiful planet. A Scorpio can see straight through fake & nasty, but will play along just to see how low a "Ways of Cain" human (🤔 will go towards loving the selling of their soul to toy with a Scorpio & it usually involves everyone in that weirdo's life..... A Scorpio friend is very generous & forgiving, but when something becomes too devious the Scorpio is out of that situation stone cold sober, leaving the fake & classless troublemaker needing years of therapy for withdrawal symptoms........this article is right on the money!

jennigma 2014-11-02 06:49:20
Every single thing she said is true about me. haha
kadie 2014-10-31 02:10:11
It has a lot of truth to it
Scorpios are the best especially the 1st of November people 😃
mysterious girl 2014-10-30 08:20:35
thanks 😍
kendra-lee 2014-10-21 16:51:30
what is so weird is this is all so actually true its in a way very creepy

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