Dream Dictionary Blue bird

Dream Dictionary Blue bird


To see a blue bird in your dreams can be a source of resolution to you. Despite what you have been going through recently, whether happy or sad, the blue bird sighting in the dream represents the end of this period. To be a bit more specific the bird does not represent the end of the actual emotion, just the end of the situation that caused it. So if there has been a situation that you've been involved in which has affected your emotions adversely then seeing a bluebird in your dreams suggests that this period of your life is almost over. You are almost done with it.

If you see the blue bird at a time in your life when something has been making you happy, then the blue bird means that this time is coming to an end. This does not mean you will suddenly be sad, because it does not need to be a carryover into the opposite emotional extreme. Instead this represents an end to the period of time or the situation that resulted in your happiness. Even though it might be hard to see it go, humanity and living life are all about allowing things to go and letting them pass on without staying too attached to them. An attitude that allows you to cope with this gradual change to a more neutral position will lead you far in life.

A blue bird in your dreams can also be a harbinger of both happiness and sadness, and yet at the same time an indicator of it. If you are at a pretty neutral position in your life currently and you suddenly see a blur bird, this means that you will probably either be getting some sort of increase in fortune, or a decrease in luck very soon. You should be able to tell from the course of your life so far where this is actually leading. Is there something going on in your life which is teetering on precarious? The bird indicates this will fall off the brink shortly. Perhaps your life has been teasing you with the possibility of things beginning to get better for you very soon, but you just haven't quite made it to that period yet. If this sounds like it is the case for you, then this means that it won't be long before things finally make that change for the better for you.

Alternatively sometimes the blue bird can simply be a sign to suggest that what you are experiencing is indeed what you are experiencing. If you have been having a hard time recently the bird may show up in your dreams just to let you know that this is indeed what you are going through and that your run of bad luck can potentially end one day soon. If you have been having a run of good luck lately, the bird can come in confirmation of that and to let you know that you can expect more good luck for a short period. Generally once you have had just about all you can take, or just as you start getting comfortable is right when the period ends. So be ready for that.

Comments: Dream Dictionary Blue bird

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Tifahai 2023-06-01 12:50:04
Hello. I had a dream about a giant majestic blue bird. It was pretty much flying away from these AI disks, and where it flew was never that long because it always sensed that there was danger near by
Donovan 2020-11-08 11:52:10
I had a dream that this vibrant blue bird came in my window in the morning as I awoke. It was iridescent blue and shimmering. It was about a foot tall, and had a long beautiful yellow beak. It ate some food from me. Then it nestled up to me as I pet it and feel its soft down feathers underneath its phosphorescent outer feathers that shone like the desert sky. The tone was peaceful, until some kittens and larger felines came suddenly and I had to calm the bird and it seemed to be ok.

I just had a huge transition in my life, struggling with mental health. I feel that a time is coming to an end, a time of suffering. I am looking forward to 2021 and I have a brighter outlook on the future after recent treatment and the validation of this dream.

If you are struggling, please reach out. You could save a life, maybe even your own.

Spiral Out~
Dan 2022-01-04 11:14:57
Donovan, Happy New Year. Last night I had a dream so similar to yours, it's kind of freaky LOL. A large bird with fluorescent blue feathers was spotted outside of my window. I go downstairs to get my mom, come back to my room and the bird was in my bed. It wanted to be played with like a dog. My dog came up to my room and played with the bird and we fed it and overall, a pretty pleasant dream.

I have been going through mental health issues and lately have been battling a crossroads in my life. I made a decision but I am always second guessing my choice. I think this dream was a sign that everything is going to be OK. That I have made the right decision and to be at peace.

I hope everything has worked out for you.
Frances 2018-12-20 10:18:31
I saw a blue bird in my dream.It pershed at my left upper back and was so peaceful.My sister's and a renowned priest tried to chase it from my back but it kept starring at them but was afraid cos I can't be moving about carrying a bird at my back.It was embedded there like it was part of me.It didn't want to leave the spot.I would really love to know what it means.
Liz 2018-09-24 22:55:04
Last night I dreamt of a sad blue bird. It had a blue feather in its beak too. Once I carried it, it started crying. At one point the eyes seemed very big, and when I glanced again, the eyes seemed fake like toy eyes. They keep shifting. Anyways, the bird kept pointing back to a white and blue cage in a dark closed room where there is another similar bird. I felt sorry and thought that bird inside the cage was sick or dying. What might this dream mean?
Brooklyn 2018-05-04 14:27:22
Last night I had a dream of finding a broken egg. And when I had took it in side to help it nothing had happened, so in my dream I begain to cry when my tears hit the broken egg it had light up with this bright beautiful light and there was a baby blue bird inside.
I stared to raise it from a baby and it watched over me everywhere I went it was there when I was in danger when my emotions would over power me.
It had felt as if my soul was contacted to the bird it's self. I was so happy in this dream with my bule bird more happy that I had ever been like all the stress was gone.

But dreams do come to a end and so do friendship as sadly at this moment thing stared to get twisted up in my dream, as if I was replaying my actual life in my sleep I started to realize the bird that was with me the bird that I took care of since a baby was my cat that passed away 3 months ago she was my everything helped me through tough times she was my best friend I could go one and on how she means the world to me. But I feel like she came to me to let me know she was okay and that I'm going to be okay waking up with these feeling hurts but I do believe she's in peace and I should be to.
Peter 2018-03-26 08:29:50
I dreamt that there was a rosebush growing across my window and a blue humming bird (actually it was too big to be a humming bird, it was just bigger than a fist) was drinking from the pink roses. I was delighted; the bird was beautiful.
Next, the bird had come through the glass and was sitting on the back of my couch. It looked as if it could be hurt (its feathers were out of place on its neck). Then it started making movements as if it were trying to communicate (I've seen mating displays in nature documentaries - it looked like that). I made similar movements back, but I was laughing. I had not meant to mock the bird but I was not communicating with it as an equal, and I understood that I had hurt its feelings.
The bird then tried to fly further into the room but it was not able to fly properly. It did not approach me but seemed to want to go further into the house. It moved across the back of the sofa and out the door into the hall, then it was slowly climbing a staircase. My mother (who is in a nursing home and cannot walk) was in the house with me (I was conscious of her presence behind me in the hall). I asked her to shut the living room door so my cat (who actually died three years ago) could not get out and hurt the bird. As the bird moved up the stairs I followed it and I could see that it could not fly properly and that it was injured. I had decided to try to pick up the bird and help it when I work up.
The last two years of my life have been the worst for a decade. I have been suicidal at times, and I have only felt that way once before. I have been trying to turn things around, change some bad habits (self medication) and be more accepting of myself. I hope this dream symbolises that this is not only possible but that I am turning the corner.
Donna 2017-11-12 18:20:07
I'm my dream I was sleepy, walking my dog. A blue bird landed on my arm and startled me awake. I shook my am to free myself. The bird flew off. I then watched another blue bird descend and land on my hand and raise my hand above my head. He did not let go and I did not flinch.
Deana 2017-10-22 17:50:10
I dreamt I found a beautiful little blue bird. It was very brilliant irridescent blue and looked like an exotic hummingbird. It was in a tiny little wooden box with numerous holes drilled in it for air. Although the bird was too big to get through most of the holes, it could easily slip in and out of one hole in the box. In the dream I was driving somewhere but the roads were really muddy and it was hard to get going and I was getting stuck which was how I came upon the bird. I put it in a bigger wire cage to give it more room but it thrashed around and wanted to escape. I was afraid I might hurt it if I tried to catch it with my hand but there was no other way so I put my hand in the cage it quieted right down and allowed me to hold it. I put it back in its little box and took it with me. Then I woke up.
Surabhi 2017-07-10 13:14:35
I saw a large blue bird flying behind me and myself running to get rid of it...Also I saw one of my friend along with me...After running for a while I reached my previous college and I could see a slideshow of all the events..Nd suddenly I was taken to a hostel by my parents which was too weird..
Morris 2017-04-18 08:38:30
A blue bird that was singing like a human swooped down and said: I have something to show you, but not now. I said: please I want to know please. Then it flew away and in my dream I was devastated. I think it means death.
Jax 2017-02-01 12:23:06
I wish my dream was as peaceful as the ones above, the blue "bird" I saw in my dream was more the size of a dragon who loomed just in my field of view. Never in my life awake or asleep have I felt such pure terror than when I looked at it...
Sup 2017-06-21 03:30:19
Oh! That is the kind of thing I saw, but the only difference is that I kept looking and realised that it was not a dragon but a bird with a man sitting on it. Both blue and both large. Did you experience anything after the dream?
Tejaswini 2016-10-14 19:30:36
I had a dream that I buried some bird alive wht does it means

dee 2016-05-29 07:50:09
I had a dream there was a brown box left at my door I took in and opened it when I opened it there was 3 birds one was all blue bright and they looked like budgies so i put them in my budgies cage the other 2 had blue and one had some yellow but the bright blue one was the one I kept looking t I realized they were not budgies cause they were much larger and there beaks wear longer like a humming bird or a bee bird but they didn't hurt my birds I was just fascinated with the birds what does this mean I felt no reason to be scared but he was beautiful
Matt 2016-05-09 11:33:01
after a very strange dream with multiple acts, this unrelated one occured: i was sitting in a eoom with two old friends, looking out the window at all the varied birds in the tree. A parrot-sized blue bird landed near me and it looked as curious as i was. My friends cautioned me not to try to pet it because blue birds are notorious for biting, but i said, "What's the worst that could happen?" and reached out for it. It landed on my finger, happy, and I woke up.
Vic 2015-12-29 19:47:26
I had a dream of a blue parrot bitting my finger and it would not let go it was painful in my dream I was trying everything go shake it off but wouldn't let go untill I finally woke up kicking.
Cat 2017-06-19 14:49:11
I dreamt that I rescued a blue parrot from a pet store. It wasn't being sold; the owners were giving it away, using the pet store to facilitate the adoption the bird. The parrot was very friendly and affectionate until I took it out of the store. It then relentlessly bite me.
laura 2015-09-02 14:07:06
I dreamt deeply last night. Part of it, I recall stumbling down a grassed alleyway bathed in sunlight. I stopped at a wooden chair and knelt and began to cry.there were three vibrant blue birds who flew down to me and nuzzled into my shoulders and face as I cried. I fell asleep, as did the birds.When I woke up they'd changed into humans and they guided me into a building..that is all I can recall.
Godsgotme 2015-07-09 14:09:07
My dream was interesting. I am going through a divorce. I dreamed of a blue bird that was caged. I let it go and for some reason my old evil supervisor was present. When I released it, it turned into what appeared to be an 8 year old child. The child was recaptured by hand and afterwards. I could see what appeared to be car lights coming up the hill we were standing on. I remember asking her if the child every got to run free. The child responded. I am okay now here comes the light. I'm okay now, here comes the light. My God. I am sueing my old job and my husband is fighting me fiercely even though he doesn't have a leg to stand on
dreamwalker 2015-05-29 16:06:22
I too have had the dream of the blue bird, maybe even a bluejay. I have been in a bad relationship for years and I'm basically ending it. The thing that gets me is I don't remember dreams, but occasionally I remember signs. Mainly animals as to other things in dream nothing. Just that bird was in the house and it wasn't frightened, but I knew it wanted out. So I opened the window and out it flew. I believe it is relevant to me leaving as well to start a new and hopefully better chapter in my life.
jenn 2015-05-05 08:45:08
My blue bird dream was soooo peaceful..the bird was a bright royal blue silky color...he held his wings in front of him as if one hand on the other and just so gracefully watched me...I've never had a dream like that!!
Curly13 2015-05-03 04:22:41
In my dream, I was sleeping in my bed and the bluebird came in at the top of my window. It sang to me and watched over me. It also flew around my room a little and watched over me till I actually woke up
bree 2015-05-02 18:54:12
I dreamt of a beautiful blue bird..we were in the middle of the ocean on my couch floating and the bird appeared to be hurt it kept screeching this sound of pain he kept trying to dive into the water almost like to kill itself I tried so hard to help it and hold it afloat until I finally let it go he swam so far down I knew he died then I just had to worry about keeping my couch afloat because quite frankly the bird was dragging us down with it until I let go.
Felicia 2015-03-11 23:26:36
I had a dream about a blue bird the other day, I was on a beach and suddenly there was this bird who landed on my hand. He was the most beautiful bird I ever have seen with his bright-blue color. This bird followed me every where I went and refused to leave my side. At the time I went home I tried get rid of him, cause I did not want him to follow me home, because a bird should live in the free, but he never left my side, he never left my side.
And after reading around on the net, I think my blue bird is telling me its all going to be ok, I been facing some ruff 10 months with the love of my life and I think now,life is going to be ok with or without my love...
Robert 2014-12-04 18:02:57
In my dream I saw a large blue bird flying in my backyard. My mother was there and I grabbed her and showed her the bird. For some reason she still could not see the bird although the bird was very large like an eagles size. The bird then crash landed on the yard and appeared to be hurt and not move. I pet the bird and it looked at me and got up and started moving. The bird finally flew away. I knew I had to research this. I have been going through really hard times at my new job. I left my old job because I didn't see any growth. I now miss my old job and friends . In my new job I really don't have my friends and I am going through hazing. The hazing finally ended but I still find myself extremely stressed out. I hope the blue bird is an indicators that life will get better.
Saufi 2014-12-01 21:21:49
had a dream last night about a Blue Bird, some how this dream felt very significant, it felt like it has meaning. so obviously I googled it 🙂
anyways about the dream.
i was in a home or somewhat near a window where the blue bird came, it was so beautiful and peaceful, it wasn't frightened or anything I could pat it and it would jump onto my hands, after it flew away and felt like days goes by the bird would returned whenever I call out to it "baby bird ~ baby bird" with a whistle.
long story short, one day when calling out to the bird it flew and landed on the ground, injured!!
its beak was broken, it couldn't fly and almost felt lifeless as it layed on my hand,
somehow I manage to fix it or heal it, it flew away and never came back, but somehow after that I had the power to fly, its a beautiful feeling to fly in dreams,
felt really free.
so yea that's pretty much it about my dream.
Have a good night ;)

Marina 2014-11-22 08:09:43
I was traveling in my Dream and I saw a blue parrot, it attacked me by biting my finger, it wouldn let go and it was painful, It kept my finger in his beak and the pain was awful, I first tried to fight him but then just stopped and experienced the pain. Then suddenly it let go and I saw it dead headless
ohsnaps 2014-12-01 22:16:46
Just last night I had a very similar dream I had a blue bird parrot like in my hands and it was biting my finger...and no matter how I struggled I couldnt get it to stop and when I stopped struggling it let go...then I saw its head ripped off and it burned...and turned into a camp fire.....
Theresa 2014-07-03 20:06:44
My blue bird you can hold. It stuck around me, but when I knew it needed out or in, I put it's beak against a window or wall with nothing on the other side. It turned to dust and became a bird on the other side. When I let it in from the outside, sometimes I couldn't because there was a blocking of the interior somewhere.
yuyu 2014-05-26 11:16:34
I dreamed of a bluebird trapped in a house as I was tying to release it through windows and doors. Mind you, there are no Mountain Bluebirds in Europe and I have never seen one before, except in this recent dream.
This article is pretty much describing what I'm experiencing right now, so thank you to whomever put this up.
jenny 2014-02-26 12:41:53
i saw water in dream and inside of it there was so many religious temple,i found church when i touch the step of church a blue came from inside,it was so preety i touched that blue bird and bird flew away.

please explain this dream to me....
Melody 2015-04-21 20:15:35
Please go to an AG church, a born again church. Not a Pentecostal church where they don't wear jewelry. But a church where people are Pentecosts at heart like in Acts chapter 2.
God bless
heather 2013-12-22 13:57:27
I have goggled this morning as my dream .. which was early this morning when i went back to sleep after being awake .. predawn.. for a couple of hours... my dream was that of a happy moment when a blue bird.. was in my space .. with others around and it perched on my hand.. with a note.. although the note.. was visible in the dream, i cannot remember what it said upon awakening.. although those around me.. can't remember who.. although in the dream it was . apparent.. it was people in my life.. family/friends.. i think... as upon awakening.. i forgot... in the dream , it was a happy moment and i felt it a good sign.. .. after reading here, i guess its anyone's guess what it can mean... i am taking it as a good sign... as have always loved birds.. and .. their beauty.. and movements are so delicate, fragile. yet they endure.. such .. adversity in their .. existance. 😉
poonam 2013-09-05 04:28:23
thanks for the detailed analysis of blue bird 🙂 in my dream i saw a flock of blue birds in a quiet lake alongside other flock of birds and i came to visit them because they r supposedly the rarest (not endangered, not on the brink of extinction...just plain rarest n endemic) of the bird species on the earth...the scenary was beautiful n calm although just before i saw them i saw man was drowning who was saved by someone from this forest dept. 🙂

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