Dream Dictionary Roller Coaster

Dream Dictionary Roller Coaster


When you see a roller coaster enter your dream as a dream symbol, this usually means that right off the bat, something in your life is going through changes. It could be you, it could be a friend, or it could be a few things. However, a roller coaster suggests that something has made a big change in your life, and as soon as you ride it, you are going to find out what those changes were. The meaning of dream about roller coasters will often tell you just what direction that you feel your life is going in. A dream dictionary will usually tell you that if you feel that you are going up higher inclines and down less steep drops, then for the most part, you are doing better than usual. However, if you are going down sharper drops and not doing as many inclines, this could be a sign that your life is getting worse.

Of course, dream meanings such as this can only be applied in a very loose sense. You cannot simply determine that someone's life is going bad or good based on the paths that the roller coaster takes in the dream. However, if the dreamer was able to come up with a list of things that had taken steep changes or relationships that had experienced ups and downs recently, then they might be able to get a good idea of what the roller coaster image relates to.

Dream interpretations agree that dream symbols usually directly relate to events that are occurring in the life of the dreamer. To this end, it makes sense to assume that if you have had a lot of ups and downs recently in your life, then a roller coaster would be a great way for your subconscious to express that. If you have been having erratic emotions lately, then one dream interpretation of a roller coaster might be that it exists to notify you of your constantly changing emotional state.

Yet another dream meaning of a roller coaster might be that the roller coaster is there to notify you of changes in your friendships or relationships. Have a partner that you have been on and off with, or a friend that has flaked on you too many times recently? Then this might be the reason that you are dreaming of roller coasters. A roller coaster can also be a message in your dreams about your successes. If you have been successful in life, then a roller coaster may remain at a steep incline for some time, but if you have not, then the roller coaster may be constantly plummeting. One important thing to note about this is that you should notice the people that are riding in the roller coaster with you. If there are people in the coaster that are significant to your life, then this may indicate an important message about these people. Stay alert for these details.

Comments: Dream Dictionary Roller Coaster

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Ezulike Akudo 2022-11-07 00:30:43
In my dream,I was riding a Camel going to ride rollercoaster,the rollercoaster was rolling half through water and half through the air
Emily 2021-08-20 02:44:26
I had a dream of a specific roller coaster at my favorite amusement park. It’s my favorite roller coaster. I was alone of this ride. I kept going on it, and it went up the chain and right when it was about to drop, the weela fell off the track, I jus led out quickly and walked to the bottom and did it again. I’ve had a similar dream in the past, where it was that same ride but it wasn’t a finished ride and I kept going on it over and over. And it falling every single time. That time, I fell into water as with my recent one. I did not. The first time was about the time I had the first time I was in live with someone but they had completely eggnored me and haven’t talked to me since... can someone tell me why this is happening?!
Sherry Sharp 2021-06-24 12:14:34
I dreamed that I was on a roller coaster, and a small child was with me. I do not know this child. We are going fast and going around a curve. I let go of the bar, trying to get a better hold, and I fly off and hit a wall. I don't know if the child went with me or not. But, I woke up and went back to sleep and dreamed it again.
Corina 2019-11-12 14:38:28
So my dream was short and weird i dont like roller coasters for the fact that they drop but in my dream im with my husband and as were dropping were holding hands up in the air and happy screaming like it was fun whaaatt??? never felt the drop though in my heart while sleeping so im thinking that was a good thing lol
Cheryl 2017-09-17 15:25:54
I keep having a reoccurring dream where I am in front car of roller coaster and it is steep and twisty when it gets to the top I see that halfway down the tracks are gone. The coaster drops and continues to plummet I wake up terrified trembling it has been brutal.
Born2bflawless 2017-09-10 10:46:02
i had a dream that my boyfriend broke up with me while we were out at this huge project x party at a carnival & they were telling people through a microphone to get on the ride on the unsafe part so i ran to get on it and my boyfriend was telling me not too & i turned around and said i need to live my life and kept running towards the ride .. it was a hello kitty ride when i got on i saw a random girl and shes like dang i forgit my phone to take pics and i said omg me too !!! when i got into position and held on i saw my cousin getting on to and i said heyyy she waved back and went to get on with her friends ... than the ride began ... i was slipping off and told my self damn im drunk so i focused and held on tighter when i looked back i saw people falling off and flying past me and i saw my cousin and after that i woke up crying ! i was terrified to go back to sleep so i stayed up until daylight
Lady A 2018-02-06 15:19:08
I dont know if you are being serious but it sounds like you want fun in your own ways and you only want to have fun for a short time but in long term, you want your relationship... Maybe it is a forewarning to think about how a situation like this would make him feel .. And how it would feel vice versa as well as consequences...maybe just to make you appreciate each other to the most possible. Just a suggestion and sweet dreams
Lena 2017-07-07 12:46:32
Dear diary today i had a weird dream,it was about me living in a huge mansion and gathering where there would be a stream that you have to would have to swim up the stream crossing a bridge under water and collect a gem or something like that .in the dream there was a very scary thing about it there was a dark presence and demonic things were happening like doors being opened on their own and strange things like that .so i was scared so i went out to the balcony and went to the stream got a gem then swam straight forward ,there was boats on the river as well but I managed to swim without crashing into them but as i was swimming i saw a roller coaster and it was breaking but I wasn't on it ,at a curve of the roller coaster it would break and people would fall of and some would die but some wouldn't and then i woke up.Also in the dream my mom other Parents and my friends and boys were there too.
Elly._.12 2017-06-13 21:06:30
My dreams are always weird. I had a dream where I entered this cave and then was at the front of the line of a roller coaster. A bunch of people and friends were already sitting and I was looking for a spot. In the front cart, these two russian boys started to call out to me and invited me to sit with them. I didn't know them at all but they somehow new my name. However, I seemed to know them in my dreams because I said that I'm coming and sat in the middle of them. Then the red carts started and we drove out of the cave in the roller coaster. We then took some steady hills and sharp turns, and I was feeling great and calm. Then we went onto this curve upside down, stayed there for a couple of seconds, then went on. We then rode through an aquarium. Then my dream ended, and it confuses me.
TheMuffinMan 2016-12-29 21:53:02
Yooo I've had this dream a few times. It's really scary because you have to hold on super tight to not fall off.
Janelle Sullivan 2016-12-26 10:48:36

December 26 2016,

I had a dream that me and my friend were on a Rollercoaster. A friend I don't really like, but I don't show that. We were on a giant purple Rollercoaster and I remember me and my friend step on an unsafe part of the ride then my teacher stopping me and my friend. The first time we went I told her I left my phone back. She kept telling me to take a picture take a picture. So I tired to but her phone is all weird so I couldn't find it. She got frustrated and told me to hold her wallet. She showed me where to find the picture and I could tell by the movement of her finger she was not the happiest. The ride was slow and horrible, I told her this too. When the ride was over I remember people boarding off. Then the next thing I knew the ride started again for me and my friend. I couldn't see her face but I think we were both somewhat frightened because our seatbelt were off. My dream clouded by this time and the least I could remember is that she was still mad at me. Me and her were holding on for dear life. I got frustrated because I didn't want to hold her wallet, it hers and I don't want to slip. I tried pushing the wallet into her waist. She tried grabbing it and dropped it with the contents spilling out. I almost felt bad. "This all you Janelle. Don't blame me for it." She said angrily. When the ride was over I was utterly mad at the people.
"Our seatbelt were off!" I yelled at one of the operators and she had a shocked face and her hands up to her mouth. And a few more moments happened that I can't remember and then I woke up all freaked. Can someone please tell me what this means.
Kesha 2018-04-28 15:31:22
It sounds like in real life your friend isnt a good friend. It seems like you subconciously already know that and thats why you had that dream. Your brain is telling u something...
Aaron 2016-11-11 18:43:35
I have a reoccurring nightmare, I'm in a rollercoaster and as we hit the loop de loop the bar breaks and only my feet hooked in the arm keep me from falling out. I've had this since I was 10. Every time I end up locking up my calf muscles. Any ideas?
Maddison 2016-09-27 14:31:51
I once had a dream that me and my crush were on a rollarcoaster and half way through it just before a massive drop he asked me out and as we were going down the drop i was screaming yeeeeeeessssssss.
Im not sure what this means but i do really want it to happen i have an idea of why it was on a rollarcoaster though, because my school went to movieworld one day and he asked me and my friend if we wanted to be in his grouo and we said yes but then we ended up going into another group. Then when we were lining up for that rollar coaster he asked if he could hop with me in the line because we were at the front. But my friend said no.
Can you please help me figure out what this means. (Btw the whole part after the laughing emoji actually happened).

Carmen 2016-08-29 13:23:49
In my dream, my wife and I were on an indoor roller coaster. We made it half way and the ride stalled and we got off to see hospital rooms along side the tracks. We get back in to see kittens all over the tracks, so we try to save them. The kittens seem to be safe, but the ride starts again as soon as we get back in our seat. The coaster track abruptly ends and skins us and our coaster cars down the road. We make it to a stop and walk back to file a complaint, but the people over the amusement park don't want to help us. But as we wait on them to assess the ride the more people are slung off.
Roxy 2016-07-10 11:05:45
I had a dream, not to Long ago about a rollercoaster. Me & my dad had got on but as soon as the ride started the secure bars went up and so did the safety seatbelt. This only happened to me & my dad on the ride.The rollercoaster had loops & twists. We didn't fall out. The rollercoaster was batman at sixflags. I'm not sure what this means.
San 2016-07-01 16:47:50
I had a dream tht me n my old school riend got in to a local train n suddenly it truns into roller caster n railway track sudden goes through sand n goes up.. N there is no track there its like the track ends there n the train have to jump to get on the other site
suddenly i can feel i was half awake

A little later im dreaming tht i got hold on the track on the opposite side
Anonymous 2016-05-11 20:20:15
I had 2 dreams about riding the same roller coaster. The first dream was I was riding it with my mom. The second one, I was riding with both my parents. My first dream ended when we reached the top of the really sharp incline. My second dream, the rollet coaster has 3 loops but I only felt 2. I wonder what that means..
Me 2016-05-10 15:51:50
I was nervous to go on this rollercoaster and I had the dream about it a of couple times. I would get off it every time and think how ridiculous I was to be scared to go on it. When I actually went on the ride a few weeks later everything seemed familiar like I have been on it before and I had the exact same feelings on the ride that I had in my dream. Upside down I felt pressed into my seat and the takeoff was so fast that it was hard to remember it, just like in the dream. Afterwards I even felt like the rollercoaster was really tame and how ridiculous I felt being a little scared to go on at first. Whenever I dream about going on rollercoasters even now I can feel the drops and acceleration. Dreams are weird sometimes...
Sareal1 2016-05-08 21:03:27
I dreamed I was riding a roller coaster as I held on to the seat belt, never buckled it and never falling went up and down, afterwards I saw a lady hanging from a net like object waiting, all of a sudden I saw a person but I could not recognize where I worked at with her but I did remember her face, we started talking about an old position I held with a previous employer and than as I looked to my left there was a person with a water hose spraying me with water and the co-worker or someone said you have to get the chlorine off you so get closer to the water and I woke up to my boyfriend calling my phone saying I sent you a text saying I Love you but after I did not respond he called and said I love you. What does this mean
Jane Zommer 2016-05-06 03:58:55
I've had the same roller coaster (doesn't exist) in my dreams multiple times. Every time I get on with my sister, and I strap her down to the seat worried something will happen. But I take so long strapping her down that when I get on the coaster starts without me putting my seat belt on. It's the same dream I've had many times and for many years! It doesn't even exist!
Kenny 2016-04-24 01:52:37
I had two dreams of rollercoasters. The first one involved me going through a loop, falling off at the top loop, landing at the bottom loop and waking up before the ride hitting me. No one I knew was on it. Second dream was of me falling along side of a rollercoaster and hitting water below it. I come up for breath to what seemed to be a water instructing class on swimming, surrounded by people I didn't know.
gina 2016-04-20 08:20:20
I dreamed i was on a roller coastee after the ride was over suddenly vomit appeared on the other seat no one was there
Zoie 2016-01-22 19:15:17
I had a dream that I was on a rollercoaster that went in a full circle. My stomach had butterflies when I was on it. I wanted to to get off so bad. I think someone was on it with me, but I'm not sure who it was.
Sebastian 2016-02-11 06:41:22
I had the same dream and I actually remember who was on with me
Treble Star 2015-12-21 09:02:08
i had a dream were I was traveling with 5 others in a car, my best friend my 2 brothers my mother and a random male. my friend was sad so I started to sing. then even tho it was a self made song everyone but her sang along when we were done she smiled. then the roller-coaster comes in. a bit of info I remember saying as I travels under pipes that were going to Scotland. then we go up suddenly it was if we were underground and we were going above but then I woke up. I couldn't move my arm or my legs in my dream or in reality, and they were in the same position. legs together striate my right arm bent a little as if I'm holding a bag. I was scared I still am.
Georgia Rose 2015-11-15 15:13:47
I dream almost every single night that I'm not strapped into a roller coaster, but everyone around me is strapped in. I'm almost falling off, but I never actually fall. I always get off the ride physically fine, but still crying because I was so scared. The other people on the ride with me also never notice/care that I'm about to fall off. I really want to know what this means.
Karina smith 2015-12-12 06:12:15
I had dreams that almost exactly to what you are explaining. And I'm scared to find out what it means
Aba 2016-02-16 12:54:12
Same dream but no crying involved. What does it mean?

Claribel 2015-11-11 22:44:33
I had a dream that I was onn a roller coaster ride with my 5mth old baby girl all the rides were for babies but way to scary for them even for me they were like if they were for adults
Emily 2015-12-05 05:27:38
So did I! Except with twins
vbarreto111 2015-10-27 13:50:13
i had a dream that i was okay i litterly have to explain the begining so technacally there were like 3 friends of mine and they like brought me to this place because it was like futuristic so like the train it had like blue and well that part was skipt anyways to the train brought me in a place up in the sky and likethere were like 4 roller cosaters a ring of fire,a marecel wheal and the oher one i forgot but there was this one it was so wierd so 2 strings are connected to it and its spins you areound like really fast and ait goes like 100miles fast then it tros you up in he air and then you are to fall and it reapeats o ijust remebered what the lat one was it was a roler coster but it was a straight fall like it goes hundreads and hundreads of miles up and then staight down ....so i ha to go on the first one lets call it the string o well because it looked like a wow its hard anyways so i was pierd pressure to go on it and then in the miidlle of the ride i woke up THE END WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?
Elsa 2015-09-22 16:21:17
I have been on/off with a guy but I dreamed about him in roller coaster and I was standing there watching him smiling and felt soo good than he took me with me and hold over my shoulder and kiss me on forehead and there were soo good emotion between us like we are in love and was a very good and cozy ride
Samantha 2015-08-31 11:52:34
I dreamt I was on a roller coaster my daughters belt worked, my belt worked but sons didn't, the coaster was getting higher and I was struggling so much to clip his belt in .
Lunar 2015-08-20 21:29:19
In my dream I was on a roller coaster by myself on a cart and my boyfriend on a different cart he stopped the ride and got off so after the ride started after a while I asked to get of the girl working the ride smiled at me as if she was going to stop the ride but she made me fly of and and I fell at my boyfriends feet and he walked away .
Maryssa Scott 2015-08-18 20:18:44
In my dream I went on the same roller coaster three times with my family. The first time I was terrified, the second time I had a lot of fun, but the third time the roller coaster was breaking and we almost flew off the tracks. It was the same path everytime. We'd go up a steep incline then drop a long way before shooting into twists, turns, and loopty-loops. The funny thing was the roller coaster occurred at different points in my dream. I was at first dreaming about supernatural (my latest fictional obsession) and then when we were driving the impala we were suddenly on the tracks. The next ride we took I was dreaming about a summer camp I went to and some of the girls in the summer camp and I decided to go on the roller coaster. The last time (the time
It broke) I was driving away from
The camp with my family (my mom, my dad, my sister, my little brother, AND my recently desceased grandfather). This was the time when bars kept falling from the ride, and the roller coaster almost flew off the tracks.

I think it may have something to do with the fact that my grandfather just passed, but the truth is I wasn't very close to him. So idk.

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