Dream Dictionary Birds Attack

Dream Dictionary Birds Attack


If you are having a dream in which birds attack you then you might want to think back to the meaning of Alfred Hitchcock's original movie The Birds which featured a series of bird attacks and was the main driving force behind what put the images of birds attacking in our heads. Do you remember what it was about? Essentially it is a movie about a man that goes to visit his mother to tell her that he is getting married. The mother becomes jealous and then for seemingly no reason birds begin to attack the town. Hitchcock scholars suggest that the true meaning behind the film was that the birds stood as a metaphor for the strangely incestuous relationship between the main character and his mother, and all of the jealousy that she felt when she heard that her son was getting married and there would be someone else to take care of him.

With all of this information floating through your mind it must be hard to imagine what the birds attacking was supposed to mean in your dream. If you were one of the chosen few that happened to pick up easily on what the meaning of the film was then you should count yourself lucky for one, and also realize that when you dream about birds attacking you, it could relate to feelings of jealousy that you have towards someone else. This interpretation becomes even more likely if the birds are attacking everyone except you in the dream. That would mean that you are the only one that is being spared and thus, the birds are a reflection of your emotions and nobody else's.

If this is not the case or you were not one of the people to pick up on the meaning of the birds, or have never even seen the birds, then your dream of birds attacking probably has more to do with your perception of your future goals. You are beginning to have doubts about your plans for the future. Because birds are a reflection of all of the aspirations that you have towards the future, if the birds are attacking you then it means that your aspirations might not be as desirable as you thought.

Another interpretation using that understanding which operates along the same lines is the idea that the birds may represent your goals, but your pursuit of those goals is causing you lots of stress and misfortune in the process. You are working hard to reach all of your desires but things keep springing up in your way and stopping you from being able to achieve your pursuits. These could be little annoyances that keep you from reaching your goals, or they could be major problems that prevent you from being able to realize your aspirations. But no matter the magnitude of the situation that these birds represent, you are being held back in some way, and need to buckle down and stand strong if you hope to really get where you want to go in life.

Comments: Dream Dictionary Birds Attack

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Joe 2019-01-15 15:25:32
Last night I dreamed that I was at a large outdoor flea market when all of a sudden, a huge moving black cloud appeared overhead. Everyone feared a heavy rainstorm, but as it got lower in the sky, we could see that it was a huge flock of black birds swooping down on us. Everyone was told to duck and take cover. While laying on the ground I could see some birds on the ground walking near me, but they were not trying to bite me.
theDream 2023-11-29 07:21:41
Let's look at some common interpretations of the elements within your dream:

1. Flea Market: A flea market in a dream can represent the variety and richness of life and opportunities. It could symbolize discovery, trading old aspects of your life for new ones, or searching for value in what might be discarded by others.
2. Black Cloud: A black cloud often represents a sense of foreboding or a looming problem in waking life. It can be a symbol of depression, anxiety, or fear about the future. The sheer size of the cloud could point towards the magnitude of these feelings or the issue.
3. Rainstorm: While a rainstorm typically symbolizes emotional release, cleansing, or renewal, the fear associated with it in your dream suggests that you may be concerned about being overwhelmed by upcoming challenges or emotions.
4. Flock of Black Birds: Birds in dreams can symbolize freedom, perspective, and escape. Black birds might indicate negative or anxious thoughts or feelings that seem to be crowding in on you or descending upon you. However, the fact that they didn't attack or bite you could be a reassurance from your subconscious that these fears or worries are not going to harm you.
5. Being Told to Duck and Take Cover: This might suggest that your subconscious is advising you to protect yourself against something. It could represent a defense mechanism or coping strategy you've developed in waking life.
6. Birds Walking Near You Without Harm: This peaceful conclusion to an initially threatening situation might imply moderation. The resolution of the dream suggests that although you might be expecting or preparing for difficulties, they might not necessarily translate into real harm or trouble as you may be able to quietly observe them without being involved in the conflict they could represent.

In bringing together these elements, your dream may be reflecting feelings of apprehension about potential problems or challenges you may be encountering or expect to encounter in your life. The dramatic visualization of the birds where you expect rain could suggest a fear of misfortune that turns out to be more benign than initially feared.
The dream seems to suggest that while you feel threatened by overwhelming circumstances, you ultimately have the ability to remain calm and unharmed. The challenge is perceived and not actual, pointing to your own resilience and capacity to face any fears or challenges head-on.
sian 2017-09-27 15:54:23
Ive had the same dream about 6-7 times in the last year and remember it well, i am walking through a forest with my mum but neither of us say anything to each other its only when we reach the end of the forest where i can just see three fields which show a hill at the end of them. we just stand there for about 3 minutes before i look at my mum who looks terrified and tries to tell me to run before she starts running back through the forest, i look towards the hill in the distance and see two foxes looking at me before they start running down the hill and along these fields towards me, in the distance i can still hear my mum shouting at me to run but i cant move and im frozen in fear of whats going to happen, i watch the foxes get closer and closer until they are just about to jump at me but everytime i wake up just before they land on me. i have no idea what this dream means and i dont understand why my mum is in it as its always her never anyone else but i get on really well with her so surely she doesnt have much to do with the meaning of the dream? if someone could help me figure out this dream it would really help as i have no idea i know that i was going through a tough time with my ex at the times i had the dreams but this one dream is the only one i know i have. thank you
Maria 2017-08-20 11:46:48
When I was small I was really scared of geese, one night when I was about 9 I dreamt of going in a car with my family, on a straight road that went across a giant field. Then our car broke down there were no other cars around and out of nowhere a geese runs out, my mother and brother run to the other side of the car leaving me and my dad in plain view for the geese, me being 9, I expected my dad to protect me but instead he ran to the road and disapeared. I was left alone with my brother, my mom and the car vanishing, the geese ran up to me and painfully bit me I woke up with pain as if someone had pinched me really hard. being bit by a swan before, I know how a bird bite feels and that felt exactly the same. to this day I am confused about how that happend.
Denay 2017-08-19 07:03:39
So in my dream I was some pregnant lady talking to someone in a place that looked like it was ancient Egyptian. They offered me wine and I declined because I was pregnant. I was leaving on a little boat and there was a narration in my dream. Talking about how fertility and wine belong to the same "thing". So any way the dark blue and gold bird flies low and then swoops on me, I don't notice because it becomes clothing. When my little boat makes it to the ship I go inside and the clothing starts to get hot. Narration again tells me something along the lines of the harder you try to release yourself the harder he pulls. The wings then strangles me awake. I can still feel it it was so real.
Ruby 2017-07-16 07:21:29
Very vivid dream. I was at my original family home which we no longer own. 3 pidgeons flew into the open bathroom window and 1 attacked flew quickly my chest sharply with his beak. I felt it severely. I caught him and held his wings shut but the others attacked my stomach with their beaks too. Very painful.
I woke up a bit later with the feeling in my stomach that I had been pecked and attacked my stomach really sharply. It didn't feel good. It was quite stressful and confusing.

Any ideas what this means ?
FlameUP 2016-12-23 07:34:01
Today's dream
I was driving in my car when I noticed that there was a bird on my windshield (Note: I somehow killed a bird a little while ago, bout a week or two, because I had a dead bird in my grill). It was a humming bird, or maybe a small finch, and when I open the window it came into my my car and sat by my leg. I went to grab it to see what the hell was going on and it bit me on my hand. It would not let go. I shook it vigorously, but it continued to latch on like a needy child. The pain was horrible. In my dream I reacted as if I closed my hand in a car door. I put my hand out the window as I was making a right turn and there was a car on the left of me that had someone in it staring at me. As I am remembering the car was black, but I'm not sure if that's really what happened. Eventually the bird let go and If I remember correctly it flew off until I couldn't see it anymore. As I'm typing this, I'm watching the simpsons and Bart is talking about a bird. Weird as hell.
Iris 2016-11-20 22:52:38

A *woman* chases a man to his home town, with a gift of two Love-birds he wanted for his little sister.

He visits with his Mother and little sister, there, on weekends.
"The Birds" attack (mysteriously), as a commentary of HUMAN INTERFERENCE in the natural eco-system.

This woman is all "done up" (representing fake/illusion), and "The Birds" become her undoing ("reality").

I dreamed of many birds attacking me last night... I relate most to "too many goals" overwhelming me at this time.
Jay 2016-10-25 06:50:06
My wife and I were sleeping in our bed in my dream , but we were outdoors for some reason. All of the sudden a huge red black and grey bird with long legs and beak kept swooping in on my wife and I while we were in bed. Apparently I jumped up screaming and swatting at the bird while hiding under the covers whenever the bird tried to pluck my eyes out. I frantically woke my wife telling her to take cover. Mind u I'm still asleep while doing this. She tries to wake me up and calm me down, she's totally freaked out because I abruptly woke her up. Then my wife said that I calmed down and told her,
" ok suit yourself, there's a 4 ft bird in here trying to attack us" then I went back to sleep. Woke up in the morning , when I walked outside , there wer 2 big ass sand hill crane (birds) in my yard just walking about.
Asumi 2016-09-27 12:30:20
I had a dream that there was this bird a raven it was like a pet but it hurted my arm with his nails when i wanted to get it off he stayed even when i tryed pulling him of when he finally got of my arm I trowed him outside .. Them the bird flyed back to me and attacked me
Sharnice 2016-10-14 04:32:10
My dream was the same way!!!
Keith 2016-09-03 02:40:35
I had a dream hundreds of black/grey pigeons attacked and ripped up this actress. I can't remember what her name was but I haven't seen a movie recently with her in it so I woke up confused. Anywho, the dream was violent... Just messed up. Hundreds of pigeons! Ish was disturbing man...
taylor 2016-08-14 05:21:40
I had a dream I was just hanging out with my sister at a house that I used to live in, when out of nowhere these black birds started banging at the window, then the roof of the house disappeared and my sister and I had to escape the birds trying to attack us. We went outside and saw an rv that we ran into. Then the black birds turned into hummingbirds but were still attacking us. We managed to escape but I woke up in the middle of us fleeing from the birds. I have been having a very tough time lately, feeling so stressed and overwhelmed and unhappy in my relationship. I am curious as to what this dream symbolizes for me.
anonymous 2016-08-13 22:07:39
I dreamt that I was with my friend and a bird of prey started swooping.Then it actually hit me and I was so frightened, we ran into a house and close the door, but it came through the windows, and my dream ended

Sydney 2016-08-05 04:16:45
Hi wondering what this means:
In my dream I was walking in what appeared as a long stretch of greenery I am accomanied by someone I am unsure who. I gaze up at the blue sky and beaming sun and see a house sparrow flying over at first I am amazed, in awe until it swoops down and spreads its wings swooping down and landing on my hair now attacking my head flapping its wings trying to get its claws out of my hair pecking at my head, white feathers falling down my face and on me. and then eventually it breaks free flying off leaving poop and lots of white feathers and fluff in my hair, obviously I was left trying to get it out and I woke up!
Epoh 2016-08-04 17:25:33
I dreamt of a black crow attacking me and my sister.It was sitting at the tree that we were sleeping under.Then it decended towards us to attack me but I caught hold of it.Then I threw it away.Thereafter,we were trying to run away from it inside a house where I had many of my family members.
Carol 2016-03-06 11:15:43
In real life no dream had a bird attack me with crap on my head. had to clean it off. next day spotted a small bird with a broken wing struggling.Third day pelicons flying around me. what does this mean?
Carol 2016-03-06 11:03:55
Not a dream but awake. had a bird crap on my head had to clean myself then the next day i saw a little bird with a broken wing.
Heyythere 2016-02-01 20:13:23
So weird because today at school my friends were all talking about eachother. I was talking with my bf and then took a nap.
Story: My and my friends were in this buildING I guess just hanging out so my and friend and I decided to go to the store back it up first it started off sunny, back to the my friend and I wanted to go to the store so the security guards let's us go. We were walking down the stairs and as soon as I step down it was dark like pitch black. My friend started skating and it was sort of a game theme but then she came back and it went back to normal. I recall before that my friend and I went to the all the stores that was just across from the building. But when we look there were none but scary dark houses. So we went up the road cause I also re call earlier seeing another but when we got to the road we also saw no store which left us both confusing. I decided to look a little further and saw a ghost. I yelled and we immediately ran but when we turn we were in a different place. We ran and found out way back but the building has turn into a playgroung. She told me to run and summon since she knew how to summon for a ghost to go away. Ima skip some part of the dream that were good. So here comes the bird story: My whole squad were together just hanging out and having fun. All of a sudden we see this pretty bird spreading it's wings in my house. I thought it would cause no harm but it started flying towards me on my head, I immediately reacted trying to get it off and it did. It went to my friend the next time attacking him. Then back to me but one of his thingy which I don't know got caught in my jacket so I ended up pounding the bird and killing it.
Weird thing was my first friend that was involve wasn't even here at school today and my 2nd friend we were talking about his story today.
Bird Girl 2015-07-03 03:05:12
I dreamed that I stepped out into a courtyard with a woman (who I do not know in real life but apparently knew in the dream). As we walked away from the building I gazed at the sky. Then I saw a very tiny bird of prey swooping down towards us. It was about the size of a parakeet. At first I stared in awe until it got too close for comfort and I waved my hand above my head to frighten it away. It beat its wings and once it was a few yards above us it circled down again. I realized that it was trying to attack me and not my companion and I. Hurry inside she insisted. We ran for the door but it was locked. With our backs hugging the wall of the building we followed the perimeter of the courtyard trying every door and then window but all were locked and the bird wasn't giving up it's attack on me. Then I awoke.
Jordan 2015-08-22 17:37:18
Message from Bird Girl
I dreamed that I stepped out into a courtyard with a woman (who I do not know in real life but apparently knew in the dream). As we walked away from the building I gazed at the sky. Then I saw a very tiny bird of prey swooping down towards us. It was about the size of a parakeet. At first I stared in awe until it got too close for comfort and I waved my hand above my head to frighten it away. It beat its wings and once it was a few yards above us it circled down again. I realized that it was trying to attack me and not my companion and I. Hurry inside she insisted. We ran for the door but it was locked. With our backs hugging the wall of the building we followed the perimeter of the courtyard trying every door and then window but all were locked and the bird wasn't giving up it's attack on me. Then I awoke.

I had a simular dream like that, but it was on the great wall of china, I accedently ran into a bird house, and a woodpecker came out and started pecking my face! I grabbed it and threw it way, it came back and I threw it again and ran in a tower on the great wall of china.

Marc 2015-04-30 06:59:52
I was sitting in a car with the windows open, a pigeon fly in backwards and then out again, I remember in my dream feeling very scared and concerned why that happened, I started to close the windows, one was getting stuck, then suddenly a seagull flew in and started to attack me, it was horrible and I couldn't get it off, then woke in a little fright.
Victor 2015-04-21 18:39:03
I was sleeping on a floor in a room with a blocked off window, in my dream the window was open and a single seagull flew in and attacked me once it had a hold of me biting my finger I felt clarity and pain together I woke up and could still feel the seagull biting my finger (pointer finger),
Me 2015-02-16 18:43:47
So I was having a dream and all of a sudden I was outside on the pavement and a flock of medium sized black-gray birds were coming from behind me. One of them circled me in a ring of blood on the ground and was dead in front of me. I turned around and looked up in the sky. And in big bold letters it said NEVER.. lol any thoughts on this one?
Ketsha 2015-01-30 20:05:09
Last night I had a nightmare where I was walking home from somewhere really far. and i had to spend the night outside and when the sun was rising i started whistling and birds started coming and attacking me and the closer i got to being home, the bigger they got.. idk.. some of those birds are probably not even real. But they attacked me anyway. Dx It was scary cause i felt it. I think my finger and my back still hurt from this. lol. If you think birds don't bite, think again.
Andrew Kos 2015-01-28 00:33:21
One time I had a dream I was in a building and there was BigBird's head floating in mid air with his mouth moving making a sound then it grawled with sharp teeth and glowing red eyes as and it attacks rips me to shreds
Ambika 2015-01-14 08:57:56
on Yesterday night dream around 1:pm the crow has holed my hand was cover my full body by bedsheets. after shaking my body in dream it left me what does this dream means it sings of good or bad.
Kindly do the helpful ASAP....
Martin 2015-09-08 08:51:31
Had a 'similar' one, big Bird attacked me clawing my hand trying to carry me off relentlessly someone asked to me to kill it.. I was hesitant but the bird kept attacking, next thing I remember it was dead.. I dunno I guess I killed it was ready to cook it

Hopelessly Tormented by Him 2014-11-29 19:23:58
I had a dream of an old love (it was love at first site, the moment I saw him I knew) whom for the past 18 years has haunted me. We almost had a baby and then we were separated because he was sent away. Now he is alive and well, and works so close to my house. I am going on 16 years with my husband. However, this man has haunted my dreams and thoughts,for as long as I can remember. To the point where I feel like a stalker!

Anyway, I always have dreams that we are together in different ways or want to be, but cant. In this last dream I felt as if I had overcome an obstacle that was keeping us apart and we were in the beginning of rebuilding. I was admiring his beauty and grace and soaking in my love for him, when to his left, through a window, as I was watching him behind the house a beautiful blue parrot was perched on a branch. I remembering being in awe of this beautiful animal and the 3 or 4 bright blue sparrow -like birds with red beaks, behind it. The bird was peaceful and content and then it climbed on my arm and started to gently nibble my hand. The guy in my dreams told me to be careful and I said it was fine. But then it bit the left side of my hand really hard and wouldn't let go and drew blood. We got the bird off and shooed it away and I began to wake.
I know this means, I need to let go of this tie and obsession that my mind, heart or both seems to have for him, but for the life of me I cannot. I know it may be my subconscious telling me I am going to get hurt if I continue to psychically seek him out or try to pursue an encounter in anyway. But why the blue parrot and birds, why the sense of overcoming of emotional obstacles that have been keeping us apart. I'm trying to understand this better so that I am no longer tormented by his memory, face or other parts.
-Please help
-Hopelessly Tormented by Him
tj 2014-11-08 17:43:25
I had a dream several black/gray birds flew over my head in a house one happened to pick me out it was biting me and I was trying to yell for help I couldn't so i grabbed it and bit its eye out and it died.
Amanda Fleming 2014-05-20 11:31:43
the other part of the dream was , when I saw the birds coming for the yellow one, I tried to help but it moved away from me and then it got grabbed by the birds, when I walked away I was standing with 3 people who had white shirts on with a symbol of a white bird, with its wings spread on the shirt
amanda fleming 2014-05-19 10:07:18
I dreamt , I saw 2 grey bird swoop in and attack a yellow and brightly coloured bird which looked like a small hen and fly off with it
mm 2014-03-13 11:03:50
I dream about a big black feather bird flying into the house , which I was there. I tried to make the bird away by pushing the bird toward to fire place , then the bird attacked me in the house and I awake up
Anne 2013-06-02 06:16:13
I had a dream that I was trying to protect something, I can't remember what it was, but a goose kept trying to get at it and was biting me over and over. I was trying to pry it's mouth open and bat it away but it kept biting my arms and fingers and hands and wouldn't let up. I kept trying to protect whatever was behind me until I eventually woke up. Normally I don't think much of my dreams or even remember them but this one stayed with me. Does anyone have an idea of what it could mean?

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