January 2015 Horoscope Cancer

January 2015 Horoscope Cancer

January 2015 Monthly Horoscope for Cancer

Cancer, the leading sign of the Water trigon, will face a choice in January 2015 that will in many ways impact his further fate. Of course, this is quite a relative thesis, which in each particular case will have many individual peculiarities. For some, the entire choice will be how to name a new pet, for others it will be to create a family and perhaps give start to a lineage that will change the world someday. The Sun will cooperate its efforts with the Moon, which is the planet-ruler of the zodiac Sign of Cancer and will allow the latter to be completely unbiased. This will manifest in an abnormal sensitivity and total acknowledgment of responsibility for one's own actions. With that, the negative influence of Saturn, responsible for the expulsion of Cancer, will be compensated by the positive emanations of Pluto, while Mars will remain fully independent. The Red Planet, responsible for the fall of this zodiac Sign, will attempt to complicate all problems facing Cancers as much as possible, at least those related to the area of feelings. However, Cancers will not be alone in this uneasy challenge, as the planet-exalt of this Sign - Jupiter is the antagonist of Mars and the latter will not be victorious in this confrontation.

In regards to the sphere of entrepreneurship and finances, the zodiac Sign of Cancer may finally start to actively implement its plans in January 2015. It is likely that you have been thinking for a long time about changing something in your life. Maybe you did not have enough time or determination to put your thoughts into action. Currently, you have everything you need. The Water trigon does not have a "celestial leader" in January, but the emanations of Jupiter will be very strong. So you do not have to be afraid of trouble. Do not doubt that trouble will come, since not only Mars, but also Neptune will be against you this month. However, this is not a real threat at all, but rather a mean prank, which can easily be stopped if you are attentive and do not lose your head. Concentrate and if you do not have your own business, then try to display maximum initiative. Currently your management will be extremely susceptible to external influence, so now is your chance. Display yourself in all your glory and act quickly, but carefully. Evaluate all risks and don't deviate from plan, but do not doubt your strength either.

In the sphere of personal relationships, however, you should be much more careful and perhaps utilize all your capabilities - natural charisma, empathic abilities, and Machiavellian instinct and leadership traits, those confidently hidden by the pressure of circumstances until now. If is here that Mars will focus the maximum of his negativity, which will manifest in an illogical behaviour of your lover. If you are single, then the Red Planet will throw its efforts on your relatives, those whom you have a habit of listening to. Be careful and don't even think of losing your temper; concentration and self-control are your allies. Going out of balance means the end of all hope. Ever if your lover will be outright wrong in everything, do not rush into confrontation. Time will pass and she will understand everything, but current\ly you cannot make any point too strongly, act softly and if you feel excessive rebellion, then move back. It is not the time to solve everything by brute force and through unyielding and irreversible decisions. Be flexible and easygoing, do not take everything to heart, just do your own thing. You have the energy to solve any task, as long as you act in accordance to your conscience and take responsibility for those around, accepting them the way are.

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Comments: January 2015 Horoscope Cancer

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Zizi 2015-05-11 07:05:54
i lost a lot of money at the casino I don't know when is my lucky day Lost 40 thousand dollars and it's not even my money
Rae 2015-02-22 20:01:24
Hello everyone,
Since 2007 my life has been one struggle after another, in june I was hit by a car and since then I have been in rehab. However, I have learned to adopt an attitudes of gratitude, I'm still here, alive and in the process of healing. Set your intentions for what each and every one if u want for your time here on earth, and realize that you have the power and let no one take it from you.
lyrria 2015-02-12 22:59:35
I am determined to.have wonderful year, but lately my jaw is in pain frm clenching my teeth. I work part time and go tp school my boss has been constantly trying to increase my hour even though i told her i need studdy time i showed up late tp class twice because of it. I live with my parents and my boyfriend and they butt heads oftn andd my parents are always trying tp get money out of me. even though they know we're saving for an apartment. Its getting really hard not to loose my temper and smile through it all...
Teri 2015-02-01 22:03:37
These past 6 months have been trying. This past week shows me the man I'm with by him abusing my very special dog. I have nowhere to go yet. I'm on disability but am almost fully healed. I start a job tomorrow. I hope I can make it without my dog being hurt anymore until I've saved enough to leave. Is February going to be any better?
Asia 2015-01-19 03:17:59
I am a Cancer and I am feeling the good vibes jan 2015 but not without its share of chaos. With my own will power I felt the force trying to help me change felt like an ok thing \and finally started to make those changes. I have seen amazing progress and am trying my best to stay on this path and be grateful for all my blessings.
vikusha 2015-01-16 00:31:35
Guysss.......hope fr bst.....n to u all cancers......all the bst....
Joanne 2015-01-15 07:33:28
Oh gosh...so true, but hopefully it'll be over soon.
Shivi 2015-01-13 23:06:43
I am cancer and since the beginning of this year I am bombarded with tensions and mental pressure from my In Laws and my husband . I can't even breathe . I think I m dying slowly with the mental pressure they are giving without any reason. I don't have power to face much. I wanna end my marriage or I will die ,
vic 2015-01-23 20:12:25
Try medidation and dont pay much attention to unnessary demands . You be okay
Laura 2015-01-23 15:31:28
I am going through the same trauma and also feel like I'm slowly dying I am determined to make 2015 my year and hope you can do the same
divas 2015-01-08 15:25:25
don't worry, be happay, dear cancers 😉
vincent 2015-01-01 04:50:47
i feel very worried.. me and my gf are both cancers.. we have break up in december 24 . and im still hoping for a chance.. i made a lot of mistakes in our relationship.. im hoping soimeday she will understand everything...
Terri 2015-01-07 05:10:28
My boyfriend and I are both cancers too. Its been five years of a rollercoaster. I'm fed up, it is time to start a new and come out of my shell. Best of luck to you
Bobby 2014-12-31 01:05:05
Cancerian life is wonderful when it's good and a struggle when the demons of conflict play their role
satish 2014-12-30 13:13:31
after reading feel happy but no one no what will be happen next?????????????????? kiya hogo

ANJANSAMADDAR 2014-12-19 04:30:01

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