October 2016 Horoscope Cancer

October 2016 Horoscope Cancer

October 2016 Monthly Horoscope for Cancer

For the zodiacal sign Cancer, the brightest representatives of the water trine, October of 2016 can become a rather successful time. However, in order to achieve your objectives, you will have to take into account a lot of nuances. First of all, you should not forget the position of Saturn, which is traditionally responsible for the "expulsion" of Cancers, and this month it will also be repeatedly strengthened due to its planetary status. Although in reality the lord of the rivers of time will be the only celestial objects that at this stage will be your direct antagonist, yet its impact should not be underestimated. Someone is likely to try to draw you into playing some sort of a "dirty game", which will remind you about a relatively bright, though not positive moment from the past. Fortunately, the Moon, the planet-ruler of your sign, will not leave you, so that, figuratively speaking, you will have something to rely on. Mars, which is responsible for the "fall" of Cancers, and Jupiter, your exaltation, will turn out to be not as strong as they would like, but this tandem will have a considerable power over your destiny, which is a very positive thing. In general, we are talking about a rather productive life phase; if you want to achieve the desired results, it will be sufficient now to maintain self-control and an increased level of care.

The working area in October of 2016 in relation to the sign Cancer will be quite calm and stable. However, as has already been said, someone will ty to "drag" you into something very ugly and indecent, not just once or twice. If you succumb to the entreaties and follow the promises of the unbelievable wealth, the finale of the month can lead you to the opposite result. That is, at the end of October you'll come across a very peculiar moment, a kind of summing up, and if it turns out that you earlier betrayed your principles, especially if you did it for the sake of "profit", then you should forget about even the minimum income, even in the long term until the very end of the year. On the other hand, Cancer is a rather "nimble" zodiac sign that is capable of finding its way out of any situation, and now the impact of celestial objects will be weakened. This suggests that you have a real opportunity to kill two birds with one stone, but you will have to work really hard. However, it is logical to answer a simple question: is it all worth it? If yes, then do what you think is necessary. If not, then you should listen to the advice of the stars, as they are certainly not interested in your bankruptcy.

In the sensory-emotional sphere, Cancers in October of 2016 will feel calm, but there will be some concerns, which will manifest themselves in the first decade of the month and will last until the end of the current stage because they will be based on a true reason. In reality, someone from your immediate environment will seriously envy you, or else they will find other reasons to fiercely hate you. Do not try to use all your forces to calculate who your invisible opponent is; he or she will no doubt give themselves away. If you jump to conclusions, you can find yourself in an unexpected situation, which will certainly have a way-out, though you are unlikely to like it. It will be easier for Cancers who are single, because they will not have to make allowances for the opinion of their "significant other". On the other hand, if you're a bright and eccentric character, a real "party animal", then the number of your enemies will automatically become greater. Therefore, be careful and a little more cautious than usual. The current stage doesn't indicate any significant problems, yet you still need to stay alert and cautious, because you need to live not only your present life, but also think about your future; though quite often this doesn't seem to be as simple.

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