Daily Horoscope September 9

Daily Horoscope for Today September 9, 2017

The Moon moves into stable Taurus today, and a stable, predictable energy abounds. It's a great day to solidify connections and let people know how much you care about them and appreciate them. The universe is projecting a calming energy, asking everyone to slow down and appreciate the little pleasures in life. It's a great time to restore energy reserves for the busy seasons to come! Read on to find out what is in store for your sign!

♈ Aries Daily Horoscope for Today September 9

Aries may find themselves feeling unexpectedly sentimental today. The Moon has moved into your 2nd House of Possessions, and you might find that you are more attached to one of your possessions than you previously thought. Perhaps this is something that you were planning on getting rid of but are now having second thoughts. Remember, it's the memory that counts, not the physical object!

♉ Taurus Daily Horoscope for Today September 9

You are feeling quite at home with yourself today, Taurus. The Moon is in your 1st House of Self, and you are experiencing a renewed clarity about who you are, what's important to you, and what you want out of life. Take advantage of these feelings of self-assurance and solidify your future plans. It's the perfect day to make that change you have been thinking about.

♊ Gemini Daily Horoscope for Today September 9

Don't overdo it today, Gemini. You love to go, go, go, but you are at risk of burning out today. Too many people and circumstances are demanding your attention and you may easily find yourself spread too thin. Slow down, take a breath, and say no. People will understand!

♋ Cancer Daily Horoscope for Today September 9

One of your wishes is about to come true, Cancer! This is something for which you have been hoping and praying for a very long time. Well the universe has answered your call and this much-wished-for item or circumstance will come to fruition today. Enjoy this good fortune and bask in this positive energy!

♌ Leo Daily Horoscope for Today September 9

Leo, you've had a hunch about something going on a work recently. Well, your intuition is spot on and you will soon find that your suspicions are correct! Whether this news is good or bad, roll with it. You will be applauded for your flexibility and usual exuberant energy.

♍ Virgo Daily Horoscope for Today September 9

You have been trying to keep your feelings contained, Virgo. Something has gotten under your skin but you have been trying to rationalize it and think it away so as not to cause a scene. Your feelings are important and deserve to be acknowledged. Speak your mind; you will not regret it and will feel better in the process.

♎ Libra Daily Horoscope for Today September 9

Goodbyes are always hard, Libra, but it may be time for you to part with something or someone today. This person or aspect of your life is no longer serving you in a positive manner. Sometimes we have to make difficult decisions to make way for better people and circumstances in our lives. Stay strong and believe that this will only make way for more positive influences in your life.

♏ Scorpio Daily Horoscope for Today September 9

Scorpios are known for feeling things deeply and having very strong connections with the people they love. You will enjoy a renewed energy and connection with a loved one today. This energy will be on a subliminal and unmistakable level, and will be effortless. Enjoy this important person in your life. Connections like this only come along a few times in a lifetime!

♐ Sagittarius Daily Horoscope for Today September 9

It's a great day for getting in touch with your health and wellness, Sagittarius. The Moon has moved into your 6th House of Service and Health, fostering a strong connection between mind and body. Enjoy the restorative practice of caring for yourself and giving your body what it needs. You will see improvements in all areas of your life if you put your health first!

♑ Capricorn Daily Horoscope for Today September 9

Capricorn, you are feeling a surge of creativity and need to express yourself. You usually veer toward the more practical side of life, but it takes many aspects to make a well-rounded person. Spend some time cultivating your artistic interests today. You will find that this significantly improves your well-being and reduces stress.

♒ Aquarius Daily Horoscope for Today September 9

You may have been feeling some stress in one of your friendships recently, Aquarius. This person has become a little confusing to you and you can't quite see eye-to-eye regarding their actions. Friendships, like relationships, have their ups and downs; they also have lessons to teach us. Listen closely to the lesson this particular friendship is trying to teach you-you will both be all the better for it!

♓ Pisces Daily Horoscope for Today September 9

Say what's in your heart today, Pisces. It will be a great day for communications, as the Moon has moved into your 3rd House of Communications. You will be able to express yourself with effortless ease and your mind and emotions are connected on a cosmic level. Speak your truth and listen to those close to you; your relationships will certainly benefit from this renewed connection!

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