August 2017 Horoscope Leo

August 2017 Horoscope Leo

August 2017 Monthly Horoscope for Leo

Channeled Message - You are connected to a greater source. Career takes on a spiritual level. You might find yourself in a social activity leading you toward your true life path and purpose. This is one of the most fated times for you as the Nodes of Fate are working to transform your soul and travel along a truly spiritual path. There is an almost continuous Grand Trine in Fire throughout the entire Month between the North Node of Fate (Mars and the Sun towards the end of the Month) / Saturn in Sagittarius / Uranus in Aries (which is on a retrograde cycle - see above for dates). In many respects you are asked to truly connect to a path and stick with it. You might a bit of refinement with the Mercury retrograde, but all in all this is the minor details you are sorting out. You have an overall vision already in place here. Be careful to listen to everyone at this time. Minor arguments will do you no good. This is a major turning point for many of you! Embrace your inner-guidance, your wisdom, and of course, your GIANT HEART! Some helpful remedies for this month include - Sunflower oils, Roses (any kind flower, oil, scents), Dandelion Tea, Broccoli, and the color RED!

Career/Work - This is not just a day-to-day job you are working here. You are leading and inspiring with your life, your words, your work, and your inspirational energy! Your joyful approach towards life is your work here, it's just deciding what you are doing for yourself. As long as you keep a smile on your face, you are doing your work. Now, when it comes to life purpose, this is what the Total Solar Eclipse is working on with you. It is the culmination the year, and you might have a major gift given to you this month.

Love/Spirituality - Nothing can really stop you this month. If you choose LOVE and HEART you are on a higher level than anything or anyone else. You are the leader in this capacity. You are learning about your greatest gifts here. You are being tested in your realm of leadership and expertise. This might be the time where you realize those who are supporting you the most have always been here for you. You are possibly in a twin partnership at this time, or on the brink of meeting that special someone. It is not about casual dating at this time, it is about experiencing your entire HEART. This is one of the main realms of focus for your sign this month. Let yourself shine with truth, and find the greatest gifts pouring into your life on a daily basis!

Abundance/Finances - It is not about simple "money" at this time. It is about the feeling or connection to what money actually is. There is a fundamental and spiritual awakening in this field. You might truly see how much the LOVE you put out into the world brings back opportunities in the business and receptivity sector of your life. The color Orange and Red are important at this time to work with in this section of your life. Tiger's Eye and Clear Crystal Quartz is the crystal to work with for you.

Health/Wellness - Connection to your home is quite important for your health during this month. You might spend more time traveling or networking, yet finding a common "space" for yourself. Your work within a community might bring you towards an all-encompassing space. Mediation, yoga, or reiki might be what you need for this month. Also consider swimming or any type of water work (hot tubs, hot baths, float tanks).

Asteroid/Fixed Stars - There are several fixed stars in your own sign triggered by the astrological events taking place this month. Regulus is asking you to own your true leadership powers. You are on-point in many ways this month. You have a lot of extra responsibilities, because you truly earned it. You've prepared for this all of your life, and those who are ready will step into their own power at this time, or get a great lesson of the extent of their own prominence. It's not a time to let this get to your own head, but to take loving pride in your familial ties, and community influence. If you own your heart-space from the highest perspective, you will see all the smiling faces around you.

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