Zodiac signs Well
Monthly Horoscope for Pisces

October 2021 Pisces Horoscope

The friendly fish of emotion and spirituality will find a comfortable stay in the 7th house of Libra. During October, the spirituality of the zodiacs will come to the forefront, but with Pisces, this means just an accentuated version of yourself. Pisces, you are already an incredibly spiritual zodiac, and you work within yourself more often than not. You are very inward-looking, and because of this, the influences of Libra will allow you to find balance in places you need it most. Be content with your personality, Pisces, it’s a gift that keeps you grounded with the spiritual word.

Pisces, the fish of calming waters, you are going to feel like your most true self during October. Embrace the genuine behavior erupting from your soul...

The month will begin with Neptune quintile True Node. Neptune is your ruler Pisces, and it influences your soul to look deep within and seek that which is not tangible. Materialism is the furthest thing from your ruling planet’s mind, so what can it do to fulfil its tendencies? Seek spiritual fulfillment of course. Perhaps you are not a religious person, but this has nothing to do with religion. Seeking a power that is greater than you is the ultimate mission of a Pisces. Pisces feel emotions to their core and this ability to feel deeply gives them this intuitive sense of energy and grandiose ideas. These ideas are the greater power you seek to hold, but you must remember that not everything can be touched. Some things are only felt, and when Neptune quintiles True node, the star of your destiny, you will seek that greater power and harness its energy to move into the future. Where does your spirit want to travel Pisces? Is it another country or city? Is it a journey inside a group or organization? How does your spirit wish to travel? You can transcend into any medium your heart desires, but the point of Neptune's influence in the True Node means that this journey will be the journey of your life. It’s serious, and should be taken as such. It’s not a time to mess around, for Pisces enjoys splashing in the water at times. Don’t let this influence overtake your mission of finding the greater good in your life. It can be tempting when the influence of Libra is also in your rearview, causing you to want relationships and balance.

Ceres will then enter retrograde on the 8th, causing a rift in your relationships and feelings of love for others. Ceres is the goddess of unconditional love, family, and emotions. She is like the mother goddess of the zodiacs, and brings comfort every time she comes around. But when those motherly tendencies begin to retract backwards, it serves as a time for loneliness and focuses on one's behavior and self-doubt. As it may, be sure to remember that you are the zodiac of inner inferences, and the questions you ask yourself are not doubt, but merely discovery. Your spirit is not an entity that feels negative or positive as our physical form can experience. Every event for the soul is productive, and it simply uses every experience to gain knowledge and understanding. You will do the same when Ceres enters retrograde, and instead of focusing on familial things and compromises, you will pay attention to your own needs.

Jupiter will then go direct after a long and rough time in reversal. Entering the 7th house on the 18th, Jupiter direct is a signal of fortune and success. A planet that can be known to be quite destructive, when Jupiter ends its time in reversal it can bring great gains to the zodiacs who feel its weight. This month has been extremely reflective for you, Pisces, and it is important to realize when you’ve reached a milestone or achieved a success. Sometimes the journey of the spirit can become mucky, and when looking back on the journey you notice instances where you garnered success or overcame a certain blockade. But when Jupiter goes direct I want you to remember just how much you do when you focus on your spirit. You are doing great and success isn’t a goal to be reached, but there is a constant eruption from the floors in which you tread on during your spiritual journey. Every discovery found is a lesson learned, and Jupiter going direct will help you realize that.

Pisces, you are a creature that swims in the sea of curiosity and enlightenment. You are a being of spirituality and dualism, and when Mars enters Scorpio on the 30th, you will feel a drive to continue pursuing your journey beyond the month of October. Remember that this journey is infinite, and that success is not the end goal. The goals are constant and spread throughout your journey, and it is so important for your spirit’s growth for you to acknowledge these accomplishments as they come.

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Monthly Horoscope for Pisces Zodiac signs Well

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