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Libra Monthly Horoscope

July 2017 Horoscope

Libra July 2017 Monthly Horoscope.

Libra July 2017

In July 2017, people born under the Zodiac sign of Libra can count on quite a successful resolution of all difficult situations. The thing is, Libras will now be supported by numerous objects of the solar system, including the lord of the heavenly bodies, and Venus. As a result, total success is likely in the sphere of personal relationships as well
as on the work front. In situations where you're just one step away from a victorious end, your planetary helpers will definitely give you the necessary impetus. If circumstances suddenly start to unfold in a bad way, you will definitely find a way out of the situation, once you have received clear or indirect (which is more likely) guidance. In other
words, at the current stage of life you shouldn't count on complete "freebies", but firstly, no truly critical situations are foreseen here, and secondly, with such powerful patrons you have nothing to fear. Of course, in certain situations it would make sense to be careful, since Mars's position relative to your sign is not particularly favorable at present. This means that
you can't use blatantly dishonest methods in the process of achieving your goals. Don't get involved in any risk ventures, especially financial ones - act directly and fairly, otherwise you'll be sorry.

In the area of work in July 2017 Libras will have every chance to get a new position, implement some massive project, find new work - in general, to establish
a career for themselves. Focus on what you want to achieve. If your goal is exclusively income (and there's nothing bad about such a goal), that's one thing, but if it's important for you to do something truly useful, then you'll have to work hard for it. But setting more difficult goals is one of the distinguishing characteristics of a successful
person, and the second summer month will prove this to you with concrete examples. If you work for yourself, it would make sense to focus on large-scale, comprehensive progress. That is, you can start moving forward in one direction, but very quickly start to use all available areas. If we are dealing with Libras who work for somebody else, for them
the most productive strategy will be to focus on current tasks, taking into consideration the ones which have already been implemented. This is very important, because now experience will help you to achieve what you want. And more - under no circumstances can you afford to make a mistake, not now. Act thoughtfully, consistently and honestly, otherwise you will only strengthen
Mars's position, and a good result will be under threat.

In July, the "romantic front" will not let Libras get bored. For those who at the start of the month are already happy to have a "significant other", the situation will develop quite extraordinarily. In the first ten-day period, the emergence of difficult situations is likely, but you'll get through them with
flying colors, without any loss on your part. The second and third ten-day periods will be peaceful, stable and most importantly - happy. For single Libras the dawn of the summer season will be a real gift, because they will have to take part in a wide variety of events. Of course, everything here will be based on your own desires.
If you want to live as a recluse, keeping communication with those around you to a minimum - it's your right to do so, but in that case it would be foolish to expect happiness. Nobody is saying that you must go off the rails. Moderation and a healthy aspiration towards communication are the key to success. Due to the unfavorable
position of Mars, bold Libras may not get the happiest ending. Restrain yourself and your emotions, otherwise you don't have a chance of having good, sincere relationships.

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