February 17, 2025 - February 23, 2025
🌟The astrological situation this week will push Aries towards rethinking everyday life. Most likely, you will have to focus not on material matters but on self-knowledge. To better understand what is happening in your own thoughts, it is not necessary to become a psychologist. The main thing is to answer the question "What do you want from life?" and determine how to achieve this goal. Any process started this week cannot be stopped. Dear Aries, keep this in mind. Even a petty quarrel can lead to a serious disagreement, and negligence regarding one's well-being can lead to the risk of illness. Rest is vital for you now, even if circumstances incline towards high activity. 🌟
This week lucky numbers are:
55, 57, 37, 63, 91
Read Daily Aries Horoscope with Astrology Forecast done for Today Feb 19, 2025. As well as Tomorrow Aries Horoscope done for Feb 20, 2025.
Zodiac sign Aries Weekly Astrology Forecast for Feb 17, 2025 - Feb 23, 2025 with Moon calendar and Void of Course Moon periods
Weekly Moon Phase Calendar
Feb 17
New Moon
Moon in ♍
Feb 18
Waning Gibbous
Moon in ♍
Feb 19
New Moon
Moon in ♎
Feb 20
Waning Gibbous
Moon in ♎
Feb 21
Waning Gibbous
Moon in ♎
Feb 22
New Moon
Moon in ♏
Feb 23
Last Quarter
Moon in ♏
Feb 18 - Void of Course Moon in ♍
Affected period from 6:20 PM* Feb 18, 2021 to 10:51 PM* Feb 18, 2021 (* Eastern Time)
Feb 21 - Void of Course Moon in ♎
Affected period from 0:02 AM* Feb 21, 2021 to 4:19 AM* Feb 21, 2021 (* Eastern Time)
Feb 23 - Void of Course Moon in ♏
Affected period from 4:24 AM* Feb 23, 2021 to 8:29 AM* Feb 23, 2021 (* Eastern Time)
February 17, 2025 - Mars in your 10th House of Career, Responsibility and Reputation semi-sextile Saturn
February 17, 2025 - Venus in your 10th House of Career, Responsibility and Reputation semi-sextile Saturn
February 17, 2025 - Jupiter in your 12th House of Soul Growth, Privacy and Secrets sextile Uranus
February 21, 2025 - Mercury in your 11th House of Aspirations and Personal Goals semi-square Neptune
February 23, 2025 - Mars in your 10th House of Career, Responsibility and Reputation sextile Neptune
February 23, 2025 - Jupiter in your 12th House of Soul Growth, Privacy and Secrets semi-square Pluto
🏰 This week in History
February 17, 2025
1996 1st full ODI for the Netherlands, v NZ, cricket World Cup Nolan Clarke makes ODI debut for Netherlands at age 47
1933 Blondie Boopadoop married Dagwood Bumstead in the comic Blondie
1906 Theodore Roosevelt's daughter Alice marries in the White House
February 18, 2025
1901 H Cecil Booth patented a dust removing suction cleaner
1943 William D Cox buys Phila Phillies
1974 NASA launches Italian satellite San Marcos C-2 (235/843 km)
February 19, 2025
1964 UK flies « ton of Beatle wigs to US
1998 US hockey team destroys their rooms at Olympic village in Japan
1846 Texas state govt formally installed in Austin
February 20, 2025
1974 Gordie Howe comes out of retirement for $1M from Houston Aeros, WHA
1947 Lord Mountbatten appointed as last viceroy of India
1887 1st minor league baseball association organizes (Pittsburgh)
February 21, 2025
1915 World's Fair in SF opens
1857 Congress outlaws foreign currency as legal tender in US
1993 43rd NBA All-Star Game: West beats East 135-132 (OT) at Salt Lake City
February 22, 2025
1934 "It Happened One Night," opens at NY's Radio City Music Hall
1958 "Portotino" closes at Adelphi Theater NYC after 3 performances
1865 Tennessee adopts a new constitution abolishing slavery
February 23, 2025
1956 Russian party leader Khrushchev attacks memory of Stalin
1990 Ian Smith 173* NZ v India, 136 balls, world record for no 9 bat
1985 Indiana basketball coach Bobby Knight throws a chair during a game
♈ Horoscopes for Aries
Weekly horoscope for Aries is not a master key for all the locks - this is something to keep in mind if you are trying to make your plans in accordance with the current events. At the same time, neglecting this unique opportunity can have, well, not catastrophic, but rather unpleasant consequences which could be avoided. This is why the weekly horoscope for Aries is both so valuable and trivial at the same time. Yes, trivial, since no one will build the future for Aries. At the same time, stars are ready to guarantee their support to those who not only listen to their celestial whisper, but follow their instructions. So, why say no to such opportunity?
Aries is a fiery sign -both when it comes to the element and temperament. This means that the representatives of this zodiac house often face the issues that are impossible to overcome on a fly, even though this is exactly how they - the Rams - are used to solving problems. By the way, such approach is worthwhile. But sometimes - and quite often, should we say - situations arise a combination of your powerful intellect, unrestrainable determination and iron will are not at all your trump card. Sometimes the information on the upcoming events, no matter how general it might be, can give you invaluable advantage over your competitors and detractors. This is when stars come for a rescue. An ancient teaching, a mysterious art that in the course of tens of thousands of years of human history finally developed into modern astrology is a mighty weapon in your fight against the world's injustice.
You should agree: life teaches us that Michael Bulgakov was somewhat rushed when he said: "Everything will be all right. This is what our world rests on". It may very well be that our world was originally conceived as "the right one", but nowadays we can observe completely different laws and patters around us. We can't choose not to live by these rules, but we can choose to act in accordance with the upcoming events. In order to do that, you do not have to consult a sage or pay really big money for the information that you can't even be sure in. A weekly horoscope for Aries is a free and effective way to avoid dangers - the way that has been tried by time and hundreds of thousands of grateful Rams. Everyone is free to choose their own destiny, but it would be the bathos of stupidity and ignorance to push away a helping hand.
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Comments: Aries Weekly Horoscope
When will I get a job.going through interviews but no job offer yet..
I just read my post and I am happy to say I am pregnant and will be giving birth this month.
Prayer helps. God is good all the time. God loves us. Stay next to our lord Jesus Christ we are his priority he will never forsake us.
Thank you Jesus! I love you Jesus. 😃
I am so worried now
Thank you.
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