Birthday Horoscope August 13th

Birthday Horoscope August 13th


If your Birthday is August 13th and your Zodiac Sign is Leo

Birthday Horoscope for those who were born on August 13th under the Zodiac sign Leo



August 13th Persona Profile

People born specifically on the 13th of August are predicted to be very responsible and organized with lots of the usual Lion pride and stubbornness. The ruling astrological planet for this particular day is Uranus enhancing your dignity, judgment, ambition and enterprising spirit. If you have this birthday an independent streak guides you to prefer doing things yourself rather than ask or rely on others. Idealistic with plenty of ahead of your time ideas you are full of persistence, belief in your capabilities and yearning for success. Adaptable and mentally quick, challenges usually give you inspiration and the opportunity to increase your competence. Despite craving attention and praise individuals with an August the thirteenth birthday are also incredibly warm and generous natured. Your honest compassionate side has a tendency to take up just causes and assist anyone that requests help or a shoulder to cry on.



August 13th Work and Finances

Occupations that provide a useful public service are popular working life choices to a person born on the thirteenth of August. Your strong sense of responsibility makes you an ideal candidate for managerial positions and for ordinarily making excellent progress at work. You may sometimes also be attracted to particularly unusual, challenging or risky jobs. Although you are keen to command competitive pay the financial aspects of working are often not as important as feeling you are doing something worthwhile. As finances are unlikely to be a top priority you could find saving for the future difficult.



August 13th Personal Relationships

For a Leo, the person born on the thirteenth day of August is typically loving, romantic and naturally protective. You are especially fond of intimacy and absolutely adore being part of a couple but you can be quite emotionally demanding and possessive. You tend to seek out a special soul mate who supports your ambitious wishes and shares your passion for a comfortable lifestyle. They must in addition appreciate your practical artistic talents and ability to create a bright stylish and modern home setting. You can be a bit bossy and have a preference to do things your own way and make your decisions alone. Affectionate and considerate in your actions and words to a partner you are usually much more responsive when relaxed. You are also immensely attentive in and out of the bedroom but soon hurt by disappointment or betrayal.



August 13th Health

Bouts of occasional low mood anxiety may once in a while undermine the usual level of healthiness experienced by those born on August 13th. You are inclined to always be worrying about something and a build up of worries can drain you somewhat and so impact on your overall feeling of general well being. You normally love to eat but can be a tad susceptible to comfort eating if you have any unresolved issues causing you stress. People born on this day should try to be consistent with their sleep habits in order to fully re energize the body and mind and stay as healthy as possible.



August 13th Strengths and Weaknesses

Your main strengths of character are shown in your spirited adaptability, honesty and steadfast approach. Other best qualities are noticeable in your inclinations for expressing sincere warmth and generosity plus your faculty for being a good judge of the true frankness and intentions of others. The predominant personality weakness for those born on August 13th is probably recognizable in your occasional displays of inflexible obstinacy. This negative trait and your unwillingness to listen to any sort of advice from anybody can sometimes cause you to seem quirky, oversensitive and insecure.



August 13th Dreams and Goals

Being born on the 13th of August usually bestows you with a fascination for anything that is unique, exciting or strange. Many of your aspirations tend to focus on advancing your understanding of the unusual or unexplainable mysteries of life. Utilizing your mental quickness, initiative and fine organizational skills should all assist you in accomplishing life aims and boosting your wisdom. At times some of your goals and dreams could intertwine as one of your most desired achievements is to try and overcome inner sensitivities or conflicts. Simple contentment inside is often your greatest desire.



August 13th Birthday Luck and Significance

As you were born on the thirteenth day of the month the one and three in your birth date equate to a Root number of Four. This numerical reference to your birthday has the keyword 'Honesty' accentuating your principled upright and fair disposition and sympathetic outlook. The 13th Tarot card in the Major Arcana illustrating Death is associated with your birthday. No need to fret this represents your sympathetic mentality and is also simply a sign of your likelihood to look to the future. The luckiest gem for August the thirteenth birthdays is Topaz, to be worn for dispelling negativity and promoting relaxation.



August 13th Horoscope Summation

Leo personalities are assumed to have their probabilities decided astrologically by the influence of our Sun. The actual day you were born on, the thirteenth of August is governed by the celestial body Uranus's authority. Therefore these 2 planets mixed influences are thought to form all the various elements of your originality. Your dignified manner, independence and adaptability emphasize and amplify your steadfastness. Your intense astuteness and striving to be a perfectionist can have its advantages and disadvantages. For the most benefits and the least overreactions try listening more carefully to your instincts. Avoiding adopting a bullheaded perspective and being more accepting of opinions and recommendations should let you learn more at a faster pace. An ending advisory thought for people born on August the 13th is to just be yourself,think positively and intend to stay open and trusting. Life may be made slightly simpler if you attempt to associate with only likeminded individuals.

August Birthday Horoscope

Comments: Birthday Horoscope August 13th

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SRINI 2017-10-25 09:47:15
See we cannot be sure of this stuff as when they write some thing you try to relate with that and mind gets conditioned to a confirm with it.
Waseem 2016-10-21 23:33:16
This is all fake... nothing can change or predict our future except god (Allah)the almighty... everything is done by god.
Charlotte 2017-08-13 13:54:28
If everything is done by God than "this" (astrology) is God too because this is part of everything. everything is everything but you are choosing what is or is not everything?
shruthi 2016-09-26 02:04:40

My son is also born on Aug 13, 2015 but the concern part is he keeps falling now and then though I guard me like anything. Why is this happening for my son?
Vitoria 2016-05-17 20:48:34
Me all the way through...are we that predictable?
Jacob 2016-05-01 05:01:19
do you guys lead hard lives like me?
Ilya Erikson 2021-06-21 10:35:58
It's like a hell, a lot of insecurities, anxiety, a heavy feeling of responsibility all the time, I can't relax 7/24. 13 aug birthday is a curse, I feel like this life is not suitable for us, you just feel nothing but burdens and problems
Donna 2016-08-08 08:07:57
Yes, very hard. Go, go, go. Hectic. Full of responsibility and chaos, projects that need to be done, responsibilities to fulfill, I can't sit still cause stuff's gotta get done, etc. Lots of pain and heartache but it's given me wisdom as I approach middle age. Do you find yourself being narcissistic and focused on yourself a lot? I can admit that I think about myself a lot, but that is tempered by all the incredible sacrifices I make for everyone else around me and all the things I do for people. I think Leos are awesome and unique individuals. We just have to be careful not to let our pride take over common sense in everyday life, lol.
Helen 2017-03-08 21:13:11
Very interesting how you said you cant sit still... I always have to get stuff done and cant sit still. Good thing because if I was idle the comfort foodie thing they said is right on and I would be way heavy.
karajean 2016-08-03 04:10:41
yep! its the day of long odds. I know another aug 13th same deal. But besides the obstacles we stay positive and good natured. Its all for a purpose..
Grace Morgan 2016-03-01 09:06:29
I came across this horoscope because my 18 month old son was born Aug 13. He does try to be independent, and can be stubborn, but he's the most sweet and loving little guy. So I just read this to get a glimpse into how he may turn out, lol. I'm a Virgo born Aug 31, so I hope we still get along well when he becomes an adult. I know traditionally Virgos and Leos clash a bit. His dad is a Virgo too, September 3rd.
Wow! 2016-12-10 05:56:16
I'm 33 years old, born on August 13th. My dad is a Virgo born on September 3rd and my mom is a Virgo. I'd like to think I turned out pretty awesome. 🙂
Sasha.W 2016-04-30 13:24:00
Message from Grace Morgan
I came across this horoscope because my 18 month old son was born Aug 13. He does try to be independent, and can be stubborn, but he's the most sweet and loving little guy. So I just read this to get a glimpse into how he may turn out, lol. I'm a Virgo born Aug 31, so I hope we still get along well when he becomes an adult. I know traditionally Virgos and Leos clash a bit. His dad is a Virgo too, September 3rd.

My kid is Aug 13, and he is now doing well in his musical career and doing well. He is loving, honest and full of mandom, but as described above he is stubborn but strong-willed. Luckily, my husband and I started with humble beginnings, and we just elicit his full potential, let him make his own decisions. In return, he comes to discuss and communicate when he needs it. So we are having a amicable family life. Good luck and little baby Morgan too!

Bonnie 2016-08-06 21:46:22
I am Aug 13th and my faughter is Aug. 31st. We are best friends <3 I think that sometimes the journey of life can assist a Leo in important realizations that encourage self awareness and positive growth ;) Best of luck to you and your 18month old. Kindly, Bonnie
Matt 2016-01-29 16:03:02
This is too accurate! But I do lack the whole sleeping thing && re energizing the body. Several thoughts at a time, constantly wondering about the future, if I'm on the right or not && can definitely since out peoples vybes && intentions. 8/13
Moses Sambo 2015-08-12 13:13:40
Wooooooooopppppp!!! It's amazing that somebody feel the same way i do... that's absolutely true about me
meghana 2015-08-10 15:35:25
it's good to know about your personality
Uyto A. D.Bowier 2015-08-07 21:17:26
This is just me nothing different
Nardia 2015-07-25 07:37:23
Being a Leo fire sign to me I'm spiritual fun out there musical love getting out there, helping people sporty sometimes bad traits stubborn self centered believe in loyalty and respect I'll give if given back sometimes hard being a Leo cause a lot of people want to hang with u sometimes hard to make time I'm an earlybird in the mornings love family hanging out to and with my main friends I have trust issues who doesnt that's life.. Love being creative artistic different in style to others deffinetly love to sing musical
Charles 2015-07-24 16:22:57
Heeey Am an August 4th Leo with a dream to unite us Leos from around the world so we can talk and share different life experiences. Whattsap me thru +255768963915 and get connected with yo Leo brothers and sisters in a group

Shelly 2015-07-08 06:18:26
Its difficult being a Leo 🙁
etchie 2015-10-08 08:05:00
yeah! you are right. 🙁
Trevor 2015-08-05 17:01:21
yes its true I agree with you. I too feel the same as if am not really for this place & wish to be somewhere else.
mt mail just in case.
shardey 2016-06-18 10:15:06
I feel the same way too.... its hard talking to people and telling them how you feel... and trying to create time for people is jst rarely possible because I don't even have enough time for myself... most times, I just feel like i'm not really for this place
Chukwu victoria 2015-06-20 10:22:45
I wonder if somone wil understand my feelins
rachel 2015-05-31 17:29:05
So true the best one I seen
Ammar 2015-04-21 06:01:59
one of the most perfect and accurate horoscope about me i have ever read
Dawnie 2015-03-24 19:43:22
wow Aug 13th birthday here, and yes so accurate, sometimes i wonder if anyone will understand me .... :-/
kenesha lopez 2015-02-05 19:16:08
i am amazed with what i found about my birthday i cant believe everything i read discribes me is awsome what the world can diffine
natalie 2015-02-03 06:45:05
I love researching about my guy and today i found this! amazing how uncanny this is. The only problems arise with his occasional mood swings and that too now i understand is due to stress...go figure!
mansi 2014-10-11 17:14:26
how to over come streess?
summu 2014-11-13 06:33:35
feel you are the above the world
Alexandria 2014-09-22 11:52:40
All this time, i have always been misunderstood about the way i think, the things i do/how i do it, or just overall who i am. When i found this..,i kinda found myself. This was so accurately true that it just left me obssesed with it because i love understanding myself like this. Especially if its this accurate! I makes me so engulfed in fascination only making me eager to learn more. I am highly sensitive to criticism, pysically but more emotionally insecure, and tend to be quirky in awkward situations. I feel like the results of the knowledge i promptly gained from reading this was uncanny yet so eerie. But i still somewhat remain satisfied beacuse i guess my inner curiosity of searching for who i am seemed to have lessened.
Chrishad 2015-01-30 01:53:51
Yes I feel what you are feeling
V for Vendetta (Utah) 2014-08-25 20:56:14
It's my husband's birthday. The analysis does justice to any 13th Aug, since they are always misunderstood because he is just so unique and not in the herd. The warm character he has is veiled under his usual stone-cold looks, which is, his fault. Nonetheless, he is my man and I am also his fan (As a mature Leo now he says I'm just not being honest and flattering him, but I just love him more when he questions himself which makes him more seductive, attractive and sexually appealing)
Mack 2014-08-14 05:05:09
Yah pretty scary
It is my birthday today
Anne Marie 2014-08-02 11:41:24
This is wickedly accurate. Like Sean J said, its so accurate, its scary.

Kasey 2014-07-19 18:17:23
I agree with Sean J. This is extremely accurate. Being sensitive to criticism, I appreciate the way the negative qualities of this day are discussed. Its done in a non-threatening way which will actually enable me to seriously consider the advice rather than dismiss it immediately if another approach had been taken. I'm finally stepping into my own and becoming the person I was born to be. The more I found out about myself, the more I want to learn about myself. It's all fascinating!
Sean J. 2014-06-26 21:46:34
This is soooo accurate it's scary. If I had to write a summary about myself, this would be it. Eerie!
Jane Harworth 2014-06-22 19:47:17
I find 13th Aug is like a modern hybrid car. They are great leaders with compassion but their intentions/authoritarian tendencies are truly out of a goodwill for all.

They are also extremely artistic and earth-friendly, probably due to their high-degree of sensitivity to feelings of others.

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