Birthday Horoscope October 9th

Birthday Horoscope October 9th


If your Birthday is October 9th and your Zodiac Sign is Libra

Birthday Horoscope for those who were born on October 9th under the Zodiac sign Libra



October 9th Persona Profile

People born specifically on the 9th of October are imagined to be artistic, charming and deeply thoughtful with the usual Libran kind truthful nature. The ruling astrological planet selected for this particular day is Mars bestowing you with a quick, responsible and highly observant mind and a sharp wit. If you have this birthday your diplomatic, sociable and compassionate disposition is great at communicating but you like time alone too. A tad idealistic you tend to be quite sensitive to everything around you and be easily disappointed and prone to occasional moodiness. True to your balanced scales zodiac sign you strive to achieve balance in everything. Individuals with an October the ninth birthday are usually fairly refined and naturally tactful with a tendency to take a real pride in their appearance. A bit indecisive yet fair and sincere you will ordinarily have clear opinions and a talent for mediating. In your free time you are likely to enjoy and gain much pleasure from music, art and philosophizing.



October 9th Work and Finances

The sensitivity to surroundings usually attributable to a person born on the ninth of October can often dictate their preferred chosen profession. Utilizing your creative ability and sincerely helpful temperament form the basis for gaining the most enjoyment from working. Your ample compassion and tact are useful attributes for doing well in any career. You will normally place more value on adhering to your morals than making money so finances are generally not considered an important priority. Despite this you will be prepared to save carefully and patiently towards securing a comfortable lifestyle in the future for yourself and loved ones.



October 9th Personal Relationships

For a Libra, the person born on the ninth day of October is typically a sentimental passionate spirit who is very expressive regarding romance. Friendship and emotional satisfaction are things you consider important essentials in a soul mate relationship. You seek an intimate merging of body and mind and likely to aim to be incredibly giving and devoted to a partner. In spite of requiring lots of affectionate attention yourself you are happy to follow rather than lead in a long term loving union. You will frequently use words and actions to demonstrate the depth of your love and possess an easygoing cooperative approach. This communicative thoughtfulness and plenty of passion gives a special love partnership every chance of being happy and successful. An adventurous, sensual but considerate lover you are usually more interested in pleasuring a partner than yourself between the sheets.



October 9th Health

Following natural instincts regarding general well being often assists the good health commonly experienced by those born on October 9th. You are careful with your diet and fully understand the link and benefits of healthy nutrition to energy levels and a sense of wellness. You have a proneness to sometimes sacrifice your feelings for the sake of harmony and this may cause build up's of stress. You are not keen on exercise but you do like long walks in order to daydream and relax assisting both physical and mental healthiness. People born on this day could tire easily so sticking to regular sleep routines is important to sustain vitality.



October 9th Strengths and Weaknesses

Your main strengths of character are probably expressed in your multi-talented inspirational frame of mind and alert watchful positivity. Along with your extra fortes of idealism, refinement, sincerity and receptiveness all these favorable traits give you encouragement to follow a positive direction in life. The personality weaknesses for those born on October 9th are usually prompted by negativity affecting your emotional responses. When stirred this moody negative side to your individuality makes your behavior somewhat indecisive, complacent or narrow-minded especially if you are overtired or angry about something.



October 9th Dreams and Goals

Being born on the 9th of October means you are likely to value personal freedom much more than achieving a defined status in life. Contentment in a committed relationship where you are free to express yourself and just be you is often top of your list of priorities and goals. Your numerous talents and innate helpfulness seem to drive your main ambitions outside the home environment. Your fondness of philosophy directs you to on occasion use your dreamtime to explore some of the deeper meanings of life and wish for peace in the world. Dreaming about a perfect lifestyle for all helps to motivate you towards worthwhile accomplishments.



October 9th Birthday Luck and Significance

As you were born on the ninth day of the month your birth date dispenses you an equivalent Root number of Nine. This numerical reference to your birthday has the keyword 'Seeker' possibly referring to your inquisitiveness when it comes to anything unexplained. In Tarot the 9th Major Arcana deck card featuring the Hermit is astrally associated with your birthday. This signifies your spiritual beliefs and has a connection to your likelihood to worry and fuss over others. The lucky gemstone for October the ninth birthdays is believed to be a Bloodstone, to be worn for added courage and enthusiasm whenever you find it lacking.



October 9th Horoscope Summation

Basic outlines of the probabilities of Libra personalities are assumed to be astrologically influenced by the planet Venus. The actual day you were born on, the ninth of October is governed by Mars's authority adding a few supplementary probable characteristics. Your charm, kindness and honesty outshine but also enhance you numerous other qualities. Your heightened fairness helps you meet others halfway and counteract your occasional need for solitude. If you are able to not let bad vibes unbalance you there is little you cannot do without a bit of effort. A culminating 2 final thoughts for people born on October the 9th are to try and develop your willpower and don't be too anxious to please. Doing so should maximize your potential.

October Birthday Horoscope

Comments: Birthday Horoscope October 9th

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Junior 2017-10-14 18:23:20
Hbd 9octoberians carry on been sexy and light of the room and charm ur dreams to light..... wat Eva their are don't be so eager to please and rattle people with ur fiery temper instead and of just keeping the peace. They will appreciate it wen u treat them well next time and know nt to take it for weakness......... hbd 2 me most of all.
ria 2017-10-10 18:43:31
happy belated birthday everyone!!!!!
this horoscope is so true too omgg
VG 2015-12-06 00:47:15
Happiee bday my fellows !!
It's one hundred percent true !! We all are soo charming **;)
Arta 2015-10-20 21:11:39
On point!!! Happy belated to us! LOL
naina 2015-10-14 17:44:56
Dehradun is also a cool place for libra people. 🙂
Gia 2015-10-10 02:43:51
So me!! Happy Birthday to all!!
fifi 2015-10-05 21:59:02
Spot on! Happy Birthday to all those born on the 9th October!!
YASIR MUSTAFA 2015-10-01 17:20:15
So True.. Happy Birthday to all my fellows
Bluefanta 2015-09-28 16:43:54
That surprisingly is so true. A100% of me!
naina 2015-09-22 18:00:50
Yes everythng is true!!! Its really cool yrr. Happy bday to all...
jeremy 2015-10-04 19:54:14
Happy birthday to all. I live in Mallorca
great place for libra people.
Romy 2015-09-21 17:49:39
Happy bday to us,....accuracy
Creative 2015-08-03 06:13:29
Very accurate! Awesome! Happy Birthday to all of my fellow commenters!

Olivia 2015-07-16 23:54:27
Wow, that is pretty true. Horoscopes are amazingly accurate.
fadare omolayo 2015-04-27 07:04:14
everything here is so perfect,,,happy birthday to us
saba 2015-04-09 15:09:17
every thing is truth like a dream
favour 2015-03-15 00:42:38
Wow Everything is truth!!!!!!
abhi 2015-02-02 04:26:45
Wtf...everything written here is true.
Benjjjjjj 2014-07-31 06:36:59
Hoooraaah! 😃

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