Highlights of the week September 25 through October 1 2023 for Virgo based on major astrological aspects.
Dear Virgos, the week from September 25 to October 1 may prove to be a very exciting period for your sign, with strong emotional highs and memorable moments of excitement.
On Monday, September 25, you can expect the first significant aspect between clever Mercury and expansive Jupiter, the planet of luck, in the constellation of Taurus, which is related to your earth element. The key point is that Jupiter is in its natural 9th house of adventure and broadening horizons. At the same time, Mercury, recently free from its retrograde cycle, is in your constellation. This is an excellent combination that, if you think about it, can help solve many of your difficulties by motivating Virgos to take action. If you still feel doubts and indecision, examine the obstacles that may hinder your focus on your desires. Through problems and mistakes, you can discover your true path to sensuality and passion.
However, the main astrological event of the week will occur closer to the weekend. Prepare for an emotional surge, intense experiences, and excitement this Friday, September 29. On this day, the only full moon in decisive Aries will activate your most sensual, deep, and intimate 8th house. Get ready for an avalanche of passion and personal desires that will intensify over the next two weeks, starting from September 29 (the peak period of this lunar aspect). During this time, Virgos should think about what is missing for personal happiness and what may be absent in their love life. Also, consider what you are willing and personally ready to do to correct this. Regardless of your marital status and the status of your romantic relationships, the full moon on September 29 can bring clarity and motivation, giving Virgos the strength to pursue their romantic aspirations.
However, it's not all that simple. There is a possibility that Virgos are hiding the truth, even from themselves. Whether you are fully ready to express yourself or not, your secrets may come to the surface. Be cautious around people who will be around, as they may inadvertently become witnesses to your revelations. Since June 2023, Venus has been weakening your boundaries with its presence in the constellation of Leo and your spiritual 12th house, and its influence will last until October 8. However, this week, when Venus encounters provocative Uranus in your 9th house of expansion on September 29, your deeply buried emotions will resurface once again.
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