Zodiac signs Well
Gemini Monthly Horoscope

Gemini Monthly Horoscope

♊ Horoscopes for Gemini

Gemini Monthly Horoscope Zodiac signs Well

Zodiac sign


Comments: Gemini Monthly Horoscope

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Fortuna 2019-05-01 17:48:54
Oh come on - where’s the Gemini update?!? It’s now May and you still have February posted. Really disappointing
Fortuna 2019-04-17 11:31:13
Please put the month of April on for Gemini..... it’s currenty showing February. Thank you
Fortuna 2019-04-07 21:10:14
Please put the April monthly Gemini on. It is showing February. Thanks
Bardfish 2019-03-25 06:26:42
Please can you post March monthly horoscope. You seem to have forgotten Gemini again
beget 2019-03-02 08:52:46
some really out of this world????
TUT The Gemini 2018-02-01 14:07:27
Willy bro 2018-01-08 01:16:21
I just realised in 2018 that my soul is disowned

But I am hard core matey - I can do anything lol

Must go Vegas again this year

I don’t care about my soul I can’t see any demons in there
My lads are loyal to me

I always blame other and since childhood I have Deep physocogical issues so I go for left overs and blame everyone else

I reap what I sow
Bro 2017-08-01 16:31:47
You didn't think people had forgotten about you , did ya ?
Turbo willy 2016-09-10 05:48:03
My name is Sachsen

I'm very good with getting away with things

I'm a good manipulator

I can talk sweet words with my gals

My lads are the best

My brother wants me to go counciling he thinks I will sleep with mummy

I am not got a ego cause all my plans wprk out lol
Give my fly spray got a little fly hoovering

First I showed it lots of stamina now it's boring me I'm done with it its damaged goods
paris 2017-10-27 15:44:50
Hi Sachsen, I love vampires alot are u 1? Just wanted to know.I am really curious
Brgem 2016-08-19 09:12:58
Those talking about Virgos as mates, reading up on what makes them tick and comparing your significant other are ways to figure out why things might not be going well. For instance, Virgo's like to think that they're correct about situations (are super confident) and don't like to be told they're wrong. They're hypercritical about others but extremely sensitive about what others say to them. Being a Gemini this is similar to gemini's, sometimes you want your mate to agree with you and move on, they may not want to. They may just want you to agree with them. It never gets to the point of moving on, and can be frustrating. Getting stuck in situations that hurt your feelings can be hard to let go of these things too. Try learning more about relationships and with these types of people, and think if something is situational. In each situation there are variables that make it different, just like each person is different. Not all gemini's have exact characteristics of Gemini profiles. Two situations might be the exact same thing. One happens during the day and one at night. Completely different to me. Being detail minded, the details are what makes what looks like the exact same thing to others different to me. I hope my insight helps someone in some way.
Anonymous 2016-05-31 21:41:12
Im a sagittarius and i am inlove with a gemini i told him i liked him but he rejected me xD been feeling like shit for months but i have amazing friends which are geminis 7 people or 6 but i dont really get along with one of my gemini friend shes just too blind to see how lucky she is and she always copies my work shes keep on telling me that shes depressed and lieing about her problems with no evidence one day i got really pissed off at her and told her the truth and now everyones against me all my friends then i suddenly realise how fake they are been feeling stuck for months and cant get out of my position there is no reason of living for me cause im making it more complicated and worse for everyone around me and WHATS THE POINT OF LIVING IF UR NOT EVEN FEELING HAPPY FOR MONTHS??? everyone are just too idiotic these days and thats why intellegent people are leading to suicide but a higher level thn that is just live and be more patient guys dont damage urselves whats the fucking point. If u wanna kill urself kill urself but let me tell u this life still goes on...
donald 2022-03-28 22:12:07
I hope you didn't punch the clock. if you did, think of all the shit you missed out on☣️
ManaWahine 2016-09-19 07:49:03
life is a conversation. the universe provides the answer. concentrate on one star and you miss the heavenly beauty. 😝
My beautyful booty call 2017-02-27 12:54:54
Happy birthday on Feb 28th

Cheers from me and my boys

What a local slag
JR 2016-07-17 11:23:46
Wow! Thats a lot to take in! UR totally on the right course. This breakup with Geminis was for the better. They can all be friends with each other but you as the outsider is an easy target. MOVE ON! Gemini assholes deserve only each other (or any asshole for that matter). Stay true to your nature and you will gravitate those dear friends that will never BURN you at the stake, like a cruel Gemini would. It's for the better, you will see. Geminis are not bad people, just misunderstood because they have a sinister, mean streak and embrace it whenever its convenient to them. If you are looking for honesty within others, look elsewhere. There are plenty of other signs in the universe that will treat you with love, respect and kindness on a consistent level. As long as you feel you deserve better then it will come, if you hate yourself then keep hanging out with people who will mistreat you...they are not your friends.
shirley 2017-03-10 03:44:28
yes, I agree with you about that Gemini people, am Gemini too,someone of sign they never understand what gemini want, we like funny things, jokes and a true relationship.
51ILLUSIONS 2016-03-16 10:39:01
I have no idea why a Scorpio would ever get involved in a long-term relationship with Geminis. There is nothing but disaster ahead for them. I am an Aries who married and lived very, very happily "Til Death Do Yea Part" for 30 years. It is 4 years later and I am engaged and presently living with another Gemini. And yes, I read an Airies traits pretty much by the book.
Zoe 2016-08-07 01:51:45
I am a Gemini married for 20 very happy years to a Scorpio. Just about to start a new adventure together in another country. Together forever in love.

skytigerzero 2016-01-27 05:23:00
but it hard while in yuma az,where weakmind people is the town
Gopi 2015-11-02 13:48:19

Don't know if people are taking it seriously, but trust me, it works.

Don't believe it blindly, but it tells to avoid certain things, just give a try, if its says a color is fine or some time is fine for the day give a try.

You are not going to loose any thing out of it, if you don't tell your friends to no one is going to bully you.

Just a week, you will follow daily horescope, not this site , try anyone which is handy.

I have been doing it since 2012 and have avoided some nasty things before they could happen.
The best part is you get, daily astrology on your love, health, profession and finance

Ciber 2015-09-14 16:04:55
Gemini people I wonderful as long as you understand them. We might be airy , constanlty thinking. I was married to a Virgo , the man was totally mad. He will talk bad things about me to friends and family and come home as if nothing is. He was a liar a womaniser. I loved him so much but I realised that he won't change. I left him. After 3 years of sapration he hanged himself. Virgo's are a no no for me.
Sam 2016-04-01 10:13:39
Amen sister and good for you!! Virgo men are womanizers i've dated one for 3 years this year being our 3rd when we started off everything was fine, same as your experience talk bad things about me to his friends and family and come back to me as if nothing is, he cheated became very abusive even physically then he would cry and apologize and threaten to kill himself should i break up with him, the relationship was emotionally draining I'm still on the recovery process and iam happy to have finally left him.They can be such sweet talkers and smooth lovers, but trust me I'm never EVER dating another Virgo man ever again so help me GOD. They are mad!!!

Genius 2016-03-01 14:51:48
Why would you share such a harsh story?
True Gemini 2015-09-12 11:16:24
Jellybean, I am a Gemini, not a Dragon though. Love seems impossible for me right now but I feel chances for friendship (with other women) is unusally good so maybe try and focus on friendships?
And all you girls here, let go of married men.
Theyre not wort it...
Jellybean 2015-09-10 08:46:54
I'm a gemini and feel misunderstood by some. I wish not i've always struggled financially amd domt know why or how. I just wish I can break out. I'm also single and can't find no one. Trying to move up has been hard. I work so hard and try to be nice and make people's day but can't get ahead. It sucks. Anyone else in the Gemini/ Dragon having this problem.
John 2016-01-01 20:21:31
Jellybean hi i can give you good advice but it depands were you at.stay put in positive 2016 is here for good things lets talk private from SA
rob 2015-09-30 11:19:07
indeed i am a gemini too and for no reason it has been a struggle financially from the start with no support for our kids from parents and inlaws. Now after 22 years i have finished paying of the house ALONE and at last i feel financially comfortable but still cannot find the happiness I seek with my wife. Guess virgo make no good partners ?
Janu 2015-09-01 07:54:20
From last few years i am having a very tough time especially in jobs. From last 8 months i am employed. I just want to know how much time i will have to suffer like this and when can i expect a job. Please tell...
Cap girl 2015-08-23 00:29:44
Iam a capricorn woman, in love with a gemini married man. Met him during my Christmas vacation last year,everything went fast the last thing I know iam having a relationship with him.Supported him emotionally during his struggles with life,sometimes also financially.I love him so much that I will do everything to help him out and make him happy only to find out few days ago that our relationship will end. Our relationship turned sour since May,he was beginning to lessen our contact trough txt and viber phonecalls and now this. It's been 5 days since we txt,heard frm my gf from philippines last night he was sitting in the bar with 2 young girls and the other one was kind'a intimate with him. I don't know how to move on ,I don't know what to do,I don't deserve this anyone pls help
blessed 2016-01-24 10:30:17
u dont deserve that? u have an affair with a married man.. cmon..
Cap girl 2016-02-06 18:45:49
yes iT was stupid and totally over . Now seeing another gemini (single)for 5 months now and dating him in old fashioned way. Funny but it's true. Happy right now and just enjoying myself with him every time we're together without feeling of needing to be in a relationship that's why I messed up the last time,won't do it again I assure myself about that. I have wronged his wife and children and my 4 kids aswel and my Family but most of all myself. Self love is something i learned after getting out of that toxic relationship. Learned my lesson very well.

rob 2015-08-13 13:12:54
i am gemini and after 22 years my marriage is in a bad state for my wife (virgo) always critizing me that i talk too much about her to other people. In june i was living in bliss, our marriage was never so good, end of june i say one wrong word to her friend and now am living in hell. I was going to go on a speed date as horoscope predicted a chance to find the true love of my live (or ex-girlfriend) but with 2 kids I hold dear and still having alot of feelings for my wife I did not go. Also by some divine intervention my wife called me to get some food, so I missed the appointment. I just hope we can get back to that place we were in june as i want to feel passion and being in love....
Hannah 2015-08-17 11:08:43
So funny but I also totally understand about the Virgo partner being hard to live with. Im a Gemini single parent now. I also know alot of Virgo men. They're okay as friends, even a flat mate but never ever again will they be a the boyfriend or husband. EVER!.
Rose 2015-08-22 00:17:12
I have to second your notion there. I had a virgo husband....and all I can say to that is....NEVER again
rob 2015-09-28 13:15:11
wow horoscope did say life with a virgo is difficult for a gemini (also for most other signs) but amazing to know that other gemini had same experiences. I am now thinking of divorcing her as i seem to be wasting my time, energy and money on her but it's for the two boys I stay. Did think about speeddating to check out other women just to compare as she makes it seem that I am a bad husband even when I know I do alot for her
dee 2015-06-09 13:06:00
okay my cancer boyfriend just broke up late last month he said he knows we are not flowing well that much n thereis no need to pretend buh we are still friends.but im having a new crush on an aquarian guy that is far from me and a sag man just told me he adores me but i dont i would be fair to myself getn into another rltnshp just yet,shouldi stay single for a while .....
jocelyn 2015-04-24 06:19:04
were far apart my boyfriend is he coming this year to meet me ...im gemini girl
SANDY 2015-06-10 14:56:21
Flor 2015-04-05 21:57:38
Ha stuck in a triangle ! What to do to many choices!!
Dimple 2015-03-21 09:30:34
Will I marry my ex-girl friend? She is married and in a bad marriage in a way of getting divorce, may be?

abby 2015-02-15 21:16:58
Born on 17th June, applying for new job. Is there any chance to be happy?
Baby 2016-04-12 22:45:57
Hey Abby I'm born on June 17th too.. Haven't met much people born on the same date. How life been for you - overall?
Reaka 2015-06-22 04:14:48
I too am June born (3rd)....and am also looking for a job.
deborah 2015-01-24 15:42:27
plz tell me if it would be wise for me to break up with my cancer boyfriend,i dont love him as much as getting married,he is really spiritual with vision and i love that but he is too domestic and stable and im not attracted to him that much.I really want to find a way to go back to my libra adorable ex boyfriend or just remain single,im confused right now whether to leave or to stay and waste his time.HELP dabulokwe@yahoo.com
twindragon 2015-07-07 07:19:16
I'm trying to leave my cancerian who just won't let go. If yr nt in love, dnt go there. They're hard to shake.
joan 2015-04-13 19:49:24
what is meant to be will be but what I will tell you is that this is a big year for pisces. they will accomplish a lot and if you leave him.. you will be the fool left in the dust.
KRISHNAPRIYA 2015-01-16 13:06:23
Rabia 2014-12-23 17:22:00
Plz tel me I apply my visa
neda 2014-11-21 17:15:06
After doing so much good for the other- why I see so much downfalls? I did stupid mistake...but my reputation at work is greater then this mistake.
aarti 2014-09-22 05:23:56
Plztell me abt my marriage dob 22/05/88. Babyhasi2@gmail.com also abt job money growth tim mornng 9.00 place gujrat.

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GEMINI - The Sign of the Twins

Everything says speed and ease about the Gemini. Their Air trigon is reminiscent of the wind; their ruling planet is the Mercury, also the Roman god of speed. Speed is an accompanying characteristic of their corresponding Chinese horoscope sign - the Horse, and change is a primary descriptor of the Mutable Cross, to which the Gemini belong.

In horoscope, the enigmatic planet Mercury represents the intellectual abilities. The ruler of the celestial trade ways is a symbol for the mind, perception. The feet of the Gemini may not be quick, but no one thinks quicker or reacts more rapidly than the natives of the Gemini Zodiac sign. The positive characteristics of the Gemini follow suit - quick-wittedness, versatility, perspicacity, performance, flexibility and dexterity.

However, because it is a dual Zodiac sign, many Gemini suffer from the inability to make important and responsible decisions, stick to those decisions and handle emotional strain. Some decisions are not worth sticking to. However, some are essential, and without commitment, there can be detrimental circumstances. The Gemini should read the horoscope to discern between those two types and to make sure that they are applying commitment, so difficult for them, to something that is worth the effort. To something that will protect your life in the upcoming month from becoming worse, or even something that will make it better.

The world is restless and the Geminis are accordingly mobile. Slow down! Impatience, self-deception, glibness, superficiality, inconstancy and indecisiveness, all exhibited to different degrees, all leave you in need of some advice. Allow the horoscope to offer such advice, to be a beacon of light amidst the uncertainty. It only takes five minutes to read, after which you can move on. However, as you will move on, you will be more informed. You will be more powerful, more in control; it is control that suffers when the car speeds up more than it was supposed to.

You may be running away from something or towards something, or you can do both. Far too often, the mind of the Gemini does neither - it runs in scattered patterns, its focus is unable to obtain the longevity necessary for the persistence in achieving a long-term goal. This is why you need to read the horoscope. For many other signs, its primary purpose is to serve as a guide and as a glimpse into the possibilities. It is all that for you, of course, but it is also a cautionary tale. The dangers that the horoscope may warn you of may be avoided if you put your mind to it. The success that the horoscope predicts, may also be avoided if you do not put your mind to following it. The horoscope for the next month can become a story of victory for a diligent Gemini or it can become a thought of what if? What if you would stick to that commitment to go to the gym, to increase work performance by 14%, to do something meaningful? The horoscopes may warn you what you might be missing or what you should put conscious effort in avoiding. One way or another, they may give you the purpose that you will hold on to.

Daily horoscope

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