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The Zodiac Sign Gemini Love Compatibility Horoscope

Gemini Love Compatibility Horoscope

Zodiac sign Gemini Love Compatibility

Compatibility of Gemini, Basic Traits of the sign of the Zodiac Gemini' Love & Romance Character, Gemini Relationships Individual Preferences, those born during May 22 - June 21

Gemini and Aries Love Compatibility Horoscope

This union can turn out to be delightful, because both Aries and Gemini are tireless, active, and inclined to search for new knowledge. The Aries' tendency to dominate is limited by the ingenuity of the Twins. The Twins have no sexual prejudices, but their energy can search for other ways of satisfaction. Gemini may seek extra stimulation but is discreet about it. Both minds mesh well; Aries is dynamic and intelligent, Gemini is versatile and ingenious. Aries is likely to be the leader sexually, and Gemini delights in thinking up variations to keep Aires's interest at a peak. The marriage can turn out to be quite successful.

Gemini and Taurus Love Compatibility Horoscope

An unpromising match, though at the beginning Taurus responds to Gemini's sparkle and Gemini is intrigued by Taurus's uncomplicated directness. The Gemini's representatives are usually double-faced, changeable people. The Taurus' representatives tend to enjoy consistency. Taurus is attracted by the artistry and riches of the imagination of the Gemini. However, the Gemini is irritated by the Taurus' slow reaction. Taurus with the innate need to possess will never be able to hang on to the unsettled Gemini. Gemini loves change and Taurus resists it. Their sex life is gradually affected by the Gemini moods which are very changeable. Gemini behaves as the playful, mischievous little kid one minute and the next minute he/she will turn basic and animalistic in his/her sexual appetites. The typical Taurus reaction to this action will probably drive him/her into someone else's bed. This is a tasteless connection and there is not the best prospect for a marriage.

Gemini and Gemini Love Compatibility Horoscope

You won't find a more versatile, charming, or vivacious pair. They are fascinating conversationalists, have tons of friends, and together they'll throw some marvelous parties. Sex is all fun and games. On the other hand, while this connection can be very pleasant for both sides, it may lose its stability very quickly. Because their needs are shared and they have a mutual understanding of the likes and dislikes of the other then they will be highly in tune sexually. There will be a mad love between them, and marriage won't become an accident. Such a combination is possible and it will be the most interesting couple that you know.

Gemini and Cancer Love Compatibility Horoscope

Gemini's sparkle immediately intrigues Cancer, but Cancer won't find security with fickle, fly-by-night Gemini. The Cancer's self-confidence will decrease during his dialogue with the changeable Gemini, who is fond of pleasures. The unguided sexual energy of the Gemini will create problems for the Cancer. Cancer is the home-loving type and will be content to stay there and lock the rest of the world outside, but Gemini would soon become restless and angry over this as he/she is very sociable and likes to be around other people; having no desire to feel as if they are a prisoner in their own home. Life will quickly become unbearable to Gemini. Cancers are driven by emotions and feelings and generally prefer consistency. Gemini's unstoppable movement will prove unsettling to Cancer. Though it is a very emotional connection, the long-term connection is almost impossible here.

Gemini and Leo Love Compatibility Horoscope

An affectionate pair who really enjoy each other. While Leo loves with his/her heart first, Gemini loves with his/her mind. Gemini seems to be romantic enough for Leo. The Gemini's stability will not be fluctuated by the moody Leo. Leo's self-confidence blinks at Gemini's flirtations with others. Gemini's penchant for ridicule can annoy regal Leo, though, and Leo will probably demand more adoration than Gemini is willing to give. It can be a problem but they have so much fun together that don't tend to pay attention to such small problems. Both Leo and Gemini have strong desire to have a passionate, emotional life. Sexually, Leo loves wholeheartedly and Geminis variable desires are a complete mystery to him/her. Leo is quite capable of warm-heartedly breaking down any resentments that Gemini may harbor from the daytime, thereby easing the tension in the bedroom. It will be an acceptable connection and, surely, a safe marriage in the future.

Gemini and Virgo Love Compatibility Horoscope

Both are Mercury ruled and have a mental approach to life. But their similarity ends there; these two are star-crossed from the beginning. Gemini treats Virgo as a boring creature. There are precise representations about sexual behavior in the Virgo's head. The Gemini will show indecision. After attenuation of passion's fire, Virgo will start to grumble and criticize Gemini. Gemini will start searching for entertainment with someone else in his/her turn. Passions run on a low thermostat; their sex life soon turns chilly. This is going to be as short as a flash relationship, which has little chance to last a long time.

Gemini and Libra Love Compatibility Horoscope

These two air signs are well suited intellectually and every other way. It is difficult for the representatives of both signs to control their passions. If love "makes the world go round" then this couple gives an initial push for it. This is an ideal partnership. Both favor similar changes of interests. In the case of this pair, Libra is the judge and Gemini is the responsive jury in the nuptial courthouse. The combination's intellectual and artistic interests are compatible. Both sides of the Gemini nature will be understood by the Libra. Both of them are passionate and nobody is too jealous at the same time. The characters have a lot in common, and they perfectly understand each other in the bedroom. Libra is highly sexed and their lovemaking will never be lacking. Their sex-life will never be dull. This is a perfect connection; a warm and happy married couple.

Gemini and Scorpio Love Compatibility Horoscope

Gemini's imagination and Scorpio's dynamism can make a good combination if these two are able to get along together. They are close in the sexual relationships, but that is not enough. Gemini is the type who tries to live a full, busy life but not so with Scorpio, as Scorpio is more centered on the idea of self-improvement. Scorpio is sensual, passionate, demanding, jealous, and inflexible. Gemini is fickle, flighty, superficial, lighthearted, and changeable. Gemini is a social creature, Scorpio likes privacy. The representatives of Geminis sign take everything too easily for the Scorpio. The Scorpio is purposeful while the Gemini is always doubting. It will probably be a kind of relationship that is not easy to cope with; with a difficult marriage as a result.

Gemini and Sagittarius Love Compatibility Horoscope

These two are opposites in the zodiac and are attracted to each other like magnets. They are both tireless, changeable and not frank enough as lovers. Gemini is inclined to criticize the Sagittarius' behavior in bed. They may be disappointed sexually since neither is demonstrative-and Gemini is very quick to criticize. There are also some other weak points in their relationships, while the strength is that they are both undemanding people. Their affair will probably begin impulsively and will be finished suddenly as well. The marriage can turn out to be quite good but it will require efforts from both of them.

Gemini and Capricorn Love Compatibility Horoscope

They have different sexual natures. The Saturn ruled Capricorn will be at odds with the Mercury ruled Gemini. The Gemini is usually easy-going, amorous people, while the Capricorn is sluggish, devoted, and cautious. Capricorn will have a hard time holding the reins on excitable, flirtatious, wayward Gemini. All of Capricorn's patience is needed to deal with a partner it considers to be capricious, extravagant, and scatterbrained. In order for the sexual relationship to be a success, Gemini will have to distract Capricorns mind from his/her career and the problems that go with it. The initial interest cannot last very long.

Gemini and Aquarius Love Compatibility Horoscope

Uranus, the ruling planet of Aquarius, is full of surprises and sudden changes. This will suit the Gemini perfectly. Gemini is capable to subordinate to the Aquarius' will. There will be a lot of pleasant things in a bedroom through the lack of passions is also possible. The changeable Gemini are easily influenced by the Aquarius' constant pressure. They love to socialize, they have a wide range of outside activities, and neither is particularly jealous or proprietary. The sexual attraction between them is likely to be intense, as Aquarius finds Gemini to be very attractive physically. This couple will be fine bed-mates and fascinating friends. It is an interesting connection which may turn into a charming marriage.

Gemini and Pisces Love Compatibility Horoscope

The passion quotient is high, so too will be their problems. The Pisces is too emotional for Gemini. Emotional Pisces for his/her turn is too easily hurt by thoughtless Gemini. Gemini is mischievous and playful, but Pisces is sensitive and takes things to heart. It creates an atmosphere of suspiciousness and mistrust. There can be a feeling of flame between them but the instability in their relations will destroy the connection as a result. This is a rather risky connection and unhappy marriage.

♊ Horoscopes for Gemini

The Zodiac Sign Gemini Love Compatibility Horoscope Zodiac signs Well

Zodiac sign


Comments: Gemini Love Compatibility Horoscope

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Klynn 2017-12-28 01:54:48
I am a 50 yr old Gemini female. We could lock ourselves away, it would not matter. The other signs would find fault. Sad Sad
Rocky 2017-10-08 16:28:51
I was in love with a cancer woman, We both loved truly , we made sacrifices on mutual agreement. But my dual character made me hurt her a lot when i get anger over petty issues and misunderstandings because of me, she walked away. Will it work again if I try for her
Paul 2018-06-13 20:29:59
One way to keep most women is to show small acts of love. If you put in your calendar several monthly events that are kinda small that show her how much you love her. the acts should look like they are random. each month should have different days than all other months. Preplan what you will do for her, do not tell, pour yourself out like a drink offering. and keep your word to yourself about doing this for her. Watch the results. Good Luke.
stevieg 2017-06-08 01:05:41
True story:
When my ex-wife (Taurus) started living together she would say, "What I really love about being with you (Gemini), is that I have no idea who I will wake up next to in the morning.

After two years of marriage she would say, "You know, Stephen, what really pisses me of is that I have no idea who I'm going to wake up next to in the morning."

I am not making this up.
Branz 2017-01-20 07:24:15
Hi guys . i am a picies n i have a gimini gf but everything seems to be fantastic between us we have so much of fun n love bursting between us we hardly fight but if we do its over somthing small n we get over it quite fast i really would like to know how arnt we compatible?
Dan 2018-05-13 11:31:48
So glad to hear it.
I'm a Gemini man who is growing increasingly attracted to a Pisces woman.
What you described is what I hope for, but so many are quick to dismiss Gemini Pisces pairings.
Myself included until I met this one.
All the best, hope you found the one.
Wish me luck.
JM 2017-02-23 17:35:21
I am a gemini girl and my husbang is a pieces. I am happy to hear that you are having a fantastic time together. I don't. I don't know what to do now with my marriage but I do want to make it work. I do love him so much but it seems that we aren't compatible at all.
Ashley 2017-02-09 05:40:43
Thta's me and my boyfriends to and were like this to a point but were happy and we have trust.
mhine 2016-10-29 02:01:46
i am a gemini i am married to an aries sign but now an libra sign come my way and he really liked me..
micheal 2016-10-19 07:00:47
am a gemini,am alway attracted to a scopio lady,have dated so many scopio,but the problem is anything we do alway heat up,if sex, that is fun,romance fun,argument and fight are the worse,when we argue it turn to a bigger fight,so for me, scopio are sexy,beautifu,i love them because they drive me crazy,and secretive but before a relationship can be peaceful the both side has to work together,i love scopio,but am trying not to date then because it alway hell when we quarrel.
Soniial 2016-08-06 00:03:53
Don't date scorpio I dated one for 6 years and I just had to change my attitude and that's not what I wanted. He wants to control the things we do, is a needy oCD freak, the ups of the relationship was that I can tell him any problem and he was very smart and open minded on giving me advice also isn't afraid to tell it how it is but that's not for me I need me an Aquarius man that can make me laugh 🙂 or a sagg man, they are powerful, and good cooks lol, or a daredevil Leo who is willing to try new things together. My past relationship was with a cancer and it kind of just faded. I've never dated an earth sight so I wouldn't know that isle. I am a gem cusp with cancer
Arless 2016-07-16 22:01:23
My girl is an Aries and we are are both work alcoholics nothing is better in the bed room I want to love her over and over again I can not get enough of her. her smell her walk her ways and she is very intelligent and can hold a serious conversation with the best of em.
jennylyn 2016-07-08 18:51:16
im a gemini having a crush with a scorpio...but he never know that he is mmy crush
Lola 2016-06-20 02:54:29
I'm a scorpio female and this Germiny guy has been with me for 13yrs now, no sex cause I couldn't say yes to his advances but told him we could only be friends. He still loves, care and adore me and whenever I need him he's always there and he still says he want to marry me. Right now I've started feeling different for him. Never have I been loved by anyone like he loves me. Pls germiny guys what must I do? I really wish to love him back
Dave 2017-08-24 02:17:31
Love him with all your heart and he will return it forever
prety 2016-05-20 11:41:58
false for Gemini aquarious,,,,,no good pair,,
ravikumar 2016-05-16 15:42:27
I Don. T like..

Amanda 2016-04-24 19:48:40
I am a Gemini I have been dating a Capricorn for 9 months now he is strick, on a schedule, lived day by day doing nothing new. But since we have been together I have got him to lighten up, do unexpected things. He has got me to clam down. I think based on us that our signs helps each other out by far the best relationship i been in..
natt 2016-04-12 01:20:37
im a gemini woman crushing on a scorpio man. will it work out? or theres no hope?
steff 2016-09-01 21:22:55
it won't work.. don't even waste your time. took me 12 years to finally quit.
Jasmine 2016-03-19 20:52:54
I'm a Gemini female. Some of these pairs are questionable.
Alexandria 2016-03-18 17:46:25
I'm a gemini and I'm dating an Aquarius, but we keep on having endless arguments and he's a big migraine. Should I hold on or let it go?
Gena 2016-03-15 08:14:25
I was married to an aquarius and that lasted 16 1/2 years, i'm a gemini.. he was very rebellious thruout the marriage and eventually ended up cheating, no tolerance for that so I moved on w/my present husband a cancer who's very loving and caring, my wants changed throughout the years, so he suits me fine, giving me all the security and love that I always craved.. he's clingy at times but as long as i'm willing to appreciate that then we're great..his obsessiveness over money however can drive me insane!!
Kiki 2016-02-25 20:31:51
I'm a Gemini and I'm dating a Taurus n we have been dating for a year n all I can say is its nothing but endless arguments about trust she is a headache but I love her but I'm wondering if I should stay or go
Melody 2015-11-01 20:08:51
Any sign can go with any sign, it just takes compromise....plus you are not just your sun sign, you have planets in other signs at the time of your birth, which one should get a birth chart done. I've seen people who signs are compatible break up and people who signs are not compatible stay till death do them part....it is all up to each individual what they want to do.
OahuGem 2016-07-09 17:41:16
Awesome post! I'm a Gemini girl and yes I fit some of the clichs associated with the Sun sign...but we are all a compilation of our entire charts, nothing is set in stone.
Message from Melody
Any sign can go with any sign, it just takes compromise....plus you are not just your sun sign, you have planets in other signs at the time of your birth, which one should get a birth chart done. I've seen people who signs are compatible break up and people who signs are not compatible stay till death do them part....it is all up to each individual what they want to do.

Tyrus 2016-05-13 11:53:57
[quote]Message from Melody

Well Said, Melody. I concur.
Narobi 2015-10-13 04:45:30
I am a Gemini woman an I have the most electrifying attraction of a Pisces/Aries and we both have fallen for each other. As of right now, things must move slowly but once we are able to have each other, it will be forever. No doubt. It's the best partnership ever.
Dreya 2015-10-06 08:09:29
I am a Gemini woman and my husband is Pisces. Everything Ive read about these two sings is NOT so true! I fell inlove with my Pisces man ever since our first kiss (literally)..Yess weve had our ups and downs but we both always try to meet halfway to fix our issues. Unlike many Gemini's I like stability and secureness. Im jealous myself and so is my partner (to a point) but I Like it from him, doesn't bother me..reminds me he cares..We have beautiful twin baby girls and if you asked me were truely inlove. He's not so romantic but he tries, hes cute hes cute Lol!..Im just saying these predictions aren't always on point. If two individuals understand each other, sometimes that's enough (;
Tork 2015-10-06 01:12:14
I'm a Aries/Pisces with a crush on a Gemini. I feel kinda conflicted haha. It seems like Aries and Pisces are opposites lol.
Ms.Philly 2015-09-21 03:40:28
I'm going say that everyone experience with different zodiac signs will not be the same I'm dating a Leo n we're great friends but not the new lovers I'm a Gemini he just doesn't get me n he's predictable which is boring for me!!
Kim 2015-09-12 04:51:41
I'm a Sagittarius female and I have a huge crush on a Gemini male I want to know if it would ever work because to be honest I really like him 😍 😍 😍
larry 2016-04-11 05:46:48
Sagittarius guy 8yrs with the same Gemini girl ups and downs but nothing less than true love remember there is no perfect relationship it takes really hard work to have a love that can't really be put in to words
reggie 2015-10-03 01:20:44
go 4 it im a gemini male and im with a sagittarius. it gets easy. 😃

annie 2015-09-02 02:30:27
I have been with a Leo for about 8years. Amazing in bed and lets me be me. He can be full of himself but would give the world to me to make me happy. I hate anything I have to always work at.this is like being friends that always hang out do stuff together then have crazy sex. Go with the lion. (There is a reson he's the king)
Jess 2015-11-10 22:00:53
Same here Gem married to a Leo 7 years. Love my lion dearly. Yup he lets me be me and my best friend. Only issue I got a lazy lion < sometimes > . We play like two kids and is fire in bed. I wanted a Leo! Because once they love you they love you FOREVER.
Gemini 2015-08-31 18:43:41
I'm a gemini and i have a good relationship with a Virgo, we do have out share of fights and somethings we find hard to tell eachother but in the end we talk everything straight and have a lot of fun. It's true that sometimes I find her a little boring but Id never cheat on her because she is my little treasure 🙂
Mike 2015-07-30 22:56:18
I've been married to a Gemini for 5 years and with her for over a decade now...We just had our 3rd daughter and as far as I can tell, she's happy. She used to be with a Gemini before finding myself so...Don't give axe Scorpios out immediately!

Now, both my wife and I match our signs and she even states that I match the scorpio sign to the "t"...Guess it boils down to if you like/can deal with what a scorpio packs. lol
gemini virgo compatability is 2015-07-22 19:11:56
Gemini virgo compatabilty is us unique the balance of the two world mesh and create one of the interesting and diverse relationships ever experienced because the nature of Gemini women tends to lend a more masculine approach and the virgo men tend to enjoy all that comes along with that it works though for this bond you will need patience and it requires the same attention all love partnerships do affimation dedication forgiveness acceptance and most important love its not anomolly you speak of trhat makes some one in love with a virgo seem hopeless and full of failure it is success in a bag of party favorsss. just my observation
Jessica 2015-06-27 08:40:52
From experience, Aquarius is too clingy to be with Gemini. I (Gemini) am feeling very smothered over here.
Alexandria 2016-03-18 17:52:10
True, I have an Aquarius bf and he's a little bit TOO clingy. I'm a Gemini.
Susan 2015-10-03 06:48:35
my mom is an aquarius, my dad is a gemini. They've been married for 43 years! It can work!
renee 2015-06-26 06:10:48
I'm a Gemini female who's divorced. I was married to a Scorpio for 21 yrs. we were great while dating then a ye after we married things changed. I was miserable for the majority of my marriage! Scorpios are very narcissistic and it's all about them. The sex was always great and I loved it to the very end. Now I'm looking for Libra.
Gem 2016-03-18 20:53:31
I'm a gemini female and can attest that a Libra will love and romance you in a way that will cause to you forget any disappointment. They are naturally tender, intuitive and fun on account of their love for beauty which they will see and appreciate about you.
Rinna 2015-08-01 16:29:31
I've been with Scorpio for two years too. Until he forgotten to sign out his facebook and saved the password in my laptop, I saw that he has been chatting with all women romantically like lovers. I am happy I leave him from that day. Scorpio is a cheater. They are known for that.
Knowles 2015-07-28 03:04:11
I dated Scorpio too and just like you, I was also very miserable. I'm also a Gemini and heard Libra's are our match but idk.. Good luck tho!
Dora 2015-12-18 12:22:24
I've dated a Libra for 2 years ... very boring. Now I am with a Scorpio and I like it.
DK 2015-08-20 05:22:49
Message from Knowles
I dated Scorpio too and just like you, I was also very miserable. I'm also a Gemini and heard Libra's are our match but idk.. Good luck tho!

Yes Libra's are very good to Gemini, I am experiencing it. They are loving caring, and good thing is they can understand us(Gemini).
Jerry 2015-07-26 23:01:51
GEMINI with Pisces is disaster in making from point GO. Also with Capricorn. Life is too short to be miserable. In valueless partnership. Choose wisely. No exceptions.
Jamersham 2015-08-26 09:26:24
That's so true! I was married to a Pisces (I am a Gemini) and we had a very difficult time, always misunderstandings and trust issues. Better to be alone than in something like that
Jerry 2015-07-26 22:53:37
Actually read Gemini and Gemini. :-)

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