December 2011 Monthly Horoscope for Virgo
Your vitality is on the rise this month, Virgo, and it couldn't come at a better time. This month, especially the first two weeks, will be filled with activities that occupy almost all your free time. You may be feeling a bit breathless at the moment, but in the end it's nothing you can't handle and you will find you've filled your life with memories that will last for decades to come. Things seem to fly by now and you can barely get your bearings. Just take a breath and move ahead as deliberately as possible.
Despite the manic schedule, there may be times when you feel things aren't happening fast enough for your particular tastes. You will feel anxious and impatient to see your new ideas-especially those related any creative fields-come to fruition. It's possible you'll feel held back by those working on a project with you, but there's not much you can do about that, other than to realize that everyone proceeds according to his or her own pace. Sometimes patience is a virtue which must be pursued out of necessity. This could be one of those times.
Avoid making any domestic decisions during the first couple weeks of the month, particularly those which could have long lasting implications for you or other family members. Your instinct is not exactly spot on at the moment and any decisions made at this time could turn out to be bad ones. You really don't want to live with that sort of problem beyond the end of this year, and you surely don't want troubles following you into 2012, a year that will bring troubles enough of its own.
Likewise, the first half of the month is especially ill suited toward making decisions regarding any sort of real estate or other business transactions. Agreements entered into at this time could likely come back to haunt you later. Again, this is trouble that is easily avoided by simply waiting for the last two weeks of December to move on. The second half of the month is a far more favorable time for making any sort of transactions, especially those involving loans.
The last two weeks of the month also are a great time for entertaining friends and family. Be ready for surprise, out of town visitors! You may find you have more of them than you really have the room for. Make your plans accordingly.
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