June 2012 Horoscope Sagittarius

June 2012 Horoscope Sagittarius

June 2012 Monthly Horoscope for Sagittarius

Your social status is due for a change, and June will bring that for you. You'll start to see more people interested in what you have to say, and taking you more seriously. Use this to your advantage. Resits the urge to withdraw or be distrustful. You don't have to completely trust everyone in your life to have a good time or get something out of the relationship. You've got a lot of great energy this month - use it to your advantage!

Sagittarius June Monthly Career Horoscope

The bottom line is that June is going to be nothing more or less than an average month for you, as far as your career is concerned. This may initially seem like a bummer, but remember that this means it's better than many other months. There are some work-related issues that you'll be able to say goodbye to toward the end of the month.

Sagittarius June Monthly Financial Horoscope

You can be optimistic about your financial situation in June, because it's going to be good. However, that doesn't mean you should spend, spend, spend. Make a list of all the major expenditures you're considering and wait a month to see if they still look like a good idea. Difficult times will lay ahead further in the year, so now may not be the time to deplete your savings.

Sagittarius June Monthly Love Horoscope

Single or coupled, June is going to be a decisive month in your life. Many Sagittarius are single but dating one more more people. June is the month for you to make up your mind. Remember - the onion you are eating is someone else's water lily. That means that just because you don't see why one particular person is fantastic, that doesn't mean someone else won't. Let go of someone in your life who isn't what you want.

Those who are in couples need to decide if it's really working. You do need to be willing to do the work to make it work - but only if it's worth it. If you try too hard to make a puzzle piece fit in the wrong spot, it will only get bent out of shape.

Sagittarius June Monthly Health Horoscope

It's a mixed bag regarding your health in June. Some of the month will show you in great shape and taking important steps to get into shape. Other parts of the month, you'll falter. You're not perfect - no one is. Don't beat yourself up if you fall off the wagon and don't stick to your diet and exercise regime. Start over again tomorrow.

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