April 2013 Horoscope Sagittarius

April 2013 Horoscope Sagittarius

April 2013 Monthly Horoscope for Sagittarius

April 2013 is a great month for finding fun and new forms of entertainment and creativity Sagittarius. On the 10th of April 2013 Aries New Moon enters your house of self-expression and gives you awesome opportunities to express yourself in thought, theme, and emotion. You may find that flirtatious behavior and impetuous desires will give you an almost manic air. Put on a good show in your romance and career life and see where it takes you. On the 13thof April 2013 you will have greater ideas, but be cautious and don't throw out brash ideas. Living in the moment is your idea of a good time during April 2013, Sagittarius, but when the fun and excitement fades you will have a very hard time retaining interest.

Around April 15th you will slow down and enjoy work instead of rushing to get things done. You can improve your skills when you are steadfast. Approval for your efforts will come to you. When the Sun and Mars enter Taurus on the 19th and 20th of April 2013 you will have more emphasis placed on your career and you find another sense of commitment. Persist at self-improvement, but beware of your stubborn streak that could make you less flexible about the methods you use to change.

On the 25th of April 2013 your house of secrets will be revealed and you will have to expose a very uncomfortable truth that you have been holding. It will be better out in the open.

April 1st is a great window of opportunity to impress others. You are feeling confident as Aries Sun moves into your house of self-expression. You will have a very supportive sextile with Jupiter in your house of others and they will begin to include themselves in your projects. Now is a great time to make a sales pitch or start a professional relationship. Keep people in all your plans today particularly if your enthusiasm includes companionship.

On the 6th and 8th of April 2013 you might just find a task for magic. Not magic of sleight of hand or pulling rabbits out of a hat, but from dreaming and doing. On the 7th of April you may have a need to connect with someone on a romantic stage. It will work out in the short term. Do be ware that everyone has flaws and there are some flaws that you cannot tolerate. This will come to light on the 7th. Do be gentle when you let someone down.

On the 14th and 15th of April 2013 you will need to follow your finances. You will be lured into believing a success story and want to enter to take advantage of the "riches." Things are not what they seem; beware of pies in the sky. They will lead you into financial disappointment.

The 20th and 21st of Aril is a time to curb your enthusiasm. The best way to use great ideas is to test them before fully committing yourself to them. Be optimistic and lighten your mind with brainstorms of creativity. On the 21st through the 25th you may feel that you can do anything you want and when jealous Jupiter stresses your house of opportunity, you need to find the truth in all situations.

On the 28th there are no second chances and little room for errors. Thanks to the Sun's opposition to demanding Saturn you need to take your time with a difficult project and try and get it done correctly the very first time. If you lack the skills and knowledge to handle a particular job, let someone else help you with it.

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