December 2014 Horoscope Libra

December 2014 Horoscope Libra

December 2014 Monthly Horoscope for Libra

December 2014 will be a very contrasting life period for the zodiac House of Libra. Contrasting in a sense that practically the entire first two weeks will be a complete opposition of the last two. This situation will happen because the key planetary combinations of this period will be quite dynamic. Venus, the planet-ruler of the House of Libra, will be as strong as ever in December, however, the positive influence of this celestial body will weaken significantly in the middle of the second ten-day period and will give the first place to Mars, responsible for the "expulsion" of the Libra. Saturn, the planet-exalt of this House, will fully support his protege throughout the entire month and will provide it with the necessary amount of life's energy. However, we should consider that the Sun, being the planet responsible for the "fall" of the House of Libra, will nevertheless be fully on their side until the middle of the second ten-day period. That means that starting from December 15, the positive Saturn may see a drain of strength as it will have to go up against the king of the sky himself.

Such a situation can be projected onto the sphere of entrepreneurship and business as ambiguous. That means it is evident that throughout the first half of December 2014 all the circumstances surrounding your job will be on the side of Libras. At the same time, after about the middle mark of the month you may meet serious problems. This is not an axiom, this is a tendency. That means that you should not adjust yourself to the forecast, it is sufficient to just consider it when you plan the most important events. Of course, it is best to conduct the key business meetings before December 15. At the same time, if there is no ability to move the event to a more positive time in terms of the celestial energy, then you should not do everything in your power to do so. Just try to prepare yourself for any unexpected event. Consider a maximum of factors, especially those connected with the technical equipment. Mars prefers to concentrate his attention on the tech, especially if the issue is connected to some large action that affects this or that House's good profits. As for the rest, you should not worry too much about trifles, since first they will just have no meaning to you, and then (from the middle of the second ten-day period) you will face complications of a much more significant nature. You will be able to overcome it all, you just need to believe in yourself and be attentive.

In terms of the love front, the situation will be much more complicated. That means that it is vital to consider all aspects of the given forecast. Not only consider, but in the best case scenario fulfill as much as possible. The first ten-day period should be spent on creating a powerful emotional basis within the family hearth, which you can fallback upon later. Try to conclude most of the arguments and soften the many ambiguous situations. If you need to, then compromise against your own personal wishes. It is best to take a step back now, then fallback ten steps later! In the middle of the second ten-day period, be prepared for tensions with your lover, while in the third ten-day period large-scale conflicts with close ones await you. Friends will remain loyal to you, so do not stop yourself from accepting their help. You will not be able to overcome upcoming conflicts by yourself. Rely on your intuition, it will certainly not steer you wrong right now. Listen to your heart, not to your mind, and do not be afraid to make spontaneous decisions. With such an approach, there are significantly more chances to come out a winner.

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Comments: December 2014 Horoscope Libra

B i Ʉ




pmj 2014-11-05 07:04:37
Very candid honest and sound analysis

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