December 2014 Monthly Horoscope for Sagittarius
The Sagittarius is a strong zodiac House, in which the energy of the Fire element slowly and cautiously moves to its starting point. In December 2014 the Fire trigon will be left without a "celestial leader", so the Sagittarius has nothing to think about in terms of additional celestial protection. This is exactly what he needs, since the forecast for the current time period will be based on just one combination - the "small triangle". The "small triangle" is a combination of three planets that have a direct influence on the given zodiac constellation, excluding any other external influence from happening. Venus, the planet-exalt of the House of Sagittarius, reinforced due to some interstellar combinations, will take upon a role of the main architect of fates in this sign. This means that all spheres of life and the love front in particular will be in good hands. At the same time, Mercury - responsible for the "expulsion" of the Sagittarius, will also have additional energy inflows, so his destructive emanations will be unusually strong. Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius, will provide a powerful energy shield at an expense of his positive influence that will fully protect against the energy of Mercury. In the end, the life of Sagittarius will be fully under just the influence of Venus. This is of course a positive factor with its own nuances.
In terms of the work direction, December 2014 will seem quite odd to the Sagittarius. First, the positive emanations of Venus in themselves will mean that your relationships with colleagues and management will only get significantly better. You may become close buddies even with those people who have hated and despised you for years. You must try for this, of course, but such an outcome is very possible. This month you will have a good chance to create new acquaintances that you could not have even dreamed of before. Do consider that your charm only works on the opposite sex. The energy of the representatives of your own sex may suddenly shift into aggression under a certain set of circumstances (your blatant superiority or dominance in a particular social group). You should be careful working with such things, as the consequences of your current actions may be very large-scale. In the end, December will be a productive month. That will be mostly due to your diplomatic talent.
The sphere of personal relationships will end up being a slightly more stable direction. At a minimum, you will not have to calculate your every move. In the circle of family and friends, everyone will love you regardless of which sex they belong to. You should not use this for your own selfish fain, especially when we are talking about your lover. Committing an act for the sake of someone else, however, is a great use of the opportunities you have. Do not hope for gratitude and do not ask for it, you will receive it either way. You will even get surprised! This will help you restore your lost belief in the surrounding world. It is likely that some creative callings will arise, especially for those that have had previous inclinations towards art. If you are entering December in proud loneliness, then the second half of the third ten-day period may grant you something pleasant and sudden. Just do not scare your dream away, be yourself and give off only warmth to those around you. The more positive emotions you will sow, the more good you will reap. Just do not forget about fairness, since it is true that everyone gets what they deserve.
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