March 2014 Horoscope Sagittarius

March 2014 Horoscope Sagittarius

March 2014 Monthly Horoscope for Sagittarius

For the sign that concludes the Fire trigon, the sign of Sagittarius, March 2014 will be an extremely versatile time. In light of the general stellar and more individual combinations, various spheres of life of the representatives of this sign will be subjected to positive and negative emanations to different degree; in fact, their power will be quite significant. The thing is that Venus, the planet-exalt of Sagittarius, will not have a positive attitude in March and in the current situation her negativity will be strengthened. Neptune will surely join Venus, by fully blocking the positive emanations of Jupiter, the planet-ruler of the Sagittarius. Thus, the area of personal relationships will fully be in the power of the mischievous Venus, which of course will have the most terrible effect on the life of the Sagittarius. On the other side, Mercury, responsible for the "expulsion" of the Sagittarius sign, will change his preferences and will gift it with a powerful creative impulse, which will be focused on the work area. Here, due to a random alignment of circumstances, the "celestial leader" of the Sagittarius - Saturn will become quite active, which will altogether give rise to a wave of quite powerful creative energy impulses.

As a result, in relation to the work sphere, the sign of Sagittarius in March 2014 will have very strong allies at its disposal, whose power in the given period may compare only with perhaps the power of the Sagittarius themselves. In other words, you will currently have that almost mythical time where everything will match - your abilities, your wishes, and the circumstances around you. Take the riskiest deals, make bets on luck and persist towards reaching your goal no matter what, even if you have to sacrifice something. Do not worry, even if you lose something, by the end of the third ten-day period you will get everything back in multiples! Pay special attention to your colleagues; let them go into the directions that they are especially interested in. Do not let everything handle itself, but give people the maximum freedom. Soon you will see that it is too bad you haven't done this sooner, as it will not only optimize the work process, but also provide you with free time that you can use however you desire.

Sadly, in terms of personal relationships with friends and relatives you will observe a directly opposite situation. No matter how much effort you put in, you will not be able to keep all of your relationships. Which ones will let go - you'll already know by the end of the first ten-day period. Once you know, cease to move forward in that direction at once, you will not achieve anything anyways, just lose your nerves. In addition, it is quite likely that in time you will realize that these are not such colossal losses, or perhaps, even the right ones. The main thing is that no matter how bad the situation gets, you should not let it out of your control. Otherwise, major arguments and conflict situations will drown you and leaving this bog will be extremely difficult. Hold on, no matter what happens. Never give up, even when you feel that you no longer have strength left. The stars believe in you; you will be able to survive this uneasy month well. Another important thing are the temptations. You will meet many of them on your way, but do not even think to consider them your lifeboats. They will just make the matters worse; drag you even further down, even though at first they will seem helpful. Persistence and courage - these are your main allies this month, follow them and do not stray away from your selected path.

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