November 2014 Horoscope Taurus

November 2014 Horoscope Taurus

November 2014 Monthly Horoscope for Taurus

Taurus, the leading sign of the Earth trigon, can count on a very productive conclusion to all current projects in November 2014. However, building new foundations is not recommended right now. This warning has equal strength both in terms of relationships and in terms of business. The fault of that is a very curious combination of planets that have a direct influence on the lives of this sign during the current period. The Sun, the planet-exalt of this zodiac House, meaning the celestial body responsible for the blossoming of his life strength, will also be the planet-ruler of the entire Earth trigon in November. Moreover, the Sun is the leading point of one of the key planetary combinations during this month. In the end, the positive influence of this celestial body will be tripled towards the Taurus, which promises large victories and coveted achievements. Saturn, responsible for the "fall" of the Taurus, will side with this House and will create quite a powerful energy shield around it that will only strengthen solar emanations. Pluto, however, responsible for the "expulsion" of this House, will shamelessly lure Venus onto his side. The sum negativity of these celestial bodies will have quite a special coloration, which will be discussed below.

In terms of the sphere of business and entrepreneurship, November 2014 will be a very successful life stage for the Taurus. This only counts towards the current tasks. You should not start something new, otherwise you risk not only failing all your plans but also endangering yourself. This is precisely how the influence of the Pluto-Venus duo will manifest itself. Its strength will not be enough to penetrate the solar "protection", but it will be capable of shifting some circumstances onto its side. Do not sign any agreements of cooperation, and if you are capable then have a minimum amount of talks with partners. Do so at least until the New Moon (November 22). Do not risk for nothing, as the stars are absolutely confident that the projects you have now will bring you success. By the way, during the current period you may invest additional resources into those directions that are close towards finishing. These will bring back handsome returns towards the end of the month! It is here that you should concentrate all of your abilities and all your attention.

In the love front, the situation will be slightly different. You will have to live through two shocks, one of which will be positive and one of which will be negative. Sadly, but we cannot even approximate the dates of these events. However, we can determine their overall direction. The positive one will have to do with your lover. Perhaps you will uncover some information that will change your life together at its core (a sudden inheritance or a gift from your parents would be one of the banal examples). This will be a shock for both of you. However, when you will recover from the new information, your happiness will be without limit. Just always, remember that the negative planets can change your victories into devastating losses over time. This is why you should be careful and carefully plan all your expenditures! The negative thing about the upcoming period has to do with one of your close friends. Some common venture may turn into a fiasco, because of which the hidden motives of the participators will uncover. Be ready for this and do not let any suspicious information slip by you.

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Comments: November 2014 Horoscope Taurus

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carrier of mine?accident of head injury 3years bac 2014-11-01 09:14:46
My carrier 29april 1987 at 10:45am tauras
alyson bobcon 2014-10-15 16:57:44
can do something you been trying to 😃

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