December 2015 Monthly Horoscope for Taurus
For the zodiac sign of Taurus, December 2015 will be an exceptional and a bright time, although generally not so positive in many other places. The Taurus' main ally in the upcoming stage of life will be Venus, which has traditionally played the role of the planet-ruler of this sign. Venus will be greatly enhanced by her position and her interstellar positive emanations at this stage will be incredibly strong. This means that Pluto (responsible for the expulsion of the Taurus) will have no chance to overcome such powerful protection. Of course, Venus itself may lose some of its positive energy, but, as they say, she will remain in the ranks. In addition, the Priestess of Love will be supported in such hard opposition to negativity by Saturn, which is responsible for the fall of the sign of Taurus, but at this stage will change the modality of his emanations and become a reliable ally of the people born under this sign. Unfortunately, the emanations of the Moon, the planet-exalt of the sign of Taurus will be not strong enough to ensure the life energy for the representatives of this sign of the corresponding dynamic, but on the whole you will have enough life energy.
If we dwell on your working direction, we can safely say that in December 2015 the zodiac sign of Taurus may easily solve all of its current tasks and take on new projects. If you work for yourself, then this month you have to identify new areas of activity, because all of the old ones will remain in the past. Here you may face a challenge, because many temptations may well lead you astray from the true path. Of course, you define what is important to you and what is not, but it is still worth it to take into account that some roads may eventually lead you to a dead end, where there will be no personal or professional growth. Therefore, think carefully before you invest energy and resources in new beginnings. However, do not forget that you have always been your worst enemy, to cope with which you need your self-confidence and a bit of risk madness. Be assembled and open to new ideas, but do not disconnect from your head for even a moment, try to analyze the maximum of information available to you. Those who do not have their own cause, are advised by the stars not to relax and move steadily towards the goal. And remember one thing: do not let emotions affect your work.
Regarding the love life, it is worth noting that in December 2015 the zodiac sign of Taurus will solve many riddles, many of which will not be easy. At first glance, it will be a positive and harmonious time, especially if you look at it from the sidelines. But in fact you have to invest a lot of effort and resources to the resolution of current conflicts, which at first may seem not very important. In fact, now even the smallest argument can easily grow into monstrous scale quarrel. Such moments will be noticeable, so you will not miss them, and should take all necessary measures so that the situation does not get out of control. Pay particular attention to the date of December 26th (Full Moon), on this day your efforts and resources should be mobilized to their maximum extent. Otherwise you will not be able to celebrate the New Year as you have wanted. Be honest and fair, do not allow others to engage in senseless and merciless conflict, even if they do not concern you directly. This behavior will become your key to a successful resolution of any ambiguous situations.
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Comments: December 2015 Horoscope Taurus
"However, do not forget that you have always been your own worst enemy"
(excerpt from above horoscope)
You can- and do -criticize, blame and cuss to your heart's content.
No, this horoscope's not all sunshine and lollipops; but
that doesn't mean it's not thought-provoking and informative.
For your own peace of mind, avoid reading the astroslam horoscope..
Your Taurean Friend
🙁 maybe it's time that I stop reading them..
Thank you for helping me see the light.
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