February 2015 Horoscope Taurus

February 2015 Horoscope Taurus

February 2015 Monthly Horoscope for Taurus

The zodiac sign of Taurus in February 2015 may be one of the luckiest signs of the celestial band. The thing is that not a single planet-antagonist of the current period will cause any long-lasting influence on the representatives of this sign. This means that most of the celestial negativity will a priori avoid the Taurus. At the same time, the Sun - the planet-exalt of this sign, will be reinforced due to its overall position, as well as due to its status as the "celestial leader" of the Earth trigon. As a result, the solar influence on the lives of the zodiac sign of Taurus will be unprecedented and, of course, fully positive. Saturn, responsible for the fall of this sign, and Pluto - responsible for its expulsion, might be able to overcome the solar blockade if they work together, however, this influence will be short and not strong enough to have much of an effect. Venus, the planet-ruler of Taurus, will also not stand idly on the side and will graciously grant whatever is required to her proteges. As a result, this month will be one of great possibilities for the Taurus, although you should consider one quite ambiguous fact. There is some possibility that Chiron, while passing close to the orbit of Saturn, will have an influence that is strong enough to conceive a thin, but a powerful impulse of destructive energy. This can be a sort of a sharp sting from a rapier, but if it will fall in an unprotected area, the Taurus may fall himself.

Finances and business in February 2015 will not bring the Taurus any special problems. If you have your own business, then it is time to think about rebranding or global modernization. Despite the danger of a sudden attack on behalf of Chiron, you have a real opportunity to reinforce your position. While trying to save yourself from the possible negativity, you may face a standstill and give birth to even greater negativity. O do not think about what could be, change the world around yourself by yourself, and do it the way you think is necessary. Do not be afraid to get tangled in a risky project, but only if you have a plan B and the situation is carefully calculated to avoid an unforeseen outcome. If you work for someone, then try to expand your sphere of responsibility. You do not have to run to management with "innovational" offers, not at all. First, try to do something, then you will have an ability to operate with concrete facts.

The personal front will get personal and in February 2015 may surprise you with a sudden turn of events. You do not have to be afraid of a possibly life-defining choice suddenly arising before you. It may define your life, in part, but the thing is that not a single option will be fully negative. You will just have to choose what feels more right to your heart, a choice that will reflect your nature the most. Do not be afraid of a sudden separation, maybe it is for the best. Of course, married couples do not have anything of sorts on the horizon, so your choice there will be much more individualistic in nature and will most likely not concern the family. Do not be afraid to change anything, conservative moods are often destructive. This does not mean that you should rush head first into any dubious action, but just listen to your heart, your soul, and your feelings. You will surely understand when you will choose the part that will be in unison with the universe. It is hard to say how it will look like, but you will surely feel it.

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Comments: February 2015 Horoscope Taurus

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cmad 2015-04-02 17:52:49
Taurus may 21st,I lost my Dad on Feb 6th
Daisy 2015-03-09 20:31:28
After 4 years heading for divorce. I was Taurus and he was Gemini
chinmoy 2015-02-25 11:40:21
my 7 year relationship got end. I'm may 10 born tauureana d she was feb 13 born aquarious, worst period of my life
David 2015-02-19 20:22:14
i'v met a girl whom i love, but don't know if she does and sometimes we talk on phone and she promise to see me the next day when that day comes she never show, so my question is will this turn in to a good relationaked.
SUBHALAXMI 2015-02-18 06:03:24
Holly 2015-02-14 06:15:09
Taurus, may 14th. Sudden seperate and divorce on the horizon.
juan 2015-02-10 14:52:37
I am miserable in my current job is,just not,workong for me.
sai kiran 2015-02-09 13:46:10
Im born on may 6th 1998 ndmy zodiac is tarus can I get great marks in my I.P.E and EAMCET examinations
ANAND IYER 2015-02-03 13:53:22
I am Taurus April 20, 1988. Born in Kerala

I am struggling for a job.

Will I succeed in Aviation Sector or should I try for something different.
Francesca 2015-01-28 02:42:47
We are Aries Apr 4 Male & Taurus May 1 female..
After a 20 year relationship we are perhaps heading for a separation 🙁(
uday 2014-11-18 16:51:52
It is good. Self explanatory

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