January 2015 Horoscope Gemini

January 2015 Horoscope Gemini

January 2015 Monthly Horoscope for Gemini

January 2015 will be a quite unusual time for the zodiac Sign of Gemini. This period will most likely end up being positive and productive in all respects, however much more will depend on the Gemini themselves than they can imagine. Not the Sun, not Pluto will have any influence on the representatives of this sign, fully compensating for the negativity of Jupiter, responsible for the expulsion of the Sign of Gemini, and Venus responsible for its fall. At the same time, Mercury - the planet-ruler of this sign, and Saturn - its exalt, will end up in no less of a curious situation. The emanations of these planets will end up being blocked by the influence of Mars and Neptune. For the Gemini, as well as for any other sign, such a situation means maximum ambiguity combined with an unlimited level of freedom in making decisions and taking action. In other words, this is a unique situation which tells that your life will be fully under your control, excluding any outer influence. Whether this is good or bad is an individual matter, however, you should still consider some nuances.

For example, the sphere of business and finances in January 2015 may surprise you with the most unexpected twists and turns. The Gemini are the leading sigh of the Air trigon, which means that your "celestial leader" Saturn should have an unbelievably strong positive influence on you, as he is also your planet-exalt. However, as was stated above, everything will fall into place in a much more interesting manner and the direct of influence of this planet will be seriously limited. However, the emanations of its energetic impulses may still affect you in a way of precognition. You are going to face surprising and perhaps not the most positive situations; you will have to make decisions, evident ones and fairly non-trivial ones too. Everything is in your hands, yet do not rush into action head on without consulting your inner voice, which may suggest to you an entirely different decision. Do not rush to fire a lazy worker, do not blame yourself in that an important meeting went astray, look deeper into the root cause of the situation and you will definitely see that everything happened the way that it should have. While consequences may always be changed, especially if no one stands in your way. The way it is now.

In terms of personal relationships, the situation will be a little more unambiguous. In January 2015 you will not face any challenges or real difficulties. If you are alone and have long given up on changing anything, right now is the best time to not change anything. Instead of useless attempts, just think over your position, analyze and evaluate your actions. Find the reason for your lack of success and eliminate it, do not doubt that the reason is in you. Have the courage to accept it and see things for how they are, since other influence right now is simply out of the question. Those that are the lucky ones who found their second half - the only advice for you is to be happy. Just be happy doing what you think needs doing. You can always find points of commonality and during this month you have a unique opportunity to gaze at the situation with a clear eye. No one will try to get you on their side, you will remain pure and unbiased in your judgements. If something is not right, then look the truth in the eyes and solve the problem, directly or indirectly, through open conversation or by being sly - that is not important. Your life belongs to you and you are the one who pays the price for each decision, no one else. The stars give you a unique chance to realize everything and see the truth; it would be quite unwise to miss such an opportunity.

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Comments: January 2015 Horoscope Gemini

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Micky 2015-01-27 04:29:12
Damn... A little late. 😝 😃
Ola 2015-01-21 14:48:11
It's all correct consigning me
7447 2015-01-12 12:51:53
i have to stop lying to myself
Kenny 2014-12-26 20:06:54
Well honestly I really liked the way this gemini horoscope was predicted, It gave me courage although I seemed to have lack in it earlier before I read it. <(*_~)>. . .#PEACE
jannat 2015-01-22 18:00:47
I am really impressed by Gemini.l hope it all is truth.

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