February 2016 Horoscope Scorpio

February 2016 Horoscope Scorpio

February 2016 Monthly Horoscope for Scorpio

Representatives of the zodiac sign Scorpio in February of 2016 will face a fairly curious and ambiguous situation. The fact is that the most aggressive antagonist of the current stage, Mars, will move entirely onto the side of this sign, probably because of its conventional status of the ruler of Scorpios. At the same time the assistance of Saturn will stay put, as it is Scorpios' exaltation planet, which is responsible for the blossoming of their vitality. Saturn will easily cope with the influence of Venus, responsible for the "expulsion" of the sign. But Saturn will be unable even to restrict the emanation of the Moon, which is responsible for the "fall" of Scorpios; on the one hand, it's quite amazing, but on closer inspection, it is quite natural. It is important to understand that this month you will have to constantly look back not only on your own actions, but also on those of others. You need to stay focused and alert, your instincts and reactions will play a key role in your life, so don't neglect them, and don't choose your feelings over them. Your relationship with your folks will be of great importance, especially some niceties that will accompany these relations. Be especially careful when doing things that your family definitely won't approve of. It is necessary to do the right thing, but without damaging your family hearth. This is an important point, one of the most vital in relation to this interim stage.

Work and business in February of 2016 will not bring big victories for Scorpios, although in general it will be quite a successful time. It's vital to neutralize even the slightest misunderstanding as quickly as possible, because it can be the root of the problem that will provoke or lead to conflict. You can take the most drastic measures, for Mars will help you! The Red Warrior will endow you with live excitement, energy and self-confidence. Needless to say, those who possess maximum freedom of action at work will receive far greater advantages in this case. Thus, Mars will give much more "bonuses" to professional mix-fighters than "middle-of-the-road managers". This should be your starting point while planning and making certain decisions this month. In principle, you are capable of completing any task, but there's a high probability that some deviations might occur in the course of the project; they eventually will lead to the most unpredictable, though clearly positive or at least neutral consequences. The main thing is not to doubt the path you've chosen, otherwise success will pass you by.

Your "love life" in February of 2016 will experience minimal help from Mars, but you'll hardly need it as the sly Moon will focus its influence on the area of work. This original move should seemingly give an advantage to the negatively tuned celestial object, but in reality, it will allow you to feel secure about your home. No doubt, you'll face some obstacles, but they will be caused by external factors, not your personal decisions. Now you need to be as considerate, sensitive and caring as ever, especially when your opinion contradicts the one held by the majority in your family. Avoid creating any reason for a conflict. Don't make a fuss, be open and polite. If your work requires rigidity and determination, at home you still need to be fairly diplomatic, calm and analytical. It is in your interest to refrain from offering your opinions; the best bet now is to only react to the supplied ones. Such tactics will work to your advantage and you will quickly get rid of negativity in your home.

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