January 2018 Horoscope Libra

January 2018 Horoscope Libra

January 2018 Monthly Horoscope for Libra

For Libra, January 2018 will have a whole range of excellent characteristics, which to a certain degree (or more accurately, in certain situations) contradict the general horoscope for the current period. Such a state of affairs has become possible due to the complicated combination of Saturn, Libras' planetary exultant, and Venus, the celestial ruler of your sign. However, this will not cause you difficulties or any clear negativity; your ambitions and positions may just differ significantly from the behavior of most of your acquaintances and colleagues. In this regard it must be pointed out firstly that right now you desperately need cooperation, and depending on the situation this could be friendly advice or full-blown comprehensive support from a whole group of like-minded people. How to set all of this up is another, purely personal question, which you will have to deal with independently. It's important to take steps to safeguard yourself all the time, and although in general this will be a very good time, especially for dealing with personal matters, you certainly won't be able to oppose unfavorable circumstances or pressure from the outside in every situation. In this regard you will need to have a rearguard prepared, which will rush into battle the moment you give the sign. The next key piece of advice for January 2018 flows from this - don't be lazy, devote as much time as possible to planning, and ideally you should have more than one backup plan.

As far as the sphere of finances is concerned, in this respect the first month of the year will be quite attractive and exciting for Libras, without excessive emotionality. Those Libras who have their own business can count on serious financial growth, but once again, you shouldn't rely only on yourself. If you see a real problem, don't hesitate to ask for advice, it can't hurt to ask. Especially since you will still have to make a decision, and at any moment you can act as you wish. Remember this and try to emphasize your own personal status (as it may appear to you) as little and as infrequently as possible. Be more modest, as this will be a clear bonus right now. As for those who do not work for themselves, they will have to be a bit more active. This stage of life is unlikely to stand out for exceptional dynamics, but this doesn't mean that you'll have nothing to do. Monitor your colleagues closely, especially the ones who are above you in your company's hierarchy. It is likely that you will see many interesting things, which you will later be able to use to your advantage. And there won't be anything bad about this, you won't cause anyone harm, you will just be at the right place at the right time. And the result will definitely be to your liking, exceeding all expectations.

In January 2018, the area of personal relationships could bring Libras a lot of interesting moments. It also might not, in this regard it's hard to make a definite prediction, because the position of Venus with respect to your sign will be unstable. On the one hand, it's obvious that for single Libras January will be a very good time with respect to opportunities and prospects. There is no definite guarantee that you will find your "significant other" right here and now, but if you have such a desire, its actualization won't be long in coming. The important thing is not to overdo it. This will be a good, productive time, which could also prove to be extremely favorable for Libras who have already been trying to focus on important family matters for a long time. Don't rush to deal with everything on your own, you will probably need the help of the most active participants in the conflict. Don't refuse to have a "serious discussion", even if you were caught by surprise and you are not ready to take a blow. In this regard, fortune will often play to your advantage, so in difficult times just go with the flow, and the opportunity will definitely present itself. Furthermore, in January 2018 your sign definitely must not rush anywhere at any time. Act in a measured way, and look into yourself as often as possible, because only in this event will you be able to understand why everything is happening in exactly that way, and what your place in this cycle is.

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