October 2018 Horoscope Virgo

October 2018 Horoscope Virgo

October 2018 Monthly Horoscope for Virgo

The global support of Mercury and Ceres in October 2018 will become the dominant factor that will allow Virgos to implement plans and achieve the desired results. Here, it is important to take into account the peculiarity of the period: you should trust people less, now the risk of fraud and deception is really very high, especially outside your area of competence. It would be ideal to sort out all your friends and acquaintances into categories for the sake of identifying obvious "parasites". By "parasites", we mean the type of friends who have been using you for a very long time not really giving anything back. On the other hand, the second fall month is also good for purifying yourself. Think seriously about how honest and fair you are in treating people around you. Certainly, someone deserved your recent brutal treatment (the Christian concept of "forgiveness" was not really applicable here) but in most cases we receive mostly negative reactions from other people. This reactive response is shaped by momentary impulses rather than by real feelings. Think about this, and you might be able to somehow change your attitude towards others. However, now you definitely do not need to turn into someone spineless; on the contrary, you need a strong, reliable attitude, especially in relation to work. So, do not neglect strong intuition - this period is good for mastering the art of trusting yourself.

In relation to the financial sphere, Virgos definitely need to think about some long-term opportunities or about projects that can be stretched out in time. You should not look for immediate profit in October 2018; you can spoil everything by doing this. Ask your colleagues and experts who are more competent in the matter you are looking at, and do not attempt doing anything unless you are confident in the outcome and unless the circumstances develop in your favor. Virgos with personal ventures need to look deeper into any situation that might lead them to a dead end. You need to trust people less, even to those who look like they deserve your trust. On the other hand, this does not mean that you should abandon any transactions or contracts. You can end up missing important opportunities or simply losing some current positions. Act intuitively but try to stay reasonable. Do not neglect the possibilities, but still invest substantial amounts of time and energy in protecting yourself. This is a successful but unique time, which will deny your success only if you are not ready to make important decisions. There is no special advice from the stars to those who do not have their own business. Everything will continue in a familiar rhythm, except that one of your colleagues may try stabbing you in the back. It is justified to let your response be as decisive as possible in relation to him.

As for the field of personal relations, single Virgos should be persistent and ambitious in order to attract luck to their side in October 2018. However, you should not rush into making a choice, even if fate will be especially favorable to you. The situation can still change, so stall if possible, giving yourself some breathing space, and do not get carried away (you might end up losing all your opportunities). Work like a hamster in a spinning wheel: such diligent work will bring you satisfaction, and the result of such work will not take long to show up. Be attentive to your own feelings, but do not put them above the feelings of others. A little altruism will not hurt, especially if there is a need to make up for your unkindness. Virgos with families can do whatever they want. There is no need to devote more time than normal to your family. However, you can isolate yourself if you need to. Isolation will affect you positively; even your nearest and dearest will recognize this. In general, this is a fairly positive period. It is good for solving the most important, deepest problems. You should not lie under any circumstances, even with good intentions. If you cannot tell the truth, you'll have to come up with a different solution, rather than lying. The stars can give you a clue on how to do this: there are no desperate situations, but sometimes we forget about alternative strategies. even though we used them before.

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