February 2020 Horoscope Sagittarius

February 2020 Horoscope Sagittarius

February 2020 Monthly Horoscope for Sagittarius

You haven't always known how great you are, Sagittarius, but you're getting a sense of it. It hasn't gone to your head, but you haven't known what to do with this knowledge. February is when you're going to put that knowledge to work and set the tone for the rest of the year.

This is the month where you are a shining queen on a throne, Sagittarius. February is when you are going to let your light shine for the world to see, taking in all of your splendor. Whether you believe it or not, you are a shining star this month and you need to act like it. That doesn't mean you have to become a demanding diva, being awful to everyone around you. No, quite the opposite. You're going to believe in yourself to such a degree that you'll believe you can get anything done, because you can.

Mercury is going to be playing some odd tricks on people during February. Starting around the 17th or so, it's going to begin some retrograde motion, cutting across a number of houses. This is slightly unusual and it's going to cause some chaos among some of the zodiac signs. Not with you, though, Sagittarius. You're going to treat this like the house band playing your song as you walk onto the stage. It's going to give you a rush of inspiration and power. You've no doubt had some fabulous ideas about what you might like to do with yourself in the future. Well, guess what? That future is now. It's time to give those ideas some air time.

That means it's time to cut out on your own. We certainly wouldn't advocate carelessly quitting your job, but this is the time to start making some plans for what could be your next move career-wise. You don't have to make a move soon ...it could be years from now. But now is the time to start making those plans. Do you have a side gig that could turn into a full-time gig? Is there a secret passion project that you'd love to devote your all to? Has more schooling been calling you with the promise of a big change in direction? Listen to those voices and make some choices, Sagittarius.

That much light shining on you isn't great for the skin, so make sure you take the time to also step out of that spotlight when you can. The 14th or so (Valentine's Day!) is when you need to step back, regroup a little, and have some ‘you' time. Schedule your spa day for then, call off sick to work, lay on the couch and turn the electronics off. Most importantly, get yourself to a doctor for a checkup soon. And if you've done this recently, get yourself onto that treadmill sitting in the corner. And if you've been doing THAT recently, get yourself for a brisk walk outside and shake your body up a bit. You have an obligation to yourself and your fans (yes, your fans) to be in the absolute best fighting shape for the year to come. They are looking to you to be a fierce fighter. Think Joan Collins: she's up there in years (never mind how much) but looking as glam as ever and ready to take anyone on. There's your spirit animal for the month, Sagittarius.

There's more activity in the skies that's working in your favor, Sagittarius. Venus is entering Aquarius around the 18th. What does this mean for you? It means a benevolent light is going to be shining down on you at this time like a warm bath from the stars. More materially, it means you're going to be the positive focus in a lot of people's eyes. They're going to look at you and see a warm, strong person who can get things done and that everyone can look up to. Think of it as your spotlight: it's putting you in the best possible light so that everyone can see you and they'll know you're the star. THIS is the version of a diva you're going to be this month: a star for people to look up to, not fear.

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