March 2020 Horoscope Scorpio

March 2020 Horoscope Scorpio

March 2020 Monthly Horoscope for Scorpio

The month of March, a time of opportunity and rebirth, will be a period to focus on your mental health, spiritual growth, and household affairs. Scorpio, this will be a period of domesticity and warmth, when you can more or less put your financial and work concerns on autopilot and focus like a laser on what you need to do to maintain happiness, health, beauty, and love in the most intimate areas of your life. Mercury in retrograde will effect everyone differently, but the main effect will be a difficulty getting technology to settle down and play nice, so any delicate or potentially controversial communications should be handled face to face, in person, so that you won't be bedeviled by glitches and misunderstandings. The overall forecast is good, but your career and money prospects will be effectively on ice until the end of the month.

Mentally, Scorpio, March will be a time when your post-winter gloom will lift and your spirits will be higher than they have been in recent memory. Planetary alignment at this time is centered on the bottom half of your chart, making your own initiative less effective at making changes in the world. You will have to rely on the will and cooperation of others to get anything done, and this, paradoxically, will be a relief to you. You have a stubborn streak that makes you want to take care of everything yourself, and this period will take that completely out of your hands. Give up and let someone else worry about the big stuff for a while. Strength through vulnerability is a skill, and March will be a beautiful time to practice it.

Venus enters Taurus on the 4th, meaning the 5th of March will open up a wonderful period for your romantic partnership. Eros and ardor will go hand in hand and you will be in love in a new and exciting way. This is spring, which is a time for reproduction and rebirth. Be open to the possibility of an expansion in your family. This is also a time to bond with your partner on a level that you both rarely are open to. Your layers of defenses will be down, and the movement of Venus and Vesta through the chart will make possible a type of almost mystical union for you and your partner. Take advantage of this by taking a trip to somewhere unexpected. Pay special attention to the number 22 and 23 on your travels, they are omens that you will have to interpret for good or ill on your journey.

This is also a period when you will have the option to really bond with your children. Play games, visit relatives, read books, romp around with them. You are generally fairly serious-minded, but a childish playful streak will work wonders with the children you encounter, whether your own or someone else's.

Healthwise you should avoid your usual bad habits. Caffeine and sugar will tempt you, but you should use your natural strength to resist these temptations throughout the month. By the time Mars enters the house of Aquarius on the 30th, these cravings should subside. Look after yourself in other ways by exercising perhaps a bit more than is your usual. The mornings will be extra strength as the sun draws closer to your first house. The middle of the month will a tipping point for physical strength and energy. Don't give up early on, keep pushing.

Your finances are set to take care of themselves this month, Scorpio, although some turbulence early in the month is to be expected. Don't fret. These problems will work themselves out without much intervention on your part. Be open to handing the financial reins over to someone else at this juncture and you should be well served. This is not a period to make many changes, and any big investments at this juncture would be a mistake. Gambling should also be avoided, especially until the movement of Saturn into Aquarius on the 21st. Games of chance before this time will bring you nothing but pain and disappointment.

March is a good time to spruce up your living space, Scorpio. A fresh coat of paint, a clean sweep with a new broom, even the planting of flowers around your outdoor space, these will all bring joy and clarity and help you feel more harmonious as the planets begin their shift from the bottom to the top of your chart. Your strong and idiosyncratic taste will be on full display through the time of the equinox. Pay special attention to places in your home where you don't often spend time, the forgotten nooks, crannies, and corners of your home where dust may accumulate. This is a great time to repurpose these forgotten spaces.

Overall, Scorpio, March will see you giving up a slight bit of autonomy, being more cooperative, making deep connections with your loved ones, and tidying and brightening your abode. If you keep an open and calm mind, this can be a time of great joy and contentment for you before the dog days of summer come in to shake things up again. Be happy and stay relaxed as the world flexes its muscles at you.

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