Zodiac signs Well
Monthly Horoscope for Leo

June 2021 Leo Horoscope

June is relatively the astrologically busy month with two significant retrogrades and a big old square between Saturn and Uranus. Busy and Leo usually go hand in hand, so assuming you are up for the task, here’s what to look for this month.

June’s focus is on your outer self. By that, I mean all the aspects of your life that are not necessarily directly related to your physical persona. This month is about those around you and how they influence your daily musings. You have the Mercury Retrograde happening in your 11th house of your tribes and alliances. Because of that, from the 1st to the 22nd, you may find it slightly more difficult to listen to the voice of your collective group of friends. You may try to be the center of attention and steer the ship with Mars transiting your 1st house, but June is a time to listen and go with the collective. Suppose you are one of those people who tend to spend most of the time in a conversation thinking of what you will say next. In that case, this retrograde may be here to make you practice mindful listening and support. If we drop the need to always give our opinions on a conversation, we can connect with our peers on a much deeper level. We all enjoy being listened to, so it’s essential to at least try to do the same for others. Mercury, when direct transiting through the 11th house, makes us social and chatty. Still, at this time, it’s all about creating that space for others.

The second retrograde of the month, Saturn, will be happening in your 7th house in Aquarius. Like Mercury, these speak on stepping back from the limelight for a second and letting your partners take over. The 7th house compared to the 11th, though, is much more intimate. This calls you to pay attention to those times you let your vibrant energy dim the light of others. This is not to say that you should repress your own glory, but Saturn calls you to help others around you achieve the same confidence a Leo like you has. Since Saturn also rules Capricorn (which is your 6th house), you might notice that maybe your larger-than-life attitude has become second nature to you to the point that you don’t even realize when you are overdoing it. You certainly don’t do this on purpose. Still, if this resonates with you, Saturn gives you a reminder to push others to be bolder. It isn’t your fault that some people are not as confident as you are, but wouldn’t it be nicer if they all were? You can help with that!

Like mentioned earlier, Uranus will also be square with Saturn in your 10th house. This may manifest as a sudden calling to be of service to the community. You may find that social justice calls to you more than ever, and you might even find ways to integrate that with your career. Though this sounds very noble, be on the lookout for Uranus’ erratic energy. The planet tends to deliver its blessings in the most unexpected and even chaotic ways. Be ready for change but move carefully, don’t let the excitement be the source of uncalculated moves.

The New Moon of the 10th initiating the late stages of the Mercury retrograde will bring a boost in clarity regarding your role in society. Get your pen and paper ready and prepare yourself for a surge in new ideas. In many ways, June is a preceding month for what’s coming for the rest of the year. This new cycle starting in the intellectual and social Gemini will mark the dawn of new and more mature energies as we go into the Full Moon in Capricorn. This will also be a promising time for finding people with like minds and even a common goal. If you need any help in your current projects, all you’ll have to do is look for it, and you’ll find it with surprising ease.

The Full Moon will be happening in your 6th house of labor and routine. Take the time to establish a calendar for the rest of the year. Since we’re halfway through 2021, this will be an excellent time to sit down and revise your goals and aspirations for the year. You likely are at a very different place from the beginning of the year, so adjust your vision accordingly. A wave of luck will flow towards you if you focus on taking care of those in need. The Universe wants us all to get over the dark ages we currently are in. If you allow yourself to be a part of this new movement upwards, you’ll be greatly rewarded for your service.

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Monthly Horoscope for Leo Zodiac signs Well

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