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Monthly Horoscope for Cancer

November 2021 Cancer Horoscope

Get ready for a supercharged Scorpio season. With the Scorpio stellium happening this month, Mars, Mercury, and the Sun will work under Scorpio's rules. This transit is happening in your 5th house, asking you to pay close attention to how you channel your creativity and how you entertain yourself. Many of the transits happening in this house will be pretty challenging this month. But since this is also happening in your 5th house, it's nothing that you are not used to. Actually, you may even enjoy a little bit of the drama that comes with Scorpio's constant search for the emotions that lie in the depths of our psyche. November is the time to transmute pain into glory, and Cancer is the right sign to take on that challenge.

This Mars in Scorpio will be squaring Saturn for the last time this year, who has been slowly transiting through your 8th house. This transit gathers the energy necessary to cross to the other side of immense transformations. There's a strong sense of forcefully trying to overcome barriers. Without under-selling it, this will be quite the battle. The whole world will feel like it's a warzone, but Mars transiting through your 5th house gives you the ability to run through the fields without the fear of getting hit by any bombs or bullets. The crab's hard-shell will come in handy this month as it makes you bulletproof. This will be the time to demonstrate the advanced mastery of your emotions as a sign ruled by the Moon. The 8th house also deals with other people's resources, which could indicate that people in your life could be feeling depleted at around this time. Make sure to use your natural nurturing abilities, and you may become a hero to someone for a month.

Continuing with the Scorpio theme, the New Moon in your 5th house will put a dramatic emphasis on healing as it opposes Uranus in your 11th house. Watch out for significant changes within your community during this cycle. You may be put in a position where you will have to use your creativity to adapt to these unexpected events. Making sure you are paying attention to your own needs is also very important during this cycle. Especially as you are likely to serve as your community's anchor. Be cautious with letting yourself dissolve in other people's problems. It's important and noble to be that knight in shining armour that comes to the rescue of all. Yet, if you forget to tend to your own wounds, they could aggravate in the coming month.

The Full Moon is quite the special one as it is the last Lunar Eclipse of the Gemini-Sagittarius cycle. This is the culmination of challenges with your independence that have started in the previous year. The time to visit the dark corners of your psyche is coming to an end, but that doesn't mean there isn't more work to do. Moving forward, the task will be to put all the things you learnt into practice as you redefine who you are. Gemini is a mutable sign, also brings a new sense of versatility to the table. Chances are, this cycle has challenged your definitions of who you think you are. Though this causes a little bit of an identity crisis, know that this is the end of the incessant questioning coming from the twins. The time to synthesize your inner darkness and light is here. It's time to welcome the new you with open arms.

During this Full Moon, Venus will also be trine with Uranus. This is quite an excellent transit to have with Venus going through your house of relationships. Even though she's in Capricorn's hard-working sign, posing quite a few challenges for the Goddess of Love, this makes for long-lasting love and union. This is a good time for those of you who are in a committed relationship, as things are likely to be getting more serious. Uranus brings new energies to keep things fresh and alive as well, which will make romanticism feel almost nostalgic as you revisit the first day you and your partner met. That being said, the single Cancerians can also get excited, as even though a rough eclipse, the ground will be fertile for new love to rise. Still, there's no need to actively go looking for it, as with Uranus having a hand in this transit, this will likely come from unexpected places.

The month comes to a close with quite the hopeful transit as the Sun and Mercury conjoin in Sagittarius. After a month with quite a few bumps, this is just what we need to go into the last month of the year. Mercury, being illuminated by the Sun in Sagittarius, brings the drive necessary for you to tackle your day today. This is happening in your 6th house of service and labour. This goes hand in hand with all the help you provided throughout the month, and as such, you are likely to be rewarded for your efforts. These rewards may not come in the form of material gain but of expansion and spiritual fulfillment opportunities. With Mercury being magnified at this time, your words will reach many ears, which will be inspired by your resilience.

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♋ Horoscopes for Cancer

Monthly Horoscope for Cancer Zodiac signs Well

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