February 2015 Horoscope Libra

February 2015 Horoscope Libra

February 2015 Monthly Horoscope for Libra

In February 2015, the zodiac sign of Libra will face a number of situations at once that may radically change its life. Mostly this will be connected with the fact that Saturn, the planet-exalt of Libra, will reinforce his positions due to the general position of Neptune, despite the fact that the two planets are direct antagonists. At the same time, the uniqueness of the current celestial combinations will be manifested in the fact that the Sun, responsible for the fall of Libra, will lost all of its negativity; while Mars, responsible for the expulsion of this sign, will on the contrary multiply his negative emanations. The classic position will be maintained just by Venus, which will traditionally come out in the role of the planet-ruler of the people born under this sign. As a result, the sphere of personal relationships will not bring anything foul to the Libras, on the contrary, one of the aforementioned important situations will probably occur precisely in this area of life. However, the sphere of finances and business will not be without rain and the Libras will have to apply serious effort to even stay afloat.

With that, the sphere of business in February 2015 will be rich with not only problems, but also possibilities. It is unlikely that you will be able to use all of these possibilities. Towards the start of the first ten-day period you will face a vicious resistance on behalf of your colleagues, or competitors if you run your own business. The lion's share of the problems will occur because of your past mistakes, which means that you will be able to get at least experience from an otherwise murky situation. In other words, the stars will recommend for you not to give up on your goals, despite any barriers. If you are a common employee, then do not aim to make an impression on your management, you will not be able to either way - at least not at this moment. However, the results of your work will say much more than any words or actions in the end, so nothing will go to waste. The main thing is to be careful with your health, do not let stress overpower you. Work as much as you can, but do not step over the line after which you come home and fall on the bed as a lifeless corpse. If you already notice something of the sort happening at the moment, then try to change the situation, otherwise you will have to face large problems. Maybe you should change the place where you work, as health should be a higher priority.

The sphere of personal relationship will bring you a lot of positive moments in February 2015 due to the influence of Venus. If some significant event at your job may be that you are out of work, in the sphere of feelings and emotions you will certainly gain something. Perhaps you will gain new love of a new friend, a more precise answer is not given by the stars. However, it will certainly be something on a large scale and life-defining. By the way, it is possible that the event is a birth of a new life, so if you have doubts about something - February will give you the main answer. This answer will surely be positive. Try to be as tender as possible in your relationship with your close ones. Currently, some of them will live through a more difficult period, so there is a special requirement for you to support those who are dear to you. Even if you do not consider someone's problem really worthwhile, this does not at all give you the right to make decisions for other people or to be biased towards them. You will be happy right now, but you should not give into the euphoria and dive head first into your happiness, losing touch with reality in the process. The result of such actions may be the loss of something small, but very important. Yes, sometimes the stars give murky advice - but if everything would be known ahead of time, would living be interesting? In either case, the final decision is left to you.

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Comments: February 2015 Horoscope Libra

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Susanne 2015-08-23 16:48:40
On 4th Feb. I found out my partner of 16 years had betrayed me for the last 4 years and so called friends knew all about it and laughed in my face...so much for your prediction, a load of b...ocks!
vernitia 2015-02-24 13:08:58
Could u pls tell me about my current relationship
rohit raj 2015-02-10 12:54:46
tell me about my full n final job n full n final girl friend
smita 2015-02-09 04:51:05
What are my chances in getting selexted in the recruitment drive this 20th february..?? I was born on 26th september 1992 around 2:00am
sheikh hameem 2015-02-08 03:36:46
Can u plz tell me about my exams coming on 17 may
Taruna kesar 2015-02-03 14:38:02
can.u pls tell me about my Norway embassy interview. I am just waiting for my final result.
can you pls tell it will be positive or not .
and when I will get a job?
Marina 2015-02-03 02:02:11
Oct 22 birthday.
Same with me, lots of problems with work and finance, despite efforts, I see no improvement at all. Last year and a half just terrible. Personal and family problems as well.
Victor 2015-02-01 08:56:39
Be confident and positive and you will make a success impression.
RESHMA KUSALKAR 2015-01-31 12:07:52
I have so many problems in my life i dont get success in any work.please suggest
ramesh maurya 2015-01-21 18:27:59
my interview on 2nd february 2015 . can u tell me result

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