May 2015 Horoscope Scorpio

May 2015 Horoscope Scorpio

May 2015 Monthly Horoscope for Scorpio

For the zodiac sign of Scorpio, May 2015 will be an exclusively successful and positive time. Certainly, you must act if you want something to happen, but overall the current position of the Solar System planets fully supports a positive resolution to any life situation. First, we should note Saturn, which is traditionally fulfilling the role of the planet-exalt of Scorpio, meaning that it is responsible for its life strength. Saturn, due to its general interstellar position will be significantly reinforced, which is why the life energy that he emanates towards Scorpio will also increase in intensity. Curiously, but Venus - responsible for the expulsion of this sign and the Moon (responsible for its fall) will radically change the direction of their emanations in May. The Moon will become a true ally because of its general interstellar position and combinations with other celestial bodies of the Solar System. Venus will play the role of the "celestial leader" of the Water trigon, so it would be useless to await any negativity from her. The only real enemy that the Scorpio may have will be Mars, which is usually the planet-ruler of this sign. However, the Red Warrior is unlikely to have enough energy to break through such a tremendous barrier of positive astral energy.

In terms of the direction of work, in May 2015 the sign of Scorpio may hope for all-around help and support. We are not just talking about celestial supporters. Right now your colleagues and partners will be fully on your side, so that even the smallest disagreements will be an unlikely anomaly. You should use this situation as productively as possible. You should form a foundation that will later allow you to begin implementing a long and large-scale project. For you, just like for many other zodiac signs, this month should become a true pillar, on which you can build even a skyscraper of financial wealth. That is why you should not grab everything that you can, despite the fact that towards the middle of the first ten-day period you will suddenly realize that you are capable of resolving any project and solving any task. It will truly be so, but it would be wiser to accumulate resources, prepare a powerful start - and only then act. However, this is just advice from the stars. It should be you who decides what to do with your life.

The sphere of feelings and emotions will be an even more positive sphere for the Scorpios in May 2015. Do not be afraid that the negative energy of mars may slightly break through the barriers put up by Saturn, Venus and the Moon. You will probably benefit from a drop of extreme action, a rush of adrenalin will do you good. That is because throughout the duration of the month your relationship with your lover will go as well as you ever dreamed it could go, or even better. If everything was well for you in the past, then May will become a sort of month when you cement the success. If you are alone, then you cannot find a better time to find someone new. So activate yourself, do not deny the offers made by your friends and close ones, even if these offers will seem strange or stupid to you. You are not risking anything and it would be wrong to miss the chance to really change your life for the better. In terms of your relationship with friends, you can organize some massive event, one that will surely go as well as planned and will be remembered by you and other participants for a long, long time. The main thing is to not doubt yourself.

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Comments: May 2015 Horoscope Scorpio

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Anoop Arora 2015-05-12 12:06:46
I got positive vibes and got rid off engulfing negativity and feel charged up and now can walk with brimming confidence on this knuckle duster ride of life.
Annapurna/K 2015-04-29 15:46:41
Its Looking Fantastic. Just loving this predictions.Hope It becomes real

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