
Health Horoscope 2021 for Libra

2021 🐮 Horoscope

Health 2021 Libra

Health Horoscope 2021 Libra

Horoscope 2021 for Libra Love Horoscope 2021 Libra Work Horoscope 2021 Libra Money Horoscope 2021 Libra

Have you always followed the notion that your body is a temple, Libra? Probably not, but 2021 is a different thing. Certainly, everyone slips a little, eats a whole tub of ice cream, and spends the weekend on the couch from time to time. Nothing wrong with that. What gets to be problematic is when we completely lose sight of the temple-ness of our bodies and treat it poorly in all respects. You’re most likely not that far, Libra, but we want you to work this coming year to make sure of that. You’re going to make sure you keep track of the most important feature of this physical world: your health.

Spend some time with that temple at the beginning of the 2021 year of the Ox. We want you to become acutely aware of your body in all its dimensions. In fact, you should get a new full-length mirror at the beginning of January. Do this even if you already have one. You’re going to focus in and really look at your body. What do you like? What do you not? We don’t want this to become a session of self-hate about how you look, but an opportunity for realistic assessment. And if you do find yourself hating a lot, step back, say something good about yourself, and then move onto the next step.

And that next step is an exercise program, starting in February 2021. Even if you’re itching to go in January, spend that time planning and have the real start in February. You’re going to put yourself through your paces. Enlist a professional if need be, but set something up that you can stick to. Make sure to challenge yourself. If running a mile seems impossible, set that as a goal. You want to really make yourself work. Set a big goal for yourself for the middle of March and have your activities target that. This could be a weight goal, or maybe an event like a 5K.

You deserve a treat in summer 2021, Libra. You need something you can do that is fun, healthy, and not just laying on the couch. For your health, plan a trip. Maybe you have a need to get to a beach so you can frolic in the waves? Is it time for you to get to a big, walkable city where you can spend hours walking a block to block? It doesn’t have to be a big mountain climbing trek (unless that’s something you’ve always wanted to do. In which case: do it!), but it should involve you moving around on a regular basis. We always exert more energy when we travel to new places and that’s what you want to aim for. If the summer doesn’t make this trip practical, start planning for it in the autumn, no later than late October. And if you find it’s a great experience (which you will), plan another one in November.

Did you know that some temples in this world encourage graffiti on their walls? They want people to hang out, drink, socialize, and just generally be human beings within the buildings, imperfections and all. Keep that in mind, Libra, as you might struggle to treat your body as you assume temples are treated. Turns out that sometimes the human thing to do is to eat ice cream on the couch, lazing around watching TV. If that’s “all” that your temple is about, well, you might want to adjust the balance. But remember that balance can involve multiple behaviors. Be mindful in all you do and you’ll be fine.

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