
Love Horoscope 2021 for Virgo

2021 🐮 Horoscope

Love 2021 Virgo

Love Horoscope 2021 Virgo

Horoscope 2021 for Virgo Work Horoscope 2021 Virgo Money Horoscope 2021 Virgo Health Horoscope 2021 Virgo

Ah, youth… Ahh, love… They say it’s wasted on the young, and they (whoever they are) are probably right. But you’ve got a strong emotional connection to your youth, Virgo, and that’s a very good thing to have. Youth is not wasted on the old (or older…. don't worry, we’re not calling you old) and having that connection to your youth is a good way to make sure the decisions you make are the right ones for your soul. You’re going to be listening closely to that younger self in the 2021 year, particularly when it comes to matters of the heart.

January and February are going to bring some very old stirrings inside of you. There’s going to be a resonance to older emotions related to love and relationships and it’s going to be strong. This could be triggered by anything. You might find some old pictures of people you haven’t thought of in ages. Maybe it’s just going somewhere you haven’t been for a while. Maybe it’s just a lingering smell in the air. The brain is a tricky thing. Memories can be triggered by anything along these lines. Pay attention to what gets brought up to the surface. It isn’t happening randomly. That’s your brain trying to tell you something.

And those voices from the past are going to be even louder in the spring. We all know that springtime is when love is usually in the air. Birds and the bees and all that. There’s no exception for you, Virgo. What’s going to be different is that you’re going to be pining for a love that’s much larger than one human. It’s going to extend far beyond some springtime crush. You’re hearing some other forces at this time, all at a much higher celestial level. That’s the universe wanting you to find the source of love within you and bring it out for everyone to see. That’s not something you can buy flowers for, but it is something you can pay close attention to and heed when it beckons.

All this nostalgia and looking back is going to come to a head in the autumn - the perfect time for reflection. You’re going to meet a new person or group of people in the middle of September that will completely rock your world. Prepare for your worldviews to be shaken. It’s not 100% accurate to say that you’ll fall head over heels in love, but you will become incredibly curious about this person or people. They’re going to connect with you in ways you haven’t felt in a long time. Remember how your circle of friends felt when you were much younger? That’s right: this group is going to hit the same buttons. Best of all, you really won’t have to alter much of anything about yourself now. This person or people will fit into your life like they’ve been there the whole time. It’s like they’ve been waiting for you.

That version of you from ten, twenty, or thirty years ago (or longer!) is still inside of you, helping you out with the decisions that you make. While there’s no discounting the wisdom of age, it’s worth keeping that younger version of you at hand for counsel when it comes to matters of the heart. If that makes decision making confusing, that’s okay. Confusion coming from informed sources is better than simple answers from someone who knows nothing. Trust your chorus of inner voices when it comes to love. There may not be a clear answer at all times, but the decisions you make will be informed by good sources.

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