2018 Color Horoscope for Capricorn Zodiac Sign

2018 Color Horoscope Capricorn

Capricorn Color Horoscope 2018 for the year of the Yellow Earth Dog

Capricorn's colors are black, deep brown, and dark green. The planet that rules Capricorn is Saturn, and his colors are grays and blacks. Stripes are also a feature for Saturn as they echo the symbology of the planet's rings. Stripes and pinstripes can be part of the wardrobe for Capricorn.

In 2018, Saturn is freshly entered into its own sign, Capricorn (from late December 2017), and it is home for the first time in thirty years. The ringed planet will be in its own sign for just over two years until March 2020.

This is a power placement for Saturn. Saturn in Capricorn is masterful and can achieve much. All Capricorns can benefit in this way during the time Saturn is in this cardinal earth sign. All Capricorns will feel the strong shift as their ruling planet establishes its energy level up to top performance. Saturn is well-placed in 2018, and Capricorns can do much through this energy.

The colors will be calculated for Capricorn by the condition of Saturn and its back and forth movements and the aspect contacts it has from the other planets and their energy.

January starts with Saturn well-placed in Capricorn. This is a good placement for Capricorns. As Saturn entered Capricorn late last year, the flow of energy was turned up to full for Capricorns. As the year develops, the mid-year and end of year periods will offer an explosion of ideas and challenges for Capricorns. You can choose to let this blast flow over you, or you can sit-up and take note.

Between the 12th to the 14th of January, Mercury joins Saturn in Capricorn. Wear green, black and grays now. Any business will do well and deals can be brokered at this time. You may choose to use an agent to discuss things on your behalf that would be a good move for the Saturn-ruled. A middle-man will protect your interest and create an equitable arrangement for both parties. Formal arrangements are best when Saturn and Mercury get together.

During February, April, and May, Mars will not only be conjunct but also parallel to Saturn. This is a huge energy boost for Saturn and all Capricornians will not believe how much they can achieve this year. The competition and desire to be the top dog and the all-around best will dominate.

From mid-March to the middle of May, the red planet Mars is in Capricorn and again between mid-August to mid 11th September. This will bring energy to Capricorn and add extra liveliness to your life. For the first three days of April, Mars joins Saturn, and they team in Capricorn. Wear red and grays or stripes. Mars is strong here in its sign of exaltation and will bring the heat, energy, and activity to Capricorns. Drive and action are keywords for this time. Schedule some activities to improve your life. Now is a good time to strategize and gather your troops. Planning will be everything this year for Capricornians. Much activity that will happen later in the year and some forward planning early on will help.

Saturn retrograde

On April 18th, Saturn starts its retrograde period for the year. Now definitely wear darker shades of greens, browns, and grays and blacks. Wear black underwear. This is when the headlong rush for Capricorns will be halted and you may start to wonder if you are really so outgoing as you've recently been, and whether you ought to get back to being more reserved. Your powers are strong, but you may question them now.

From August 1st, retrograde Saturn trine Uranus. This condition holds for one whole month and through the station direct until September 22nd when it is released. This means that Saturn actually stations in the trine to Uranus thus intensifying the aspect and its energy in Capricorn. Wear black and electric blue. Both Saturn and Uranus are in the earth signs of Capricorn and Taurus respectively, which provides some sensitivity and stability to this aspect. Saturn dominates the trine as it is in dignity in its own sign.

Energy is now slightly unstable, but the issues can be resolved easily. Younger people are likely to create some pleasure and interest for Capricorns now. Your genius can be stimulated and lateral thinking will come into your consciousness. Fresh ideas and theories could turn into major life plans. Uranus is placed in the creative zone for Capricorns and you can tap into this unstable energy through this long trine. This could be that year you learn to have some fun. Unexpected flirtations may catch you by surprise. Be ready for anything although that is not easy for staid Capricorn this year you will get a sneak peek of life more exciting.

On September 6th, Saturn stops again and goes directly once more. This is truly a turning point in the year for Capricorns. Now you have lived through the uncertainty of the retrograde that shows you your failings and you can confidently go forth and build a better life. You have also experienced the uniqueness that is Uranus touching your life and things will never be the same again. Your achievements will improve as the year draws on. The strength of your ruling planet is full and valid. Live this year strong and true.

On December 21st, at the solstice the Sun enters your sign and brings light to Capricorn. Wear gold and black or gold and dark stone jewelry. This is a turning point for the Sun's progress south and signals the shift of the seasons. The year ends with Capricorn in the spotlight, and many Saturn ruled people shall review the year and make plans and goals for the imminent New Year.

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Read Capricorn 2018 monthly horoscopes for the following months:

January 2018 Capricorn Horoscope February 2018 Capricorn Horoscope March 2018 Capricorn Horoscope April 2018 Capricorn Horoscope May 2018 Capricorn Horoscope June 2018 Capricorn Horoscope July 2018 Capricorn Horoscope August 2018 Capricorn Horoscope September 2018 Capricorn Horoscope October 2018 Capricorn Horoscope November 2018 Capricorn Horoscope December 2018 Capricorn Horoscope

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