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Monthly Horoscope for Gemini

January 2021 Gemini Horoscope

Gemini, it’s always good to talk with you, and this month is no exception. You’re in for a somewhat introspective, mystical time. The focus will fall on your 8th, 9th, 12th, and 3rd Houses. Transformation and reflection will be the name of the game all month long.

Starting on January 1st, Mercury sextiles Neptune giving you a nice burst of artsy inspiration and imaginative thought. Take advantage of your ruling planet’s good aspect and create something new.

On January 4th, Mercury will conjunct Pluto, making you flexible but perhaps a little unpredictable.

Things ramp up on January 6th when Mars enters Taurus in your 12th House. With Mars in its detriment, you might feel somewhat slowed down this month. Try to take it in stride. If you feel you need to dwell on secrets and past sorrows, feel free. However, remember to release yourself from the constraints you put on yourself.

Your ruling planet, Mercury, enters Aquarius in your solar 9th House on January 8th. Enjoy this combination of intellectual curiosity and profound speculation. As a Gemini, this kind of thought should be right in your wheelhouse. Seek truth and enjoy this focus on education and learning.

Feel free to plan a long trip that just might provide some answers to your introspective thoughts.

Venus will enter Capricorn on January 8th in your solar 8th House. This combination brings a joyful and yet serious bent to the House of spirituality and regeneration. Consider getting your affairs in order, looking into your ancestry, or delving into your spiritual beliefs. Venus will help you accomplish these things with grace, while Capricorn will give you the hard-working flair you need to get it done.

Mercury will conjunct Saturn on January 9th and 10th, providing you with some staying power. You might also feel stubborn or somewhat bogged down.

On January 11th, Mercury will conjunct Jupiter, allowing you to romp around intellectually. Enjoy this pleasant aspect.

Mercury will square Uranus on January 12th, bringing with it a somewhat discontented feel. The next day, Venus will trine Uranus, giving the day a romantic, artistic bent.

The New Moon in Capricorn falls in your solar 8th House Gemini. This is the perfect time to start something new. This might be the pursuit of a new spirituality. You might start to look into matters of ancestry or inheritance. You might also just feel like this is a time of true rebirth. Enjoy the New Moon and harness Capricorn’s energy to help you set goals and start making things happen.

The Sun will enter Aquarius on January 19th in your solar 9th House. Mind and body will be working together in the pursuit of further education, profound thought, or philosophical discussions. You might also begin planning a long trip and decide that it influences your identity. With Aquarius and the Sun influencing this house, you might come at these subjects with an intellectual, yet friendly, air.

The Full Moon in Leo falls in your solar 3rd House. This is a good time to balance your needs with the needs of your family. Perhaps you have been giving a lot lately. Also remember that you deserve self-confidence, and you are the true ruler of your life. Your ability to communicate this will likely be better at this time with the help of Leo in your 3rd House. Set good boundaries with your family and yourself at this time.

Your ruling planet, Mercury, will go into retrograde on January 30th. Try to get matters of communication and travel wrapped up and settled before the 30th so that you don’t have to worry about it.

Overall, this month will be an excellent time for you to be introspective and reflective. Take time to think. Detach from the earthly matters for a time and enjoy your thoughts. Also, focus on travel, and plan something fun for the future.

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♊ Horoscopes for Gemini

Monthly Horoscope for Gemini Zodiac signs Well

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