Zodiac signs Well
Monthly Horoscope for Taurus

July 2021 Taurus Horoscope

Patient and practical Bull, you are the zodiac of motherly energy and reliability. You are excellent at devoting care to your loved ones and most importantly to yourself. You are constantly trying your best to improve all the souls that cross your path, leaving them a little better than the way you met them. Taurus is the friend that you want (no, need!) and the inside “connect” to all your health and wellness needs. Because of Cancer’s slowed tempo, Taurus will feel their energy is a tad bit off. Usually, Taurus is the mother that guides the signs during debaucherous nights, but during their visit to the 4th house, they will face their own unique failures. However, it’s not of too much concern for Taurus, for your favorite activity is the betterment and improvement of your own being. Your treasure box mind of healthy practices for the spirit is thanks to years of research on your behalf. In July, look within your own heart and knowledge to bring the goddess of Venus to the stage.

The moon will rise in the phase of the Last Quarter Moon, appearing on the 1st. For Taurus, it will be a new beginning that will swipe the canvas of past-doings clean. For the responsible and stable Bull, it is a phase in which you get rid of old routines that are not suiting you in practicality. Change is the best medicine for Taurus and finding new methods that work for you is the reason you are sought after from friends when it comes to the design of the body. When the Last Quarter Moon rises, you will begin forming yourself into a new spirit from within. This may require some shedding, which is also a pleasant experience for Taurus and perfectly fine with them. Any practice that requires arduous feelings to be expressed from your spirit must be dismissed. Whether it's a morning routine, or the way you floss, whatever isn’t working for you has no place in your life after the Last Quarter Moon.

Taurus is a zodiac with a strong connection to their true self, so when Jupiter quintiles Uranus on the 3rd, they will harness their energy of self-acceptance and release it into new experiences. Take this wonderful opportunity to travel to a place that has always fascinated you and peaked the inner part of you that is endlessly curious. Taurus are very culturally versed and tolerant of others, so when they explore other cultures they absorb all the ambient love of the atmosphere with open senses. Taurus is also an excellent listener, so during the month of July visit a place that will provide you with ancient tales of time. Taurus is a zodiac that is well-traveled, having been just about everywhere; so where can they go? It’s important to understand that people, places, and things are ever changing, So an old place can once again feel new and bring satisfying experiences for the Bull. Nostalgia will also serve you during this planetary alignment, and seeking old comforts can bring you new inspiration.

But not too fast, because not everything will be daisies for Taurus living in the house of the emotional Crab. Chiron will begin its reversal of energy on the 15th, exactly two weeks from the beginning of your journey. This will come to the Taurus as a time of true evolution, so the Bull must remember that destruction always occurs before a metamorphosis. Chiron, the planet of health and wellness, is a huge influence over the health-conscience Bull. When it begins to go in reverse, the effect in Taurus is horrible...to say the least. It is possible for you to begin neglecting your healthcare routine, eat out and indulge in your cravings, or go out and heavily drink instead of releasing your energy in productive ways. Of course, it’s never a bad thing to give in to one's fun desires, but Taurus is used to a life of balance when it comes to health. They can still enjoy their yearnings without lacking in their wellness. During Chiron’s retrograde, Taurus will feel an exaggeration of self-deterioration. You can gain weight, not shower or groom yourself, eat too much or none at all, and most seriously of all: neglect all of your friends.

Your savior will come when your ruler Venus enters the territories of Virgo on the 21st. Virgo, a critical and responsible sign, will allow you to pick yourself up and gather all your messes into a cleanup bin. Venus, your goddess form, is the ruler of beauty and love. Combined with the critical and organizational tendencies of Virgo, this planetary alignment will cause the Bull to look within themselves and what they need to improve. Yes, this means classic Taurus is back! This is your absolute favorite way to spend your time. Self-improvement is your number one definition of love and it's your favorite habit to practice. Taurus has a lot of cleaning to do for their inner spirit as well as their physical form, which means getting back in the gym and eating as well as they can. Take care of your skin Taurus and let Venus absorb the nutrients of beauty sleep.

When Taurus is again at their prime, rapid and communicative Mercury will enter the savannah of Leo, giving Taurus a burst of knowledge and energy. Transcending on the 27th, it seems like the stint of your bad days is well behind you. However, the lessons your soul absorbed during that period will last you a lifetime. You now can share these ideas with your friends and inspire them to look within themselves to improve their spirit, as you typically do. Through the powers of communication and logic of Mercury, you will share your ideas with a burst of energy to anyone who will listen. It might seem a little intrusive when you tell the lady in the grocery line that you notice her hair ends could use a tonic of essential oils, but you mean well Taurus! Whenever Mercury enters Leo, Taurus will feel bold enough to proliferate their health ideas to anyone that crosses their path.

The practical Bull of divine quality and materialism, your soul seeks all that is healthy and good. Change is a positive entity in your life and you must embrace sudden turns with grace. It is important for Taurus to realize that sometimes we can break and that's fine, but as long as you pick yourself up at the end of the day is what counts. Keep evolving Taurus, your beauty and health will infuse into everything you touch.

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♉ Horoscopes for Taurus

Monthly Horoscope for Taurus Zodiac signs Well

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