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July 2021 Horoscope

July 2021 Horoscope


July 2021 Horoscope monthly Overview

The month of July is a time for the faint of heart to proceed with caution. During this 2021 celestial period, releasing planetary events will bring out emotions from the most logically-ruled zodiacs. Cancer, being the host of the 4th house, is a zodiac that is loyal, sensitive, moody, and delicate. Cancer, known as the Crab, will host all of the signs in its home and be the influencer of the atmosphere. July retains its influence on Leo especially as the season’s change in the last days of the month. Where some months of the year cultivate great change, July has a theme of balancing connections with family and yourself, putting yourself first, adopting new habits, being extremely vulnerable and sentimental, and having a piece of the spotlight.

The Last Quarter Moon will be the first planetary aspect to rise and influence the zodiacs with its power of reflection. Usually, during this moon phase’s time above the waters, it cultivates a space of contemplation. Most Zodiacs, especially fire and water signs, will desire to change themselves in productive ways and do so by releasing toxic energy from within. Jupiter quintiles Uranus on the 3rd, awakening a taste for the outdoors. Zodiacs during this period will seek adventure and travel, while more spiritual signs find discoveries in common things. Jupiter being the planet of living large and Uranus a planet with endless curiosity, the combination of such alignment will have zodiacs following their nose.

The New Moon will rise in the 4th house on the 9th and influence their child Cancer of course, but also signs that made a promise to themselves and need to put their contracts into practice. Mercury will enter Cancer on the 11th and that’s when the signs are going to begin their expulsion of emotions and burdens from deep within. Mercury being a planet of intense speed and articulate ways of speaking can influence the signs with feeling the urge to spill their linguistics all over the audience of their choice. Most zodiacs will adhere to Cancer’s influence and use this cocktail as a way to express themselves emotionally to loved ones. Pallas, daughter of Jupiter and an asteroid representing family, will enter into retrograde on the 14th and cause the signs to develop strained relationships with family. Of course, each zodiac holds the power to avoid the rays of Pallas’ light and remain safe from its foundation-destroying tendencies. On the 15th, Chiron, the ruler of health and wellness, will enter retrograde as well, and believe when I say that signs will find it difficult to live with its influence. Chiron’s retrograde can hurt the health of all the Zodiacs, especially those naturally ambitious like Taurus, Capricorn, or Virgo.

On July 17th, the First Quarter Moon will bring in a new beginning for habits instilled from the Last Quarter Moon and the New Moon. This is almost like the first checkpoint after initiating their new habits to the zodiacs, allowing them to change in positive ways.

Vesta will soon enter the 7th house of Libra and represent a time of light for the zodiacs, especially for Libra themselves. Vesta, the goddess of home-keeping will give you the strength to rise after a large blow. This will allow for the signs to pick themselves up from the knockdown of Chiron’s retrograde. Venus will follow soon after by entering Virgo on the 21st, an interesting combination of alignments. Virgo is a very dedicated person that remains the most critical sign of all, so this will touch the zodiacs by having them feel sexy, but also highly self-conscious. On the 22nd, the Sun will enter Leo and the signs will show their gleaming feathers with pride as they glisten in the sun's light. Confidence will enter the emotions of the zodiacs and allow them to be open and honest about their inner mechanisms. July 23rd rises another moon phase, the Full Moon, in Aquarius. This will mean new beginnings for the humanitarian version of the zodiacs. Where can they give back in society and how will they change not only themselves, but the world?

The zodiacs will find an easier way of idealistic expression when Mercury enters Leo on the 27th, With the confidence instilled through Leo’s influence, The zodiacs will be able to mix the intelligent and articulate Mercury into their conversations, drawing in the masses and gaining attention as only the Lion can. Jupiter will then follow with its retrograde on the 28th, performing its energy reversal in the house of Aquarius. This can cause the signs to feel extremely heavy, so rest will be needed during this time. The following day on the 29th, Mars will enter Virgo’s home and begin the fiery tension that can derive from the pits of ego-centered forces. On the 31st, Ceres will enter Gemini and bring a desire to grow for the season of the fall. Ceres, mother of the Earth, will use Gemini’s desire to create new life whether that’s within the zodiac's inner consciousness or life external from their spirit.

The Last Quarter Moon will wrap back around on the last day of July, bringing a full month to a close and a period of honesty, reflection, and change to a bittersweet end. Each zodiac will find themselves different than before, feeling a weight lifted off their shoulders from the emotional burdens of July. It is important for the zodiacs to remember that emotions are beautiful gifts that give us clarity and learning to manage them will bring us ethereal peace and self-understanding.

July 2021 Horoscope for 12 Zodiac Signs

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