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Monthly Horoscope for Scorpio

July 2021 Scorpio Horoscope

The stubborn, secretive, innovative, truth-seeking Scorpion. You are truly one of a kind. Your cunning nature is what makes your outer shell so shiny and lustrous. The divine zodiac of Scorpio dedicates themselves to passionate ventures, so during July’s emotional atmosphere, the Scorpion can fire their cannons with true meaning. A very creative soul that can be extremely mistrusting, Scorpio can at times keep their mental artifacts tightly held to their chest. This tendency to not trust others can leave Scorpio holding so many emotions and ideas that they are unwilling to share out of fear. During the month of the Crab, your emotional fears will dim and your logical rationing will come to the forefront, allowing you to finally proliferate your ideas into the world.

Scorpion, get your stinger ready. You contain the poison of wonder and knowledge.

Scorpio is a zodiac ruled by a planet whose sole purpose is to enact change and transformation. When the Last Quarter Moon rises on the 1st, the Scorpion will prepare themselves to indulge in their natural tendencies of renovation. Looking within their subconscious is always a pleasant activity for the Scorpion (as long as others don’t catch a glimpse of their vulnerability). As honest as Scorpio can be with themselves, they are justifyingly not honest with those outsides of them. The Scorpion has a slightly pessimistic vision of the world. Although they hold optimism for themselves, they don’t reserve the same feelings for the rest of society. The Scorpion is not like a Gemini in which they lie, but they do prefer a private life and to conceal their personal truths to themselves. Life for Scorpio can be tense, so allow your spirit to relax in the tranquil and emotional waters of Cancer.

One of the Scorpion’s favorite pastimes is to reflect and once they’ve taken the time to look inwards and assess their most complex issues is when they’ll be ready to take on the world once again. On the 3rd day of July, Jupiter quintiles Uranus instilling a sense of adventure in Scorpio and even deeper desire for truth-seeking. Curious Scorpion, seek out the questions you’ve asked about the Universe and plan to answer them. You can find what you seek in the home of Cancer, you just have to be willing to look. This form of searching can manifest itself into many physical forms like traveling, purposefully getting lost, or emotional connections (that is not easy for you by the way). This being the month of Cancer can definitely bring intense emotion in your daily activity so expect your passion to be at its most intense. Scorpio, the world can become your oyster, a place that is completely yours to unravel and find the gems of truth in; but you must be willing to let your passion run free and that will involve you feeling emotion.

Perhaps the energy of the Sun entering the spotlight of Leo on the 22nd will give you the confidence that you need to let emotion take the wheel and trust the world with your wonderful ideas. Scorpio, you can be quite stubborn as the Ram, yet, you are not the Ram. You are a sign that is incredibly forward-thinking, sound, and happy. You simply only rely on yourself, that’s all. Other people are out of your control and your philosophies only pertain to you, a completely understandable notion. Well, I’m here to tell you that when Leo’s, Mercury’s, and Cancer’s energies are surrounding your shell, you will open up to anyone that is willing to listen. Don’t be scared Scorpio! We are here for you. Sometimes keeping things to yourself is good, but other times it can hinder you from reaching your full potential or from letting others see you. Attention is okay Scorpio, your outer shell is shiny and people are attracted to its metallic finish.

Once Mercury goes into Leo there's literally no stopping your emotional communication in its tracks. Even the tough and secretive Scorpion will not be able to resist from running around and spewing their wanderlust ideas that are rapidly developing in their brains. Yes Scorpio, let your creations run free and don’t be shy! The world will simply be astonished at what you have to say. Remember Scorpion, you may be stubborn with yourself, but the world is ethereal and patient with you. Don’t forget how ridiculously creative you are and how huge of an asset you are to anyone in your life! Cancer’s emotional energies will fade, but the moon phase of reflection will rise again on the last day of July. You have taken a step into your own truth-seeking journey and have discovered how powerful your voice is. You have inspired others with your creativity and have broken an emotional wall that has stopped you from reaching your full potential. With August entering swiftly after, you will be prepared for life in the month of the spotlight.

Scorpion, you forget the beauties of your hard exterior and how much people admire you for your shine. It’s okay to conceal your privacy, but never your innovation. Transcend your ideas to the world and allow them to reflect the details inside your mind!

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♏ Horoscopes for Scorpio

Monthly Horoscope for Scorpio Zodiac signs Well

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