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Dream meaning

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Dream Dictionary

Dreams meaning Directory

Every dream that you observe carry spiritual and behavioral sense which is closely related to your relationships and thinking.

Dream Dictionary Door handle, Door knob

If you have a dream in which you see other parts of doors though then this might have a different meaning.

Dream Dictionary Door knock, Door key, Door locks

Doors are very important symbols in lifer and in other cases. Doors mean a lot to a lot of people and you end up seeing them all the time every day.

Dream Dictionary Doppelganger

A doppelganger is a symbol that has been around since people learned what they were.

Dream Dictionary Dogging

Dreams involved dogging in a sense of Dogging bullets mean that you are have had a lot of pressure put upon you.

Dream Dictionary Dodgeball

When it comes to dream interpretation, spots and Dodgeball symbols have to do with each other.

Dream Dictionary Dog with rabies

Dogs are creatures that you see often in your dreams because they are so common in real life.

Dream Dictionary Dog wolf

Dog wolf in a dream was not luck, there is something or someone protecting you, but who is it? The dream may tell you to investigate further.

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