2018 Horoscope for Aquarius Zodiac Sign

2018 Horoscope Aquarius

Astrology forecast for 2018, the year of the Yellow Earth Dog. 2018 Horoscope for people born under the Aquarius Zodiac sign.

Your planet Uranus is changing signs this year from Aries to Taurus and this means more change for all Aquarians. In 2018 from April onward will be a time to take your life onto a surer footing and shoring up the foundations. You will probably move home and start afresh if that is your desire.

The nagging fears that you are not good enough will continue in the back of your mind but this year the heavy planet Saturn will bring some form to any fears so you can almost see your hesitation and in doing so overcome. You will learn that there is nothing to fear except fear itself. Coupled with this, the dreamy planet Neptune is in your area related to self-worth that continues the theme of uncertainty.

For all Aquarians, the continuing presence of Pluto in your 12th house will be formalized by Saturn there for a couple of years. Over the course of the next two years, you will be able to build something of value and it may be done in private. This could mean simply being less available for all and sundry or it could imply that you will construct something through research or by spending more time immersed in books, art or in other places where collections of things happen.

Jupiter is still strong in your career zone and will provide endless opportunities but you still need to carefully decide what is the one for you. There may be more than you can deal with at once so the knack will be to choose wisely.

Jupiter will bring gravitas to your social life from November 28th, and the Christmas season promises to be lots of fun. Your social calendar will be bulging with events, openings, and escapes to be selected. Enjoy the opportunities offered and live it up at the end of the year.

The subdued planet Chiron moves into your school and study zone on April 24th. This can play out as you helping others by sharing your knowledge or you could be called to give a talk or guide others forward through your knowledge and experience. If giving advice is your habit then this will bring it forward so you can reach many more people.

On January 21st the Sun enters your sign and brings light to your life. You can stand tall and be yourself. This is always a good time for Aquarians and the energy brought this month will invigorate you for the whole year. Get out and about and live life to the full.

The solar eclipse on February 15th is in your sign of the water bearer. This brings the energy of the eclipse home for you. If your birthday is the day before or the day after it will also affect you strongly. This eclipse is at the north node and this mean you will be focused on the future and where you are going. Any people that you meet on these three days will have an impact on your life. Pay attention to casual contacts that can grow to beautiful relationships.

After the third week of March, you will be busy in and around your area. There may be short trips and errands that have to be run which will take much of your day. This is a month for small and varied events and a weekend away may break the tedium.

On April 16th, your planet Uranus is enmeshed with the New Moon in your group area. This brings a hot spot to your social life and you can expect invitations and new people to meet around that time. Aquarians typically have many friends to start with, but if truth be said, most are acquaintances.

Fun times can be had after May 22 when the Sun lights up your entertainment zone. Go to parties, sports events, and live concerts. Have exciting events and don't forget the kids as well. This is a wonderful time to spend doing creative pursuits and having thrills.

After June 21st, the tone sobers up and you can get back to work. Your daily habits will be rewarding and you will find work enjoyable. If you are thinking about changing your job this is a good time. You can also start a side job this month as well.

On July 27th, the second eclipse this year in the sign of Aquarius brings more focused energy to bear on your sign. The total lunar eclipse is more inwards looking than the earlier February eclipse. The mood is reflective and you can tap into feelings as the Moon is covered by the Earth's shadow. This is a longer lasting eclipse in time but the effects will be around six months for Aquarians. If your birthday is before the day, on the day or on the day after this eclipse you will have six months ahead of you for more inner contemplations. People from your past will come forward at the eclipse and try to influence you again. Be circumspect and choose carefully those you allow to feature in your lives. You left them in the past once before and they may not have a place in your life now.

During the four weeks from August 21st to September 21st, you will experience slowing down, and it is like the brakes are on. This is not the time to start things anew, but rather to consolidate what you have achieved and to acknowledge the progress you have made. Trim all fat now and shore up your strengths. You will know where you are strong and where you are weak. You do not have to be everything to everyone, so be one thing for yourself. Draw a line under this time and move forward lighter and leaner.

During November, your planet reverts to the previous sign for the rest of the year. This will afford you the time to reassess your life and make plans for the following year. Take this time to say good byes to people and places that no longer serve you. You know in your heart of hearts what has to be done.

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Read Aquarius 2018 monthly horoscopes for the following months:

January 2018 Aquarius Horoscope February 2018 Aquarius Horoscope March 2018 Aquarius Horoscope April 2018 Aquarius Horoscope May 2018 Aquarius Horoscope June 2018 Aquarius Horoscope July 2018 Aquarius Horoscope August 2018 Aquarius Horoscope September 2018 Aquarius Horoscope October 2018 Aquarius Horoscope November 2018 Aquarius Horoscope December 2018 Aquarius Horoscope

Comments: 2018 Horoscope Aquarius

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Adrian JC C. Mendoza 2018-04-15 17:30:45
Adrian, happy great day today...
suki 2017-07-05 17:48:59
I'm lithu thinks god all for new year has done for me understand if I go out today I can meet someone special for me today my birthday supposed to enjoy all day
Anju 2017-05-24 08:40:45
Last 6 months was terrible, full of ups and down and more of downs only, Hoping for the best in next 2018 year

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